I have been reborn, why do I still need to work?

Chapter 139 Qin Wan and Zhang Lizhang

So, he dreamed of his first life with Jin Miaomiao again.

That's where their story begins.

In that life, she was an ordinary peasant woman named Qin Wan. Her ancestors had been farmers and weavers for generations. Because she was born at night, she was given this cheap name.

Qin Wan, like her parents, is plain in appearance and uneducated, but has a simple and kind heart and a pair of hard-working hands.

Qin Wan has a cousin who is one year older than her. The two families live close to each other and often help each other with farm work, so she and her cousin have been raised together since childhood.

The two little children are not much different in age. They eat together, sleep together, and play together. The adults often joke that when they grow up, they will get married.

The adults' jokes caused ripples of ignorance in the children's hearts. Although they didn't know what marriage was, they regarded each other as a different existence from others.

Xiao Yijie was that cousin. He was called Zhang Lijie in that life. His name came from his father, who had little education and hoped that he would learn etiquette through reading.

Zhang Lijie lived up to his expectations and showed a learning ability like a child prodigy since he was a child. He recited an entire "On the Passage of Qin" after playing outside the scholar's house for a few days. Everyone who listened to it was amazed.

The old father felt that the child was a gift from God, so he worked hard and saved money for him to attend the scholar's school.

Zhang Liji was extremely talented and studied hard, so he obtained the honors early. However, his family was poor and he could not get an important position, so he was given a small official position and sent to work everywhere.

He and Qin Wan had been fond of each other since childhood. After getting an official position, he rejected the wealthy family who came to recruit a son-in-law and married Qin Wan, his childhood sweetheart.

Qin Wan's family was naturally happy, but Zhang Lijie's father gradually felt that Qin Wan was not worthy of his son and made things difficult for Qin Wan.

Zhang Lijie wanted to take Qin Wan with him, but Qin Wan was grateful for Zhang Lijie's persistence and insisted on farming and raising children in his hometown to help Zhang Lijie honor his parents.

The impoverished Zhang Lijie could not let his parents live a nurturing life in his hometown, nor could he take the whole family with him to travel to the ends of the earth, so he could only accept Qin Wan's suggestion.

The two were separated from each other from then on, and could only see each other during the New Year's Day throughout the year. If Zhang Lijie still encountered something and couldn't leave at that time, he would have to wait another year.

They usually only communicated by letters, and Qin Wan was illiterate, so he had to ask the village scholar to write for him. In front of others, he couldn't say many personal things.

Later, the two finally had a son. Zhang Lijie was very happy and once again applied for transfer back to his hometown with his immediate boss.

But there was no way he could get what he wanted because he had no power. Letters requesting transfers were never answered, and government orders for dispatches were never interrupted.

Zhang Lijie could not take care of the family, so his children and parents were left to Qin Wan to take care of him alone.

She is diligent and never complains. Whenever she writes, she only talks about how good the harvest is at home, how loving her parents are, and how filial her children are.

But every time Zhang Liji returned home, he would find that Qin Wan was a little older and his hands and feet were a little rough. However, the barn at home was getting more and more abundant, his parents were in good health, and his son was also strong and lively.

The child inherited Zhang Liji's talent for reading and was able to recite "Spring and Autumn" backwards and forwards in the first year of his apprenticeship.More importantly, under Qin Wan's care, the child was extremely filial and sensible. He not only helped Qin Wan take care of the elderly, but also cared for Qin Wan. The five-character quatrain he wrote in the book "A Mother's Heart" "Not only did many scholars cry after reading it, but even the white people on the roadside could understand the admiration in the poem. It was once popular in the poetry world at that time.

What's valuable is that this child is not arrogant. Like his father, he studied diligently and became an official when he grew up.

At this time, Zhang Lijie was still clean and tidy, but he was an honest and people-oriented official. Everywhere he went, he would solve problems and clear checkpoints for the local people. Although he could not achieve political integrity, he had solved many unjust, false and wrong cases. Leave a good name wherever you go.

The father is capable and the son is talented. The two fathers and sons were officials in the same court, and they were both in the limelight for a while.

Everyone praised Qin Wan for his great virtues in his life. In this life, he not only became the wife of an old man, but also the mother of a young man.

But Zhang Lijie felt that it was actually because of his great virtues in his previous life that he was able to meet such a good wife in this life. She devoted everything to him without reservation, so that he had no worries and also raised such an excellent son for himself.

However, if a tree is more beautiful than a forest, the wind will destroy it.

The fame of the Zhang family and his son has attracted countless jealousies and suspicions.

What do you mean the breeze with two sleeves?How can you raise such talented children without money?How can you win over so many people's hearts without money?

Suspicion turned into a series of impeachments, jealousy turned into a stone that fell into the well. The Zhang family father and son, who had no backers, were imprisoned, and unfounded charges were slapped on their heads one after another.

Qin Wan, with her face turned to the earth and her back to the sky, was still in the joy of being a "father and son", but the team that ransacked her home had already kicked down the door of her simple home.

The robber-like officials confiscated all the property she had worked hard to save all her life. Her elderly parents-in-law could not bear the fright, so they both returned home not long after the confiscation, leaving Qin Wan to face the wind, frost, rain and snow alone.

Zhang Lijie heard from a friend who visited him that Qin Wan dragged his sick body around and begged for help in order to redress the grievances of the father and son.However, her knowledge was limited and she did not understand the twists and turns in the court. She was defrauded of all the money she had and was almost deceived into selling her life.

Zhang Liji begged his friend to help him save his wife, but the friend said, "It's okay to save your wife, but you and your son must plead guilty."

Zhang Lijie always upheld fairness and justice in his heart. He was upright and could not accept the suggestion of this "friend" and broke up with him.

This "friend" kept up his efforts and went to his son to reiterate Qin Wan's tragic experience and the solution of "please plead guilty".

Zhang Lijie's son was eager to protect his mother. He nodded and admitted the crime, and was sentenced to be chopped in half on the spot.

Zhang Lijie's last bottom line was completely defeated. All the fairness and justice in his heart turned into hatred, and all the words in his heart turned into abuse. He scolded the fatuous king for failing to govern the country well, and scolded the shameless villain for harming Zhongliang. After the scolding, he actually vomited blood. , died suddenly on the spot.

After learning the bad news, Qin Wan was devastated and wiped his neck with a sickle while working for his master's family.

The ordinary family that was about to survive was shattered into pieces by the numbness of the superiors and the suspicion of the fellow travelers.

Zhang Lijie sank into the endless darkness with his obsession and grief. When he woke up again, he came to a world called "Aura Continent".

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