As soon as these words came out, the three members of the Huang family were all stunned as if struck by lightning.

Huang Xin was the first to come to her senses. She jumped up and rushed towards Huo Yunzhou like crazy.

"You want to poison me, you bastard, country bumpkin, stinky soldier, who are you? If my brother hadn't promoted you, you would still be lighting the fire in the kitchen!"

When Huo Yunzhou first came here, he did serve as a gang leader. He had no power or influence, so no one would notice you.

It was a normal thing originally, but when it came to Huang Xin's mouth, it sounded so unpleasant.

Huo Yunzhou's face darkened and he kicked her away.

Huang Xin is such a cute girl, even Hong Bajin can't stand the strength of his legs, let alone her.

"Pfft!" He held his stomach and vomited a mouthful of blood. He screamed in pain and fear.

Mrs. Huang cried and rushed to her daughter, "My son, how are you? Your third brother just left. Nothing will happen to you. Huo Yunzhou, how can you hit someone!"

Mr. Huang did not move, his eyes were deep, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Huo Yunzhou found it funny, "Your daughter stole people behind my back. If it hadn't been for this fire, maybe she would even be a bastard in a few days. Are you saying that I shouldn't hit people? Okay, very good, then let me Everyone in Yancheng knows what your family is raising!"

Mrs. Huang choked, and then said after a while: "We are embarrassed, don't you be ashamed? How can you behave in the army?"

"It doesn't bother Madam. There's no reason for me to wear a cuckold, and I have to cover it up."


"Mom, my heart hurts so much... I don't want to die." Thinking of Huo Yunzhou's tone when he asked her to die, she felt chills all over her body. These were not a couple, they were clearly more enemies than enemies.

"Master!" Mrs. Huang could only ask her husband for help.

Mr. Huang was very calm, "What is the second way you mentioned?"

Huo Yunzhou smiled, "The second way is that I can take her back, or I can pretend that this incident never happened and we are still in-laws..."

Hearing this, Huang Xin felt happy and thought she was fine.

Mrs. Huang breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly: "That's the best thing to do. She is still young. She just needs to correct her mistakes when she makes them. Don't worry, good son-in-law. I will teach her well in the future and let her be a qualified good wife and good husband." mother."

But Mr. Huang's face became more solemn. If it could be so simple, it wouldn't be like this, so he waited quietly for the next step.

Huo Yunzhou's lips curved into a sarcastic smile, "Madam, don't worry, just listen to what I have to say."


Huang Xin huddled in her mother's arms, trembling uneasily. She was not stupid. She could feel that Huo Yunzhou hated her to the core and could not let her go. Therefore, what he did not finish later was definitely not a good thing.

"She can go back with me, but she is no longer a young lady of the Huang family. She can only be locked up. From now on, she can no longer appear in front of outsiders. I will tell outsiders that she is sick, very sick, and you can't Go see her again, do you understand?"

Mrs. Huang's heart skipped a beat, as if she had fallen into an abyss, "You, are you going to put her under house arrest and turn her into a living dead?" They say long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, so this second way is far better than the short-term pain. The first path is scarier.

Huang Xin suddenly started to tremble, "I don't want it, I don't want to go back with him, dad, mom, save me, save me!" She burst into tears and threw herself into her mother's arms, holding her tightly.

Mr. Huang closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes had become firm, "Then what if I let you live together!"

All three sons were dead. Even if his daughter made a huge mistake, he still wanted to keep her. The worst he could do was go home with Li and find someone with no foundation for her in the future. At least he would be easier to handle than Huo Yunzhou.

Huo Yunzhou smiled, spread his long legs, leaned forward, put an elbow on his knee, and stared at Mr. Huang playfully, "What do you mean by the old marquis? Are you going to let everyone in Yancheng... You know that I, Huo Yunzhou, am an ungrateful and unsentimental person. I have to cut off contact with the Huang family just after the general died. How can this happen? I am not that kind of person, so the only two paths you can choose are the two I mentioned. strip."

Mr. Huang finally got angry and slapped the table, "Huo Yunzhou! Don't go too far. Even if my son is at fault, you are also at fault. If you want to explain it, we will explain it to you. But we can only make peace with each other. Otherwise, we will explain it to you." , Don’t even think about it, it’s not your turn to cover the sky with one hand in Yancheng!”

"Papa!" Huo Yunzhou stood up and applauded him, "Well said, as expected of someone who has been in the army for decades, but I have another old saying for you, a person who is better than a person is better than a person. To the emperor and his courtiers, here comes someone!”

Shi Dali had been standing outside the door. Hearing his order, he suddenly waved and gestured to the people outside.


The collision of armor and the sound of uniform footsteps. Upon hearing this movement, Mr. Huang's expression changed.

In the blink of an eye, two groups of soldiers, totaling a hundred people, stood in the Huang family yard.

Huo Yunzhou said with his hands behind his back: "When a person dies, the light goes out. If I die one day, it will be the same. Leading troops to fight is like this. Besides, we are soldiers of the Northern Xia and not soldiers of the Huang family. Naturally, we must obey According to the imperial court's order, the emperor's rewards and titles for the Huang family will be issued soon, and then you, the old man, can enjoy your old age in peace."

Mr. Huang understands what he means. This is a clear and unequivocal message to him. Once Huang Yun dies, your support in Yancheng will be gone. It is best to obey and stop resisting.

The old man closed his eyes, then opened them and looked at his daughter.

Huang Xin understood what he meant, and shrank in her mother's arms in fear, shaking her head desperately.

Huo Yunzhou finally took her away. She was tied up, gagged and pushed into a carriage. Not a single servant of the Huang family was brought with her. Only two stout women brought by Huo Yunzhou followed the carriage.

Mrs. Huang cried so hard that she was ordered to be locked up in the courtyard by Mr. Huang and would not be released.

He asked people to give Hong Bajin and Huang Mama to Huo Yunzhou for him to deal with.

The old man also figured it out. No matter how much he loved his daughter, he couldn't take risks with the Huang family. He would have to choose two concubines to send over later.

Now is the time to hire people. He is a military general. After he retires, he has no say in the court. If he wants to continue the glory of the Huang family, he has to rely on Huo Yunzhou.

Furthermore, he comes from a grassroots background and has no family roots. If he can be won over, it will be of great benefit to the Huang family. Who knows that his daughter will not fight, alas!

Huo Yunzhou was riding on a horse, looking at the two people who were tied and kneeling on the ground with a calm expression. He raised his whip and pointed it at Hong Bajin, "break his tendons and hamstrings and throw him into the street, and she broke his legs, Throw her out of the city and let her die on her own."

The most cruel punishment is not beheading or poisoned wine, but torture.

In the ice and snow, those who were driven out had nowhere to go and had no choice but to wait to freeze to death.

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