What's even more frightening is that instead of one pot, three or four pots are frying at the same time.

Although the people in the caravan had eaten it once, it was impossible for more than 100 people to have eaten it. Only a few of them had tasted it, and the others had only smelled it and thought it was too smelly and had no appetite or thoughts.

But in order to dissipate the smell, Zhao Jue ordered the waiter to pour the fried stinky tofu with chili sauce and bring it to everyone to try.

"Ouch! It stinks! My toilet is not as smelly as it! Is it really edible?"

"It does stink, worse than my feet. Will it cause stomach upset if I eat this?"

"That's right! If you get a stomachache, it's no joke."

Anyone who has tried it knows how terrible it is to have a stomachache in the wilderness.

The butt spindle has to be dealt with here.

The guys could only advise, "Of course you can eat it. We tasted it a few days ago. Although it is smelly, it tastes absolutely delicious when you put it in your mouth."

"That's right, it smells bad and tastes delicious, you'll know after you try it."

In fact, they don't need to waste any time. When the northwest wind blows, everyone will shiver with cold. For the sake of those chili sauces, they have to try it.

After trying it, you can figure out the taste.

“Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, this tastes amazing.”

“It’s really special and tastes pretty good.”

"Little Sanzi, do you have any more? Give me a few more."

The guy went to get it again with great pain.

In an instant, the stench permeated the entire caravan.

Zhao Jue found a high place to stand on and scanned the camp and its surroundings.

With the cover of the stench, it was like a layer of protection for their caravan.

Of course, it may not be able to hide the sense of smell of wild wolves, but it will definitely interfere with them.

On a hillside three miles away, a group of wild wolves gathered together, led by the first wolf. They originally smelled the scent of humans and planned to ambush, but the sudden stench made them lose their direction.

The alpha wolf distinguished carefully in the cold wind, but the smell was too strong.

They finally followed the smell and got close to a mile away, but they got confused again.

If they could talk, they would definitely complain, which is stinkier than their feces, and as wolves, they are also very picky about food.

At this time, five miles away from the downwind of the caravan, there was also a group of people, also moving forward in the wind and snow.

Suddenly, the man at the front, wearing armor, gloves, and a mask, stopped, clenched his fists and raised his hands.

One movement made the people behind stop.

"Commander, what's wrong?"

The man said in a deep voice: "Don't you smell it?"

"I smell it, it's very smelly, like, like the latrines in our camp." He originally said it looked like a dead corpse, but dead corpses didn't seem to be that smelly.

Another subordinate said strangely: "It stands to reason that even if there is a latrine, the smell cannot escape."

In the wilderness, if you want to poop, just find a place and dig a hole.

In less than two days, the smell will be absorbed by nature and there will be no smell.

The man from before suddenly thought of something, "It must be the poison sent by the enemy envoy. Everyone, please hold your breath." After saying that, he wanted to remind the commander, but saw him staring at the direction of the wind in a daze, "Boss, what are you... "

Huo Yunzhou frowned, "It's not poison. Don't disturb the morale of the army here. Come with me."

"Boss, that's not right! Not far ahead is Qifeng Ridge. What if there is an ambush? The man named Qiu has been guarding there!" "Yes, yes! Otherwise, we should wait until dawn before going, but it's just a There are no important people in the caravan.”

Huo Yunzhou paid no attention to him, took the lead and ran away.

The people behind had no choice but to organize their team and follow them.

In the caravan, even Luo Qin ate a few pieces of stinky tofu, and because they were all gathered around the fire, the smell of oil smoke and stench stuck to their bodies, and even their hair smelled of stinky tofu. She finished eating , when he lowered his head and smelled himself, he was disgusted to death.

Shen Qing laughed on the side, "You are a typical person. You burn bridges across rivers, but you still think it smells bad after you eat it."

Luo Qin said with a dark face, "It smells bad, it doesn't mean it tastes good just because I like to eat it."

"Another fallacy."

Luo Qin curled his lips and refused to comment.

She was about to add firewood to the fire when she suddenly stopped and looked to the north in a trance.

Shen Qing asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Luo Qin looked serious, "Someone is coming over there."

"Human? Not a wolf?"

Luo Qin shook his head, "I heard the sound of horse hooves."

Shen Qing stood up abruptly and stared at the north.

But in the dark area, where the fire can't shine, it's still dark.

But soon, several of the escorts in the caravan stood up and looked to the north at the same time.

Zhao Jue and Zhao Shan picked up the guy. Zhao Jue put two fingers in his mouth and whistled.

For a moment, everyone moved.

Those who copied things were copied, and those who collected things collected things. Although the atmosphere was tense, it was orderly.

The Zhao brothers lowered their heads and said something, and then Zhao Ye turned around and walked towards Shen Qing.

"My brother said that the people coming are most likely the local garrison, our Northern Xia army. Don't be afraid. I'll just give you some benefits later."

Shen Qing was confused, when did she say that she was afraid.

However, people's kindness is still important.

After Zhao Shan finished speaking, he walked back, as if he came just to say this.

Returning to his brother, Zhao Jue said with some helplessness: "Since you are worried, why don't you tell me yourself and let me pass on the message."

Zhao Jue shook the knife in his hand, "Who said I was worried? I was just worried that she would be too panicked and cause trouble for us."

Zhao Shan sneered, "Brother, just like it if you like it. I'm not laughing at you, so why are you denying it?"

Zhao Jue suddenly blushed and argued forcefully: "What do you like? Stop making such nonsense. How old is she and how old am I? Besides, I have a wife."

Seeing that there was still time, Zhao Shan finally couldn't hold it in anymore and had to say something. "Brother, I wanted to say it a long time ago. Is your daughter-in-law also called daughter-in-law? I didn't see her say that." After a few words, people who didn't know thought she was mute and was lukewarm towards you. She acted as if our family owed her tens of thousands of taels of silver. Tell the truth, you and her have been married for more than a year. How many times have you slept together?”

Zhao Jue clenched the handle of the knife with both hands and glared at his brother, "Don't speak ill of your sister-in-law behind her back. She feels wronged, and you don't know about it." Let him count how many times he slept with her, two times or three times. .

The number of days he stayed at home in a year could be counted on ten fingers.Even if you stay at home, facing such a dead fish face, you will still have no interest.

It's okay not to mention this issue, but when it comes to it, Zhao Chang can't control his temper at all.

"What grievance? She has grievances, so don't blame them on you! You are also a victim, okay? She insisted on promoting the marriage between our two families and insisted on marrying her daughter to our family. What does she have to do with us? If they are bloody, they will threaten each other with death. They will not express any opinions before getting married. After getting married, they will look like they are half dead. Who can see it!" (End of this chapter)

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