The two of them were hiding next to a rockery, but they didn't know there was someone on the other side of the rockery.

He felt uncomfortable due to the medicinal fumes in the room, so he came out to get some fresh air, and unexpectedly got an unexpected reward.

She felt happy when she thought of her mother-in-law being so angry with Shen Qing that she wanted to kill someone. But the person she found to do this was really unbearable, so it seemed that she had to take action.

In the autumn afternoon, the sun is bright and dazzling, but the temperature is very suitable.

Shen Qi was in charge of driving the carriage, Luo Qin was leaning in the carriage, folding his arms to relax, and Shen Qing was sleeping in the carriage.

The first place they wanted to go was Wangjiazhuang. It took about half an hour to walk and was a bit far away. This was something she didn't like very much.

Because it was Wangjiazhuang, he took Wang Wu with him. He sat next to Shen Qi and showed him the way.

Half an hour later, the carriage entered Zhuangzi. Looking around, the fields were bare. The first season of rice had been harvested, but the next season had not been sown.

Rice production here is low, but the price is high.

According to Wang Wu, there are not many paddy fields here that can grow rice. Others are planted with corn, peanuts, soybeans, and in winter, wheat or rapeseed.

Because it is planted in two seasons, the ground needs to be fertilized.

The several ponds on Zhuangzi are used to dig silt to fertilize the fields in autumn.

But this year is obviously different. Zhuangzi has changed hands. The tenants are squatting in front of their houses, and some are squatting in the fields.

Seeing a carriage entering Zhuangzi, everyone couldn't help but crane their necks to take a look.

These are extraordinary times, and the slightest disturbance can stimulate their nerves.

The style of Wangjiazhuang is no different from that of an ordinary village, except that the land here does not belong to individuals. It used to belong to the Sun family, but now it belongs to her.

The house in Zhuangtou is easy to find. It is right in the middle of Zhuangzi. It has the highest terrain, the best location, and the largest and most magnificent house.

Before they even arrived, they saw a row of strong men squatting at the door, all staring at them with unkind eyes.

The old man sitting on a rocking chair must be Sun Xingwang, the steward of Wangjiazhuang.

As soon as Wang Wu saw him, his anger level skyrocketed, and even his hands holding the reins tightened.

Shen Qi and Luo Qin jumped out of the carriage one after another. Shen Qing came out last and stood on the ground, reaching out and stroking his hair. He was disturbed by his sleep just now.

A row of men sat against the wall opposite and didn't move. Sun Xingwang just opened his eyelids and glanced at them, then continued to fall asleep.

Shen Qing found it interesting and made a gesture to Wang Wu. Wang Wu understood and stepped forward while holding back his anger, "Uncle Sun, the new owner is here."

Sun Xingwang still had a lazy look. He twitched his mustache at the corner of his mouth, opened his eyes again, and looked at Shen Qing wantonly. How can I put this look in his eyes? It was like evaluating a commodity, which made the person looking at it very uncomfortable. .

"Oh? The new owner? Who is it? Do you have the land deed? Where is the person who handed over the title to the Sun family? You can't just talk in vain, just say it! There are a lot of scammers these days!"

Shen Qing smiled and didn't rush forward. He folded his arms and leaned on the carriage, waiting to watch the show.

If she didn't move, Luo Qin wouldn't move either, watching the show in exactly the same posture as her.

After what happened to He, she had to admit that her gratitude to Shen Qing had risen to another level.In the past, I only thought that after repaying her kindness, I could leave without any distractions.

But now it seems that this debt is getting bigger and bigger. It can't be finished in a year and a half, and it can't be withdrawn.

Occasionally she wonders, is this girl trying to trick her?

Luo Qin was wandering in the sky.

Shen Qi clenched his little fists angrily, wishing he could rush up and dig out the old man's eyes.

The veins on Wang Wu's arms protruded, and his fists clenched loudly.

Several of Sun Xingwang's sons stood up and compared their bodies. Wang Wu was about the same as them, but their numbers were much lower.

With the help of several ferocious sons, Sun Xingwang was able to run amok in Wangjiazhuang.

If anyone refuses to accept it, then beat him until you can't get out of bed. You will have to pay for medical treatment and medicine, and your family will be drained. At that time, you can only borrow money from him, and the interest is not low, so you get out of the way, and you can't get justice. They also owed a lot of debt, and some people even became private tenants of Sun Xingwang's family.

There was this person on the roster, and the money came from the Sun family, but this person did private work for the Sun Xingwang family.

This is what Wang Wu revealed to her. Their family had suffered such losses before they were reduced to selling their sister.

Therefore, he hated this family.

Wang Wu turned around and looked at Shen Qing. Seeing that she was motionless, he seemed to have gained confidence. He took a deep breath and said in a cold voice: "Don't be arrogant. Of course we brought the land deed with us, and it was also transferred to the Yamen. Yes, you don’t want to admit it, and it’s impossible. Our girls are not people who can be fooled casually. I advise you to be more knowledgeable, otherwise..."

Sun Xingwang almost died laughing, "What if I don't do that? Do you still dare to attack me? Don't forget, you still owe me money! If I hadn't been so compassionate and exempted you, you would have to do it now." Arrest and go to jail!"

Wang Wu was frightened by her words and couldn't help but take two steps back.

The sons around Sun Xingwang also laughed at him arrogantly.

Shen Qing turned her head and saw that the tenants behind her were slowly gathering here, as if watching the excitement, and also as if they were trying to build momentum for the Sun family, because some were holding hoes and others were holding axes, and she saw them all.

This is also the reason why Sun Xingwang dares to be so arrogant. He is not fighting alone. These bankers, whether they are willing or not, have to stand with him to resist this new arrival, the so-called boss.

Because he is holding the lifeblood of these people!
Shen Qing looked up at the sky, and finally moved. She looked at Sun Xingwang with a smile, and then walked towards him.

Sun Xingwang also straightened up, but still did not stand up from the chair.

Shen Qing's calmness was beyond his expectation, but it was right to think about it. If he didn't have two brushes, how could he trip up the Sun family.

But no matter how talented Shen Qing is, in his opinion, it is still a child's trick. In the face of absolute strength, all means are useless.

Before Shen Qing could get closer, he spoke and looked at her with a smile, "Is this the second girl of the Shen family of the new owner? She is quite good-looking, but is she married to someone else? Of my sons, the eldest, second, and third are all I have a daughter-in-law, and there are plans for the marriage of the fourth child, but it has not been decided yet. The fifth child seems to be about the same age as you, and the fifth child in my family is also the best. Why, why not be my daughter-in-law? This village is still yours, too. You don’t need to take care of it, we’ve done it for you, isn’t it a good idea?”

The boy closest to Sun Xingwang took two steps forward and looked at Shen Qing up and down. His eyes were wild and the smile on his lips was frivolous, "Dad, she looks okay, but she's not... round enough. "

This was the most obscure word he could think of.

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