She is charming

Chapter 154 ACE Club

From an ordinary person's perspective, Ren Qiao An's father must love her very much because he never married again because of her.

However, when a child has to endure pressure from his parents, it does not necessarily mean that he is beaten and scolded to be called abuse.

Ren Qiaoan is not regarded as an independent person in this state. When he was a child, his father ignored him. As long as he didn't starve to death, it didn't matter whether he lived well or not.When they grow up, they are directly asked to marry and return to the family. From now on, they will be obedient housewives, eat and wait until death to raise children, without any personality or value.

But these cannot be told to outsiders. If you say it, Ren Qiaoan is being pretentious. After all, Ren Hongchen can provide her with endless money.

In Zhuge Qing’s words, this is the dream of people all over the world.

Yao and his wife were understanding people. They looked at each other and did not raise any questions about Ren Hongchen.

The person who asked them to adopt An An was her mother, but they also knew that this idea should be proposed by Ren Hongchen. The only thing Qiao Xuetong could do was to try her best to choose the best couple according to the conditions of the adoptive family.

Even if he is facing the death of his wife now, the child may not have a good life next to Ren Hongchen.

A few people chatted insignificantly. When Ren Qiaoan left, Yao Ruojun, who had been listening to them as a backdrop, took the initiative to give her a USB flash drive.

"Here, let's replenish your meeting gift."

If it were any other expensive gift, Ren Qiaoan would definitely not accept it, but it was just an inconspicuous USB flash drive, and Ren Qiaoan was still a little curious about what was inside.

"Thank you."

Taking the USB flash drive, Ren Qiaoan thanked him.

After returning home, Ren Qiaoan no longer had enough time to read the USB flash drive, so he put the USB flash drive away and prepared to read it again when he got home.

But after a brief reunion with Yao Ruojun's family at noon, Ren Qiaoan felt much happier.

During Professor Song's ward rounds in the afternoon, Ren Qiaoan took the initiative to skip Zheng Miaomiao's mother's ward and waited for Professor Song elsewhere in advance. She did not encounter Zheng Miaomiao and her daughter who were looking for trouble.

After returning home with Dr. Zhong's notes, Ren Qiaoan didn't even eat dinner. She went directly into the room and looked at the contents of the USB flash drive.

She was a little curious about what was inside. The gift given to her as a meeting gift should not be a record of Yao Ruojun's life from childhood to adulthood.

Open the USB flash drive, there is only one folder inside, and there is a string of numbers on the folder, which seems to be a date.There are many videos in the folder, and the names of the videos are also a series of numbers. If you look carefully, they are the year, month and day.

And it’s the date of these days.

Ren Qiaoan opened the video with the latest date, which was more than ten days ago.

In the video, the wall of the corridor of Song Private Hospital was shown at the beginning. Then the owner of the video did not speak. He continued to talk like this for about ten seconds. The camera panned twice and saw Professor Song walking towards him with his students. .

He seemed not to have seen the owner of the video. He walked over without squinting his eyes and with a serious face. Then the person who shot the video began to follow Professor Song at close range to "inspect the room."

The footage was very clear, every patient's condition was captured, and every word of Professor Song was very clear.

At the beginning of the video, the ward he entered was the section after the ward where Ren Qiaoan was stopped by Zheng Miaomiao.

In other words, Yao Ruojun recorded all of the second half of Professor Song's tour of the house that she missed when Zheng Miaomiao and her daughter made things difficult for her these past few days.

Ren Qiaoan was extremely happy and quickly took out his notes to watch the video.

Watching the video was much better than eavesdropping from a distance. The knowledge points Professor Song asked were likely to be the points that would be tested in the written test. The most important thing was that she could listen to the students' answers from Professor Song. , guess what kind of way he likes to answer questions, and you will definitely be able to use it in the interview.

Ren Qiaoan's eyes didn't even blink. If the alarm clock hadn't rang again and again at night, not sleeping would really affect her work status the next day. Maybe she would have had an all-nighter today.

The next day, Ren Qiaoan went downstairs with his schoolbag on his back. Zhuge Qing, who had been so busy these days and had not seen anyone around, made a rare appearance.

"Don't study hard tonight. Let's go out to play during the holiday tomorrow." Zhuge Qing said with a smile: "I finally have a holiday, so just treat it as staying with me and meeting some new friends."

"It's okay to meet new friends, but I'll make it clear in advance that I won't go to entertainment venues like bars." Ren Qiaoan made an agreement with her three chapters in advance to go out with Zhuge Qing to "see the world." This was what they had agreed on before. She had some preparations in mind.

After all, her father and Zhuge Qing's plan has not yet been fully implemented, and the "transformation" of Ren Qiaoan is only superficial.She mainly doesn't drink, so she doesn't like places where people meet too casually. She can't get the charm of the place. She always feels that the lights are too dark and the place is unfamiliar. Her personality is unsociable and unsafe.

