I have been reborn, why do I still need to work?

Chapter 220 The 1st Field of Happiness

The Golden Pig turned over and continued to sleep, but his heart was full of mixed feelings.

From the beginning of the whole story, it was so firmly a "Jie Miao Party". At the beginning, it tried its best to bring them together, and in the middle it even made friends with a "comrade" like Xiao Qi. In the end, it was actually told that it was going to collapse the house?

While it was heartbroken that it had to say goodbye to Yongchun Garden where it was well-dressed and well-fed, it also hoped that all misunderstandings could be eliminated and that the two of them could rebuild their old relationship. Therefore, when Director Kong took it out of Yongchun Garden, it still had a glimmer of hope.

But what happened next really shocked her. First, she and Director Kong were imprisoned by Xiao Yijie for more than a month, and then they were arrested and threatened by Xiao Yijie, not allowed to carry out the "pacification operation". Finally, she thought she had escaped from the devil's arrest. But he was "beaten" again in this speeding car.

Ah, why is it so difficult to have a candy bar?

It rubbed its face with its cat paws in annoyance.

At this time, Ohno's robotic hand stretched out, pressed on the cat's head and stroked it gently, and rubbed the skin around its ears. The golden pig stretched out its limbs comfortably and began to purr.

This is its favorite move. Xiao Qi used this move to capture its cat's heart before.

Touching and touching, the golden pig fell asleep and murmured: "Grandpa..."

Director Kong looked lovingly at the golden pig sleeping alone in the passenger seat and said, "The little guy misses the old man."

Daye: "Does it like Xiao Qi very much?"

Director Kong: "Of course, the old man loves it very much and feeds it the best. More importantly, he spends time playing with it every day. The more time he spends with it, the more affection it will naturally develop."

Ohno: "So, for humans, spending time is more important than spending money?"

Director Kong: "That's not to say that, it should be divided into objects. Some people think companionship is important, and some people think money is important. We can't generalize."

Ohno: "Then what is important to you?"

Director Kong thought for a moment and said: "Be honest. There is no concealment or deception. Being honest will prevent me from having doubts when I face this person. Only emotions based on honesty are worth managing and cherishing. The people I treat are worthy of my trust.”

Ohno: "So, you don't trust me."

Director Kong smiled and said, "You are quite good at making connections."

Ohno: "Because when you face me, you have doubts."

Director Kong nodded: "Yes, your origin, your purpose, everything about you is a mystery to me."

Ohno: "I will try to find the answer, and I will tell you when the time comes."

Director Kong sighed: "You can throw it away! I can't get on the Internet, and I don't know who to ask. Where can you find the answer?" Daye: "Everyone must have a goal! If you have a goal, you can There is motivation to move forward.”

Director Kong: "Then come on, young man!"

Speeding all the way without stopping, when one person, one cat and one car finally arrived at Bishui City, Jin Miaomiao's flags had been planted in every corner of the Jin family.

Jin Miaomiao's announcement to the world was being broadcast live on the large outdoor screen: "Dear compatriots, all residents of the Cyber ​​Continent, when you see this live broadcast, an exciting event has happened, an event that represents the broadest A new realm of residents was born. Maybe you once called this place the Kim Consortium, but I want to say that it won’t happen anymore.”

Hearing this, the venue was in an uproar.

What does it mean that it will never happen again?

Everyone looked at the woman on the podium blankly.

"Since the birth of mankind, the Cyber ​​Continent has experienced slavery, feudalism and capitalist systems. Although productivity has continued to advance, technology has continued to advance, and the total assets of society have continued to increase, these advances have not benefited all human beings. . We see that there is always a group of people in society who use the most advanced technology and enjoy the most luxurious life, but what they do has nothing to do with labor. The reason why they have the highest treatment is simply because Origin, because of the blood flowing in my body.”

Hearing this, the audience was indignant.

Who said no!
How many of those people who drive luxury cars on the streets and those who show off their wealth in various media have really worked hard on their own step by step?
"Of course, some people will feel that this is what they should enjoy. After all, their grandparents and fathers have worked hard and shed blood and sweat. They enjoy the wealth left by their grandfathers and stand on the platform accumulated by their ancestors. Naturally, they deserve it. We have all the glory in front of us. But I want to say that the blood and sweat of our ancestors should not be the reason for you to block the development opportunities of others. I have never objected to parents building a higher starting point for future generations, but I am opposed to building a higher starting point for myself and future generations. All monopolies carried out on a high platform include but are not limited to the monopoly of knowledge, monopoly of information, and monopoly of resources."

"It's like a family finally found a water source and blocked the waterway in order to keep it forever. While they have a pond, people downstream can no longer drink the water. . This kind of development is not the development of all mankind, but the development of this family. If this result goes to the extreme, people all over the world will die of thirst and only this family will survive. In the end, this family will also become extinct, because They will no longer be able to reproduce, which will be the end of the entire human race."

"However, the family who blocked the water source will naturally not feel that they are the sinners of all mankind. They will feel that they just want to leave more water for their children and never thought of cutting off the water supply of all mankind. Finally. But aren’t all tragedies slowly accumulated from these self-righteous ‘just’ things? The water source blocked by this family, the land occupied by that family, each family has some ability or has done something wrong. The lucky people are doing this, and the world’s resources are slowly being divided up, and the remaining people are just waiting to die?”

Jin Miaomiao explained the complicated truth so straightforwardly that everyone, whether they had attended school or not, understood it. The audience burst into warm applause and echoes, and many people shed tears unconsciously.

Finally, someone spoke out about their difficulties!

Who is born and wants to lie down and wait to die?

Who has not struggled and struggled in a difficult environment?

But the process of struggle is too hard, and the results of struggle are too meager!
Looking at the so-called direct descendants of the conglomerates standing in the cornucopia of resources, how many grassroots civilians have doubts about the meaning of life and the value of struggle.

What's the point of trying hard?
After all your hard work, are you still being squeezed by these vampires like blood bags?

No matter how hard you grind your teeth, it can't compare to being reincarnated into a conglomerate family.

But it is obvious that these sufferings are caused by these consortiums monopolizing all development opportunities!

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