People in Xinghua Village were jealous and envious when they saw the Shen family's prosperity and growing family business. However, more people wanted to come to Yueya Village to find some work.

The Shen family still pays the workers who work temporarily, or delivers the finished goods, and keeps what is needed, paying on the spot.

On the twenty-seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, we were supposed to go to the big market, but in the end, these people took all their things to Yueya Village. Some people from several nearby villages brought home-picked mountain bacon, or old eggs and hens, and they were also supposed to go there. I went to town, but ended up here.

So on this day, a long open-air market was opened on the main road of Crescent Village.

There are also many people in the Shen family, including hunters who have not come down from the mountain, plus people from nearby villages. Even Zhou Laidi and the others came after hearing the news.

In addition to those setting up stalls, there are also those selling refreshments.

They all carried burdens and put the cakes on the boxes and cages.

Grandma Shen took Liu Xiaowang with one hand and straddled the basket with the other hand, and went to the market early in the morning.

"It's convenient to have the market at your doorstep. Look how lively it is."

Grandma Liu followed behind with a walking stick, her smile a little forced, "Yes! Our place is becoming more and more popular, and it's all thanks to the second girl."

Grandma Shen touched the purse on her waist and said, "Let's go, sister, I'll take you for a walk to see if there's anything good to eat or drink. My granddaughter gave me a bag of pocket money, which is enough for us to spend." .”

Grandma Liu looked at the bulging little purse and was filled with envy.

But soon, Granny Shen also stuffed one into her.


"My granddaughter said, after all the hard work, why don't you bring any money and don't care about what to buy? You just want to have fun. Just treat it as accompanying me. We will buy some snacks for Xiao Wangduo later."

"This isn't appropriate. I have money. I have it." Grandma Liu trembled and tried to take out her purse from her arms. There was a blackened ingot of silver hidden there, as well as a new ingot and a dozen more. The copper plate was given to her by her son before he left.

Granny Shen became impatient with her verbosity, "Just think it's your son's gift. Take it quickly, hey! Look what's being sold over there."

Granny Shen made excuses to run away, and Granny Liu had no choice but to take the purse. She opened it and saw that it was actually just a packet of copper coins, enough for her grandson to buy snacks.

Liu Xiaowang has been poor since he was a child and has never been out on the street a few times. Even if he was rushed, he would not dare to open his mouth to buy something. He is very sensible and has been holding on to the corner of his grandma's clothes tightly. He did not dare to leave even half a step because grandma said , there are people on the street.

"Xiaowang, be good, grandma will take you to buy delicious and fun things. Our Xiaowang can buy whatever he wants." Grandma Liu is not in good health, and she has eaten well at Shen's house recently, and the kang is also available. It was warm, so she felt better, but it was definitely not as good as Granny Shen who walked with wind in her eyes.

Liu Xiaowang blinked his innocent big eyes, "Grandma, can I have it?"

Grandma Liu touched her grandson's little face distressedly, "Of course."

"Then I want that candy man and Zhang Fei."

"Okay, grandma will buy it for you."

Shen Hui didn't want to go at first, but Xu Lu came over coquettishly, saying that she had just received her monthly payment and wanted to take her to buy some things that her daughter's family liked to express her gratitude, thanking her for making shoes for herself.

Some words don’t need to be said clearly.

Shen Hui gave the shoes and he accepted them. He came back and invited Shen Hui to go shopping. If Shen Hui agreed, their affairs would basically be settled. When he came, Shen Hui was cleaning the house, and Shen Qing was sitting under the window sill reading a book. She finally had some free time. She was not interested in shopping, so she might as well pass the time with a book.

Shen Hui couldn't make up her mind, so she looked at her sister, and Xu Lu also looked at her nervously.

Shen Qing put down the book without getting off the kang. He put his hands on the kang table and looked at him with bright eyes, "Mr. Xu, aren't you afraid that when you accompany my sister in front of people, you won't be able to keep it off your face if you hear some gossip?"

This is also what worries her the most. Scholars care about face. Xu Lu is fine in other aspects, but she has a bit of sourness.

When Shen Hui heard the question raised by her sister, the shyness on her face disappeared. yes! How could she forget the gossip outside? If Xu Lu starts to regret and feel embarrassed after getting married, what should she do by then?

Xu Lu knew in her heart that this was Shen Qing's test for him. "In just a few decades of life, there are a few people who completely follow the rules and do not cross the rules. It's just that they hide their dirty and dirty sides. I just want the world to know. The second girl also knows about my life experience. I have been without a father since I was a child. My mother raised me alone. She is a widow. She earns some money to buy food by washing and sewing for others in the town. You know How many rumors have they made up? When I was young, I was often beaten severely by the neighbor's children. They called me a wild child without a father, and called my mother a shameless bitch. So... I may be weak in appearance. Some, but I only know that I will never let the elder girl suffer again, so please rest assured, second girl!"

He cupped his hands and gave Shen Qing a deep bow.

Shen Hui's eyes filled with tears when she heard this. She was a soft-hearted person, so how could she hear such a tragic life experience.

Shen Qing, on the other hand, is much calmer. There are all kinds of suffering in this world, and she cannot empathize with other people's suffering.

"Mr. Xu, I heard what you said and I have remembered it. Today you go shopping in a shopping mall, so you can face the rumors. When you come back, tell me your thoughts. Sister, go ahead!"

"Okay, I'll get my purse."

"No need, I brought the money." Xu Lu quickly stopped.

Shen Hui hesitated, then looked at her sister. Shen Qing smiled and said, "The monthly payment I offer to Mr. Xu is quite large. Besides, he can feed himself and the whole family is not hungry. What are you afraid of?"

"Don't talk nonsense."

Shen Hui blushed and followed Xu Lu out.

Luo Qin flashed out of the window, "I'm going to look for Xiaowang. There are many people and there are many eyes. His grandma doesn't have a good eye, so don't let others take advantage of her."

Shen Qing said slowly: "Hey! If you care about him so much, then go on the radio and shout a few times outside to tell the people who come to the market to take care of their children. You also have to tell our people and tell them to do the same. Pay attention, Ren Yazi’s eyes are easy to recognize, this market is in front of our house, if something happens, they will definitely find trouble with us first."

Luo Qin's mouth twitched, "Is it necessary?" She was just making an excuse.

"You heard me right, go ahead!"


After she left, Liuye made an appointment with Fan Cuicui early in the morning, and Mrs. Fan grabbed Mr. Fan and went shopping with her.

So now the house is deserted and desolate.

Shen Qing looked at the empty room and sighed, no wonder people say it's cold at high places. The higher you stand, the lonelier you feel.

If it were before, Fan Cuicui would definitely drag her to the market, but not now.

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