Make a lot of money!I got rich in the year of famine

Chapter 394: Having unwanted thoughts

He was also very annoyed. Zhou Laidi kept nagging in his ears these days, saying that he should be verbose during the day and before going to bed at night.

Today, she finally came to her niece's house for a visit, and the whole family got together. It was good for her, and it started again. This bitch couldn't do it without fighting.

Granny Shen originally wanted to scold him, but when she heard her son say that he wanted to divorce his wife, her heart skipped a beat. Knowing that something bad was going to happen, she hurriedly beat him a few times, "You are talking nonsense again. The child is already so old. Why don't you just divorce? Get out of here." Go aside!"

But it doesn’t work!

Zhou Laidi was stunned for a moment, then suddenly sat down on the ground, slapping her thighs and crying.

Over and over again, she kept saying the same words. She felt that she was dedicated to her children and this family, but her man didn't understand her, and instead scolded her. She died unjustly.

When Shen Changfu saw that she was disobeying the discipline and was crying and screaming, he suddenly became angry and picked up the broomstick on the side and tried to swing it at her.

Granny Shen had to stop her with all her strength, and Shen Hui also had to stop her, but she was angry and didn't stop her with all her strength, just pretending.

Shen Yan also wanted to rush in and start a fight, but someone stopped her. She turned around and saw that it was her husband. She thought it was Shen Qing!

"Why are you pulling me? I want to go find my mother."

Wang Tiejun not only refused to let go, but also pulled her to the main room, "I heard what they were arguing about. Dad did the right thing. He should take care of it when it's time to take care of it. If the house is not peaceful, something will happen, and you are not allowed to go." , Don’t worry! As long as grandma is here, nothing will happen to my mother.”

Shen Yan was stunned, "You, you actually said such things, that's my mother, Shen Qing, it's all your fault!" She suddenly saw Shen Qing and immediately pointed the finger at her.

Shen Qing was annoyed by Zhou Laidi's quarrel, but she was an elder and could not be beaten or scolded. She could only let her second uncle deal with it, but it was really annoying to keep quarreling like this.

"Why do you blame me? It's not like I asked your father to beat your mother." Shen Qing would not spoil her just because she brought her husband to the house for the first time!

"You, what are you talking about! My father is not because of you, otherwise he can do something to my mother?"

"Ha! According to what you mean, I should do what your mother said and leave all the property I earn to your family. Then she will be happy and happy and stop arguing, right?"

"I didn't mean that."

"Then why are you arguing with me here?"

"Aren't you going to break up the fight? My father listens to you the most."

"Ha! Stop wearing such a high hat on me, Wang Tiejun, and keep an eye on your wife. Don't make me angry, or I'll beat you up too."

Unexpectedly, Wang Tiejun responded with a smile, "No, no, don't worry."

"Wang Tiejun!"

"Daughter-in-law, I spend my own money and earn my own money. I always worry about other people's property. If word spreads, people will laugh at me for not having the ability. You should also have a good talk with your mother. It won't be good for anyone if this situation continues."

Shen Yan lost a lot of her arrogance, "But my mother refuses to listen to me."

Shen Qing looked at Wang Tiejun with admiration. After he came in, he only showed a strange look in his eyes, but he was not greedy for possession. As for whether he told the truth, it was unknown.

Luo Qin would not get involved in this kind of family affairs, and neither would Chu Yuming. Other servants would not get involved without Shen Qing's instructions.

Shen Feng took Xiao Hei out to play, which was also a way to escape.

In the end, Shen Changfu failed to fight and was pushed out by Granny Shen.

But Zhou Laidi was stimulated and chased her out with disheveled hair and a look as if she was going to fight someone. But after looking around for a while, she finally focused on Shen Qing. “I blame you!”

"Blame me?" Shen Qing looked amused. She no longer felt angry, only speechless.

"Yes, I blame you, you are the cause of the disaster..." Zhou Laidi probably felt that it was far-fetched. After scolding her, she was speechless and could only sit back on the ground and howl.

The scratched fingernail marks on Shen Changfu's face looked pitiful, but also funny.

Shen Qing rubbed his temples and said, "Grandma, is the meal ready?"

"Oh, okay, okay, do you want to eat now?"

"Put the food on the table! I have something else to do! Second uncle and the others have to go home in a hurry after they finish eating."

"Okay, Yan'er, come and help grandma serve the food."

"Don't you have a maid?" Shen Yan saw Liu Ye and Luo Qin standing nearby, and felt that her grandma was also poor and didn't know how to handle the servants.

When Liu Ye heard Shen Yan order her, she quickly got into the kitchen to help, but Luo Qin didn't move.

Wang Tiejun said with a smile: "I'll serve the food too."

"Oh, I don't need you. Go and sit in the hall. Changfu, take your son-in-law to the hall. It's your first time back at my uncle's house. How can I let you do anything?"

"Tie Jun, come here! The kitchen is a woman's place."

"It's okay, we are all a family, not outsiders."

The more he behaves like this, the more Granny Shen likes her.

Shen Qing walked quietly to her sister, winked at her, and whispered: "It seems that the person Shen Yan found is not bad."

Shen Hui smiled and said, "As long as she lives a good life, that's it. Qing'er, don't argue with the second aunt. She is just that kind of person. When my mother was alive, she was always making trouble. She has not done anything in these years. Change, we don’t have many relatives left, we can’t offend everyone.”

She was thinking further. When her sister gets married in the future, her mother's family cannot be too small or too deserted.

Besides, grandma is still alive. If the noise is too fierce, will she feel better? After all, her father is gone, and she only has one son, her second uncle. Even though she is scolding him fiercely now, she still feels sorry for her second uncle's family.

It's just that she made her posture look good to appease the two young ladies. I really thought she was going to change her daughter-in-law!

Shen Qing coughed twice and cleared his throat. Some words must be said clearly to prevent anyone from having unwanted thoughts.

"Second aunt!"

"Huh? What's wrong?" Zhou Laidi was tired of crying now, and seeing no one to help her, she was wondering if she should find a way to come down by herself. She was used to making trouble, and it seemed like she would feel uncomfortable if she didn't make a scene.

"Second Aunt, it seems that I have never said who I want to share the family property with, right? To be selfish, I earned these. I can give them to whomever I want, and take them wherever I want. Even my sister doesn’t have the right to say anything wrong about me, and you don’t even have the right.”

"No, you kid..."

"Second aunt is wrong again. I am a child, but not your child. We have separated from my father a long time ago. The branches and leaves are spread out. Everyone is good or bad according to his own ability. If I can't survive, I won't turn around and ask you for help. With one mouthful of food to eat, I will prepare a generous dowry for my sister when she gets married. She doesn’t know how to do business and is timid. Having more money may not necessarily be a good thing." At this point, she looked at Shen Hui, the latter nodded, she didn't care about money. (End of chapter)

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