She is charming

Chapter 232 Like Professor Song 1

On Friday morning, Ren Qiaoan dressed up carefully to make herself look like an adult who could take on major responsibilities. She reported to the National Medical University.

When we walked to the reporting hall, the instructor was already waiting at the door. When he saw her coming in, he said, "Professor Song is here this time. The hospital and other branches will listen and seize the opportunity."

In the venue for this report, there were not only Ren Qiaoan's original instructors, but also some instructors from other colleges. The number of people and the scene were both spectacular and unexpected by Ren Qiaoan.

Even Professor Song, whom she values ​​the most, is here today. He is wearing a gray suit and stands among a group of scholars. His aura that stands out from the crowd makes him stand out like a star among the crowd.

He was also surrounded by some older strangers, both Chinese and foreigners. Although Ren Qiaoan didn't know them, looking at them standing together and chatting, they seemed to be Professor Song's personal friends.

If he is a personal friend of Professor Song, the people who can be invited here are all the leading figures in the medical field.

Ren Qiaoan was energetic and stepped onto the podium to give this lecture.

The position where she is standing now is the place where Professor Song has stood countless times since he started working at the National Medical University. This position has published countless excellent papers at home and abroad, and has also witnessed Professor Song's journey from a student to a well-known doctor.

She is now standing at the starting point of Professor Song. In front of her is not only Professor Song, but also a photographer, indicating that this report will be recorded and broadcast live. As for who to watch live, Ren Qiaoan is not in the mood to think about it now.

She was thinking that one day, like Professor Song, she would have dedicated live broadcast channels from major universities in front of her, and then the whole world would be watching her.

Ren Qiaoan's report went smoothly. She was afraid that she would be nervous, and even more afraid that she would see Professor Song frowning or have a dissatisfied expression, and he would be out of breath when the time came, which would affect her state.

Therefore, she forced herself not to look in the direction of Professor Song, and instead paid more attention to the leaders of the hospital, but found Zhou Chu sitting in the row behind the leaders of the hospital.

He is different from others. He wears a very formal black tunic suit and sits upright in the crowd, as if he is attending a solemn ceremony in the workplace.

Regardless of the past, purely in terms of appearance and temperament, it can be said that Zhou Chu is the most conspicuous person in the entire venue besides Professor Song.

He is the opposite of Professor Song's scholarly temperament. He has thick eyebrows, big eyes, and bright eyes. He is full of masculinity. There is no trace of the weak look he had when he begged her to give him a chance a few days ago.

Since the last hair incident, Zhou Chu has not appeared in front of Ren Qiaoan for a whole week. Ren Qiaoan has become clean and can concentrate more on preparing report materials.

She thought he would suddenly appear one day, but instead of sitting silently in the audience watching her like now, Ren Qiaoan couldn't even figure out how Zhou Chu got in, because this scene was only open to teachers and students of the National Medical University. Open, no outside visitors allowed.

However, seeing that he was surrounded by people from the National Medical University, Ren Qiaoan thought that he must have taken the position of one of the teachers.

For the entire three hours, Zhou Chu stared at her intently, not moving at all.

Whenever the eyes of Ren Qiaoan and his met in the air, Zhou Chu would purse his lips, filled with excitement and calmness.

He didn't smile, but Ren Qiaoan could feel that he was strongly restraining his emotions, for fear that his expression would affect Ren Qiaoan's mood.

After Ren Qiaoan finished his report and was packing up his materials, he looked up and saw that Zhou Chu was no longer sitting where he was, but walked over to talk to Professor Song and the others.

He was very humble and handed over his business cards with both hands. Every time he handed over a business card, Zhou Chu would bow his head and say hello.

This was the first time Ren Qiaoan had seen Zhou Chu be so humble to someone other than her. In her impression, he had never been so humble when facing his father.

Professor Song was with his friends. Everyone had Zhou Chu’s business card in their hands. They shook hands with Zhou Chu one by one, as if they were talking about some interesting topic. Zhou Chu got into the topic within just a few sentences. The central area makes it easy to move around.

Ren Qiaoan was curious and wanted to go over and listen to what they had to say, but was stopped by the instructor and asked about the retention of manuscripts and materials.

By the time she was done, Professor Song and the others had already left. Other tutors and professors in the courtyard also left one after another, and the cameras were taken back by specialized personnel.

