Huo Lin was looking for bowls and chopsticks, so he got a pair of chopsticks for him. The two of them squatted beside the pot, boiling the vegetables and eating at the same time.

After two mouthfuls, I was so hot that I was sweating profusely, and I was so satisfied.

Zhao Jue knew that this would not work, so he turned around and asked Shen Qing, "We are most taboo about eating alone when we go out to sell goods. How much hot pot ingredients did you bring? Can you sell it to me?"

Shen Qing smiled and said, "If you want it, I'll give you some. We don't have any friendship at all. Let's just talk about money."

Shen Qing took him to the carriage, lifted up an oilcloth, and underneath was a bamboo basket.

Each piece of hot pot base is wrapped in vegetable leaves, palm-sized, and fills two full baskets.

Zhao Jue took a breath, "You brought so many?"

"Hey! If you hadn't said that the car couldn't fit in the car, I could have brought more." In order to cook these hot pot ingredients, she and her sister stayed up all night.

This formula is absolutely the highest level of confidentiality.

Zhao Jue smiled, "Okay! It seems that the business you have to do is quite complex." Zhao Jue took some, gave them to the cooks, told them how to make them, and then returned to Shen Qing.

Seeing Shen Qing scalding vermicelli in the pot, he knew that this stuff was also produced by the Shen family.

After thinking for a while, he said: "In the future, I will take over this trade route at the border. What do you think?"

Shen Qing smiled and did not answer.

"What on earth are you thinking? Tell me!" Zhao Jue was anxious. He felt that Shen Qing was full of treasures, but if this treasure fell into the hands of others, it would definitely be a huge blow to him. , so he must keep this treasure in his own hands at all costs.

Shen Qing listened to the north wind blowing outside and wrapped himself in a cloak. "I want to open a shop in Yancheng. From now on, I will sell my goods myself, but the transportation will be handed over to your Zhao family. How about that?"

Zhao Jue looked at her and remained silent for half the meal.

In the end, he could only raise his thumb to her and said, "You are amazing!"

Shen Qing laughed, "Our family will only produce more and more things in the future. I need a site, so our two families should cooperate!"

Zhao Jue thought for a moment, "Let's wait until we return to discuss it!" Who knows if anything will go wrong in the middle.

"It's true. The plan can never keep up with the changes, and I'm afraid it won't be peaceful."

"A crow's mouth! Don't say this again in the future." Zhao Jue is still very taboo, and those who sell goods are most afraid of encountering the robbery.

They have two hands, one pair of legs, and a machete in their hands to fight with your life.

But what about you!You have to take care of goods and people, and it’s very troublesome to have your hands tied. In many cases, you can only spend money to eliminate disasters.

After walking for five days, the further north we went, the colder the weather became and the snow became heavier.

Shen Qing rubbed the back of his hands. His hands and feet had become hot while sleeping at night, and they were always itchy, as if he was about to get frostbite.

Luo Qin frowned when he saw her rubbing her hands, "How about I find you some medicine!"

Shen Qing looked at the vast white field outside and shook his head, "When I was a child, my hands and feet would freeze every winter. When I come to the border this year, I will definitely not be able to escape. Forget it, how long until we get there?"

"I heard from Zhao Jue that if nothing else happens, it will be about six days later, but we seem to be crossing the river and we don't know what the conditions are like on the river, so we can only guess for the time being."

Shen Qing was sitting in a carriage, her buttocks were swollen, and she was stuck in the carriage all day, unable to do anything but sleep, which made her feel that time passed so slowly that it seemed like seconds passed by.

On this next trip, she took Luo Qin and Huo Lin with her, while Shen Qi stayed at home. Fan Xiaoshan originally wanted to follow, but she thought twice and refused. She didn't want to provoke Pan Feng again.

I can’t bring edamame with me, and there are a lot of things at home.

After much calculation, I took Shen Wu with me.

He is older than Maodou and looks very honest.This time she put her life on the line and had absolute trust in the Zhao brothers.

"By the way, you said you were looking for a senior brother to come over and be my nurse, but there has been no news." She suddenly remembered this matter.

Luo Qin counted on his fingers, "It will take at least two days to deliver the letter. It may not be delivered to my senior brother. Even if it is delivered, it will take time for senior brother to come, right? What if he goes to Yueya Village and sees us leaving? Now, do we still have to chase him along the road?"

In general, even she doesn't know whether her senior brother can do it or not. It all depends on God's will.

Shen Qing had no choice but to pray that there would be no mistakes along the way.

But as the New Year is approaching, those who can't celebrate the New Year have to go out and buy some New Year's goods.

The young robber, seeing their formation, did not dare to act rashly.

Only medium and large groups dare to plan against them.

After walking for about seven or eight days, Shen Qing was tired of eating hot pot.

The journey was uneventful, and the further north we went, the more shocking the snow scenery became.

She looked at the scenery and drank the freshly brewed hot tea, feeling extremely comfortable.

However, Zhao Shan came to pour cold water on her, saying that the more they relaxed their vigilance, the more likely things would happen, so they should not sleep too much at night.

Because the team was too long, when marching, one of the brothers had to lead the team and the other held the team at the back.

On this day, they were passing through a mountain col called Qifengling.

Zhao Jue saw the cliffs on both sides and felt something was not good. He urged the leading man to hurry up and drive the carriage. They had to rush out as soon as possible.

The convoy picked up speed, and the people on the carriage had to hold on to something to avoid being thrown away.

There were also many escorts running behind the carriage.

The bodyguards are also raised by the Zhao family. They are armed, while the men are moved and carried. The division of labor is different, but if danger comes, they must take up arms, otherwise the goods will be robbed and no one will be able to pay.

Shen Qing was sitting in the carriage, being shaken this way and that, and his head hit the wall of the carriage several times.

Luo Qin had already sat in front, took the whip from the coachman's hand, stood up, waved the whip, and shouted, urging the horses to rush out.

Suddenly, the carriage in front stopped. Fortunately, she reacted quickly and pulled the reins in time. Even so, the horse still hit the carriage in front.

Just listen to the horse screaming and raising its hooves.

"Hey! Hey!" Luo Qin had no choice but to jump off the carriage, use all his strength to hold the reins, and at the same time shouted into the carriage, "Come here and help!"

Shen Qing didn't care to count the number of times he hit his head. He climbed out using his hands and feet and fell off the carriage again.

The ground was full of gravel, and there was a sharp pain. She raised her hand and saw that the palm of her hand was pricked.

But she couldn't care less. She got up, rushed to Luo Qin, pulled the reins, and wanted to hang her whole body on it. After a lot of effort, the two of them finally stabilized the horse. Her carriage was already there. At the end of the team, before they had time to react, others were not so lucky.

Less than half of the more than 100 carriages fell down, and some of the cargo was dumped and fell to the ground, exposed.

Most of what the Zhao family transported on this trip was salt, cotton, cotton cloth, and some small department stores. In short, they were not big items.

It's not a big deal if it falls down, just put it back on again.

It didn't matter if the carriage broke down. These accidents were all expected by them, so they brought all the tools and spare wheels. It was easier to do things with more people.

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