Jin Miaomiao didn't know when this robot was completed.

After Song Wei left, she settled the issue of the soldiers and arranged the Beast Legion, then fell into a long sleep. She didn't know how long she slept.

In her sleep, she walked with Song Wei on the bank of a river for a long time.

Song Wei always had a smile on his face but said nothing.

When we reached the end of the river, a huge cliff appeared. The rushing river lost support on the edge of the cliff and rumbled down, falling into a bottomless waterfall.

Jin Miaomiao held Song Wei to prevent him from moving forward, but he did not stop.

Jin Miaomiao knew that he was leaving.

She waved at his back.

Death is the end, but it is also the beginning.

Although she was reluctant to let him leave, since the journey of life was irreversible, instead of feeling sad and mournful, she would rather wave her hand and wish him a safe journey.

"Please move forward with peace of mind. I will try my best to protect everything you leave behind, and I will also take good care of myself so as not to worry you."

He didn't look back, walked forward step by step, and finally jumped at the end of the cliff.

That leap did not make him fall. Instead, it turned into countless golden lights and sprinkled into the sky, as if responding to her, illuminating the way forward with warm and dazzling golden light.

Jin Miaomiao was so fascinated by the sight that she took a few steps forward in the direction of the light spot, but her foot slipped and she fell into the water.

The feeling of choking came over again, and Kong Qingqiu's life flooded into his mind.

The surrounding water flow did not lift her up as she remembered. She seemed to have fallen into the void and continued to fall, chasing into the farmland cultivated by Tang Wan.

In that thin field, she worked diligently and without complaint, but in the end her family was ruined and everything was ruined.

The moment the sickle pierced her neck, she fell to the ground, but instead of falling on the hard ground, she continued to fall, and finally fell onto a lawn.

Open your eyes and look, this is actually a world of treasures!
Jin Miaomiao: "Why did I come back here?"

Treasure Book World:

[Cause and effect circulate, life is also death, and death is also life.it's time. 】

A huge force sucked her into the ancient house and entered the door of memory that she had closed with her own hands.

Could it be that Baoshu Tiandi feels that he can bear all the memories of the past?
Before she had time to think about it, she crashed into a cloud of smoke...

In the haze, she found herself transformed into a little sparrow that had broken out of its shell. Her strong hunger made her keep begging for food. The male and female birds took turns returning to the nest to feed, and the brothers and sisters born in the same nest around her were pushing and shoving each other. Squeezing together, she felt full and warm.

However, after a storm, the bird's nest overturned and she fell into the mud.

The brothers and sisters around him were rolling in the mud and neighing. The male and female birds didn't know what kind of trouble they had encountered, and they didn't return for a long time.

In the end, she ended her short life in hunger and cold, and returned to chaos.

When she woke up again, she became a calf in the field. When she was very young, she began to accompany the cow to dig soil in the field.

Day after day, year after year, she grew up and the cow grew old.

One day, the cow disappeared and she was left alone in the cowshed. From then on, she completed the task of plowing the fields alone.

Soon, she also had a calf of her own. She took the calf to the field and taught it to dig the soil.

Day after day, year after year, the calf gradually grows up and she gets older.When she was too old to plow, the farmer took her to the slaughterhouse, and when the butcher's sharp knife cut her throat, she realized where the cow had gone.

Tears and blood blurred her vision, and she slowly closed her eyes in pain.

When she opened her eyes again, she turned into a mayfly again.

She broke out of a tiny insect egg, fell into the warm spring water and drifted with the current, sucking whatever she caught, and gradually transformed into wings as the water washed them over and over again. When the wings were fully grown, she transformed into Became an elf with a light body.

Tails grow out of her abdomen, dancing with the blowing air. Her wings are thin and transparent, and they can dance with the breeze with just a slight vibration.

What also changed was her mouthparts.

To be precise, her life support system.

They gradually faded as she changed and matured, eventually disappearing without a trace.

From the moment the transformation was completed, she knew that she would only have a few hours left to live.

From then on, she did not drink or eat, just for the last dance.

She relied on the energy she had accumulated before her transformation to maintain her final life.

Find a male mayfly, flying and mating in the air.

Then, the exhausted male mayfly falls back to the surface and slowly dies.

With a natural sense of mission, she fell back to the edge of the pool, laid the fertilized eggs into the water, and then fell on the water, ending her short life.

A mayfly lives in one lifetime.

She felt her spirit withdraw from Mayfly's body, and she looked at the hollowed-out body like an outsider.

Her spirit continued to rise, and she saw that next to the mayfly's body, the fertilized eggs that had fallen into the water were beating slowly. The flickering light inside indicated that new life was gestating and growing.

Life is also death, and death is also life.

Her spirit continued to rise, and the originally boundless pool gradually became smaller. She saw a small transparent fish swimming by, swallowing the mayfly's body and many fertilized eggs into its belly.

Her vision gradually broadened as her spirit rose, and the transparent fish gradually became blurry. She saw the grass beside the pond, the dense forest outside the grass, the mountain peaks where the dense forests are located, the land where the mountain peaks are located, and the ocean surrounding the land...

Everything in front of her was rapidly getting smaller and farther away. She passed through the clouds, penetrated the blue sky, and rose into the vast eternal night. Everything in front of her was condensed into a slowly rotating blue planet. It gradually became smaller and farther away. Merging into many dim planets.

Around these planets, there are countless mayfly-like spaceships. They dig out the resources on these dim planets bit by bit, and then move them back to their own small ponds.

She saw the sun, which was like a huge fireball, emitting eternal light and heat, shining on the endless void.

As her spirit continued to rise, the sun gradually became smaller and farther away, and merged into many brilliant stars. They rotated and collapsed around a black center. This scene actually reminded her of the scene when the water in the sink at home flows into the sewer.

The spirit continued to rise, and the rotating galaxy finally merged into the vast nebula, becoming part of another larger galaxy, continuing to rotate and collapse around the black center.

In this process of continuous rising and converging, the originally huge stars became small as the distance rapidly widened, and then reflected each other in the smallness, and finally formed a huge network.

This network is like the spreading roots of plants and the densely woven capillaries of animals.

The spirit continues to rise until this big net becomes a glimmer of light in the eternal dark night, until everything disappears...

When Jin Miaomiao woke up again, he was lying on the grass in Baoshu World.

She unconsciously recited a poem: "Sending mayflies to heaven and earth is a drop in the vast ocean."

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