Ren Qiaoan had no chance to say a word to Professor Song. Only Zhou Chu and some junior students who had sneaked in remained in the venue waiting for her.

"Senior! Congratulations!" Ren Qiaoan wanted to ask Zhou Chu what he had just said to Professor Song, but before he could get there, Li Li, as the student representative arriving this time, ran over first with a bouquet of green platycodon flowers in her arms. Congratulations to Ren Qiaoan: "Sister! You are the first undergraduate among us to stand on this podium. We are all proud of you!"

Super proud.

She brought the flowers to Ren Qiaoan and said, "Congratulations, senior sister. This is a gift for you that we pooled our money together."

In front of outsiders, Ren Qiaoan was too embarrassed to refuse. After taking the bouquet of flowers, he thanked Li Li: "Thank you, I like it very much."

No one may believe it, but this is the first time she has received flowers from good intentions, not counting the previous times when Zhou Chu and Zhou Yitong plotted against her.

He has evil intentions and has ulterior motives.

Selfishly, she didn't want to accept Li Li's kindness. When Li Li helped her before, she didn't have a chance to thank her, and now she accepts her gift. Ren Qiaoan always feels bad.

He turned his head and looked at the junior students behind Li Li. They were all the people who held up banners to cheer her up when she was taking the written test, so Ren Qiaoan said, "How about I treat you to dinner?"

This can be regarded as repaying a favor, otherwise it would make Ren Qiaoan uncomfortable if he always felt that he owed them.

"Okay! We'll eat too much by then, so don't be angry." Li Li was not polite to Ren Qiao'an. College students were originally happy to see their idols, and the idol invited them to dinner, which was a good way to bring them closer together. If you have the chance, of course you should go.

The classmates behind him also nodded. At this age, college students are still not polite, so they will definitely go there if they have something to eat.

After all, if you are a foodie, you will feel sorry for yourself if you are not active in eating.

"Okay, I'll book a table. What do you want to eat? Hot pot or vegetables? Western food or Chinese food?" After Zhou Chu and Professor Song finished talking, it was time to speak on the side. He naturally took over Ren Qiaoan's arms and held him in his arms. bouquet, he plays the role of boyfriend very upright.

It's completely impossible to tell how he disappeared for a week because Ren Qiaoan caught him.

These juniors have been paying attention to Ren Qiaoan for a long time. Everyone knows the relationship between Ren Qiaoan and Zhao Wangsheng, but because Zhao Wangsheng has never met them in school, their impression of Zhao Wangsheng is just that of a childhood sweetheart. friend.

Who knew that the "mistress incident" would happen again later, which would make them know Zhou Chu a little bit. If Li Li hadn't explained in advance that Zhou Chu was not bad, the fiancée might really be a misunderstanding, and they would really despise Zhou Chu. .

Although I'm not very familiar with him now, it's at least worth a wait and see.

So now, a junior heard Zhou Chu tell about his arrangements and wanted to make things difficult for Zhou Chu. He deliberately said: "How about we go to the 'Xuehai'? Do you want to invite us to eat seafood too?"

The per capita consumption of Xuehai is among the most expensive in Beijing, and of course the taste is outstanding. You should definitely go there to eat seafood, as the categories are very complete.

However, this level of over [-] per capita is also outstanding.

The junior students deliberately made things difficult for Zhou Chu. They wanted to embarrass Zhou Chu for a while, so they changed to a restaurant with average consumption. They would not say who would take advantage of the opportunity to have a meal, it was not rare.

Who would have thought that Zhou Chu didn't even frown before he agreed: "Okay, I'll book a seat, you call a car, and we'll leave now."

The restaurant is located some distance away from the National Medical University. It will be the rush hour after work and school, and there will definitely be traffic jams on the route passing by. Now, reserve a seat and wait for them to arrive. It should be just in time for dinner.

Several classmates couldn't believe it and looked at each other. Including Zhou Chu and Ren Qiaoan, there were eleven people in total. If they went to "Xuehai" to eat, they would have to spend at least [-] yuan.

One hundred thousand is a bit too expensive, and they don't dare to go. If Zhou Chu regrets and forces them to stay in the restaurant, and the school finds out then, it's a small matter to be embarrassed. But if word spreads that they deliberately ganged up on food, being punished by the school is a big deal. .

They don't want to cast a shadow on their college career over a meal, which would really be a huge loss.

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