When she heard her master calling her, she quickly wiped her hands on her apron, called her daughter, and came to the main room to reply, "Girl, are you calling us?"

Shen Qing asked: "Since you took over the kitchen, have you all remembered how much our family has spent on the kitchen?"

Fan Cuicui immediately answered: "I have a small book, I remember it all! Let me calculate it for you! Our family spent more than half a month on rice and grain, a total of 13 taels and four dollars, this is what we spent on buying it back Yes, of course I haven’t finished eating yet. I spent 30 taels and [-] taels on meat, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, and other miscellaneous things. Anyway, [-] taels went out. Girl, I think our family needs to save money next month. Expenses, otherwise it would be too much.”

This amount of money is enough for ordinary people to live on for several years.

If it was left at their house, her mother would have to save it and save it for other uses.

Shen Qing nodded and asked Xu Lu, "Sir, do you think this is small money?"

Xu Lu looked ashamed, "I'm just stupid."

"I don't have to find fault with you, I just want you to know that there is nothing trivial in my account, and I am not afraid of making fun of you first. What I earn is small money, and I use my small money to make a big difference. Others may look at me inconspicuously, but I don't know how many skills there are. She paused for a moment and then said: "I think your husband stayed at home to settle accounts, and some of his talents were overused. I said before that when I got rich, I wanted to open a school. To put it more simply, it would be a school for the children in the village to learn crafts." Wherever you go, whether it’s reading and literacy, carpentry, cooking, butchering, masonry, blacksmithing, masonry, as long as you can earn a living, you can do it.”

Xu Lu was so shocked that she could hardly close her jaw, "What you're talking about is too many and too complicated. To be honest, if you study too much, you won't be good at it. The same goes for opening a school. It's better to just concentrate on the same thing. As for learning, For crafts, you can definitely find craftsmen with good skills as apprentices. Another point is that learning crafts also requires talent. Not everyone is suitable for a certain line of work. Your teaching like spreading a net is not very good."

What he said was already very tactful, if it were to be said harshly.

It's just that you are too whimsical, your brain is full of water, and you have too much money to burn.

His words made Shen Qing look at him in a different light. She originally thought that he would only flatter her and say nice things to please her!
Shen Qi pulled Zhong Ling outside, and the two of them stood guard at the door. The door was open, otherwise it would not be nice if a man and a woman were alone in the same room.

After a brief silence, Xu Lu probably realized what she had said, and tried hard to think of something to make up for, "We need to do a few things. In addition to reading and literacy, we also choose a few crafts and let them decide which one to learn. Treat it as a hobby. If someone wants to make a living from it, they can continue to study. Of course, the school must hire a famous master to teach."

Shen Qing smiled, "It's not called a school, it's called an academy. All children in Zhuangzi can enter school when they are six years old. The school starts on the first day of September every year and recruits new students. One semester is three months. There is a winter vacation in winter, and students enter the school in early February of the following year. The semester is also three months, using the boarding system, and all children are managed by the school..."

"Wait, please speak slowly, I'll take some paper and take notes." Xu Lu didn't bring a pen and paper, so in a panic, Shen Qi brought it to him.

After getting paper and pen, he began to write furiously.

"...Enrollment at the age of six is ​​only for children from the village?"

"Of course, I'm not a bad person. I only take a little care from the children in my village. Just so you know, this is definitely a loss-making business. What I want is to cultivate talents. When they grow up, they will be better. It is for my use. Only by making up for the tuition fees for these years can I leave Zhuangzi and find another way to make a living."

She thought about it. If everything was free, it might attract jealousy and jealousy from many people. More importantly, free things might end up being good intentions and doing bad things, causing resentment and greed.

Xu Lu held the tip of the pen and praised: "This method is very novel and can avoid a lot of unnecessary troubles, but the tuition fee must be clearly marked in order to avoid unclear explanation in the future." "Pop!" Shen Qing snapped his fingers. , "That's right, you are responsible for formulating the specific standards."

"Only boys?"

"Girls can also be admitted, but they have to be separated and another girls' school can be opened. The scale can be smaller." There are probably not many girls who dare to send their girls to school. "Learn some female embroidery workers and hire some female masters to teach them individually." , the other rules are the same, but you don’t have to accept the nuptials from the girls at all, just let the family send some rice for them to eat.”

Xu Lu couldn't figure it out, "Even if it is to train talents for your Zhuangzi, the investment is too much, right? You must know that once the school is opened, the money will flow out like water. What if... you feel distressed by then, or I have no money, what should I do?”

Shen Qing thought for a while, "There is no money for the land. The house will be built at once. Other expenses, including the monthly salary of the masters, the children's food, clothing, housing and transportation, and other expenses, add up to 500 taels to 1000 taels a year. That's about it." Bar?"

"Okay, it seems bad, almost." Xu Lu started to stutter again. He thought to himself, this little girl has such a loud voice. Does she think that 1000 taels is not much?
Shen Qing said: "Don't worry, after next year, these will be just small amounts of money, not nothing."

The corner of Xu Lu's mouth twitched, "Haha, if you say it doesn't count, then it doesn't count!"

Shen Qing knew he didn't believe it, but that wasn't important. "Let's draw up the charter first. The house opposite was given to me by someone else. I can change it first and use it as a school. Then according to the number of students, every ten people will be invited." A mother-in-law is responsible for cooking and cleaning, and you take care of everything in life."

"You, you want me to be the dean?" Xu Lu's chin was shaking with excitement.

Shen Qing rolled his eyes, "What else? Do you think I'm bored and talking to you about this nonsense?"

The pen in Xu Lu's hand was almost broken by him, "I'm afraid I won't be able to do it."

"Arrange courses and life matters. We will recruit some people first in the spring of next year, at most twenty or thirty. We will expand after you find a way. Please let me think about it slowly. There are still some details that need to be perfected."

I don't think there will be many people there.

Xu Lu nodded, "Okay, then I'll go back and think about it to see if there's anything I need to add."

"Mr. Xu's monthly money..."

"No, no, no, if we don't talk about money now, it would be tacky to talk about it. This is education. I think it's more interesting than getting fame and being an official, so money is not important. I don't have many material needs anyway."

Shen Qing thought for a while, "Then I will send someone to take care of you? For example, he can help you wash clothes, fold quilts, etc. If you don't want to come over for dinner, you can also ask someone to bring it to you."

Xu Lu still shook her head, "I'm used to being alone. Besides, I live alone and don't have much to do. Girls don't have to worry about it."

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