Zhuge Qing nodded and said, "Of course I won't take you to that kind of place. We are just going to join in the fun."

Otherwise, Mr. Ren will be the first to skin him.

Since it was not that kind of place, Ren Qiaoan had no objection. The first thing he did when he went to the hospital was to find Yao Ruojun.

Yao Ruojun's condition is much better than yesterday. He also cooperated with taking medicine today. Except that the beard on his face is still a little messy, he seems to have returned to the glorious look that Ren Qiaoan saw at the beginning.

He was the "high-end version of Zhao Wangsheng" that Ren Qiaoan personally recognized at the time. He simply cleaned up a bit, and the magnanimity of his decades of life was revealed again.

"Um, thank you for recording the videos for me. Those are very useful to me." Ren Qiaoan returned the USB flash drive to Yao Ruojun and thanked him: "How can you shoot it so clearly?"

That angle of view and the clarity are just like the first layer behind Professor Song. It’s completely the effect of a follow-up shot.

Yao Ruojun also smiled enigmatically and said: "The patient's privilege."

As for what the patient's privileges were and why he could take pictures so close, Yao Ruojun didn't say, and Ren Qiaoan didn't ask any more questions. Maybe the other party really had a clever idea, but it was too confidential to tell her.

After all, the photos taken there were too direct and might have leaked the patient's privacy. It would not be good for the photographer to speak out.

Ren Qiaoan returned to his post and waited for Dr. Zhong to come over.

At noon, Ren Qiaoan did not go to Yao Ruojun's place.

Mainly because of her current status, if she was too close to Yao Ruojun, she would be afraid that someone would see her and report her, and charge her with developing a personal relationship with a patient. Then she would not be able to live with it.

After all, Zheng Miaomiao's aunt once threatened to report Ren Qiaoan, and Ren Qiaoan still remembered the incident. She was really a woman who could do such a thing.

Fortunately, it was calm all day today. Ren Qiaoan gradually adapted to the high-intensity life here, smoothed out her work content, and prepared to ask Dr. Zhong for more information next week.

Except for the fact that Ren Qiaoan had to skip the journey where she was stopped by Zheng Miaomiao's mother and daughter when secretly following Professor Song on his rounds, everything else went smoothly.

But it doesn't matter. Zheng Miaomiao's mother is recovering very well. According to the treatment plan, she will be discharged from the hospital next Tuesday.

There were only four days left in total, and Qiao An had a weekend holiday in the middle two days, so he wouldn't have to see them unless he came to the hospital.

When Ren Qiaoan came home in the afternoon, Zhuge Qing was already waiting at home. He was wearing a more formal suit. When he saw Ren Qiaoan coming back, he smiled and said, "I made a reservation. The restaurant is very exquisite. Dress more nicely today."

Ren Qiaoan understood that this was probably a "date mission" issued by her father, so she changed into a popular suspender skirt, put on light makeup that girls nowadays like, and the two of them drove out in a car.

The restaurant was indeed very high-end and exquisite, the kind of proud restaurant where one must pay attention to appearance. At the same time, the dinner was also delicious. If her father hadn't checked on her during the meal, Ren Qiaoan thought she would have had two more bites.

"Unexpectedly, after you changed into that cotton silk skirt, you turned out to be a noble young lady." Zhou Geqing looked at Ren Qiaoan. She had perfect table manners when eating, and her behavior was generous and decent. She didn't have the shabby appearance of a poor family at all. Comment: "It seems that Mr. Ren's worries are unnecessary. You are perfect."

Except for her bad taste in men, Ren Qiaoan does not need Mr. Ren's assessment in other aspects. Her knowledge is top-notch, and her behavior and education are also top-notch.

Ren Qiaoan naturally knew what Zhuge Qing meant, and smiled a little ridiculously: "Having no money does not mean being uneducated. The reason why you can't keep money in your hands is just because it has been spent on useful things, not because it has not been earned back."

It's not that she can't make money, it's just that she hasn't used a dime of the living expenses her father gave her over the years, and it costs a lot to study, so she can't keep any money.

Zhuge Qing now trusts Mr. Ren's judgment. Ren Qiao Anruo has the same temperament as him, with a prudent and well-hidden composure in strategizing. He does not show fear when facing unfamiliar environments, and he also knows how to improve in the face of adversity. In terms of her own connotation, she does have a far-reaching vision.

If Ren Qiao An gives birth to a son, he will definitely be the perfect heir to the Qiao An Group.

It was Mr. Ren who underestimated her.

After dinner, Zhuge Qing took Ren Qiaoan out to play, but it turned out to be an entertainment destination, which Ren Qiaoan did not expect.

It turned out to be the ACE Club.

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