The man standing next to the mummy stared at Sun Zi Ming with his eyes... The hatred in his eyes seemed to have substance in his eyes, and he was so frightened that he almost fell to the ground.

"You, you black-hearted old woman, just because my sister was favored by Mr. Sun, you had her hung upside down from a beam, drained of her blood, and tortured to death. I came to you to argue, but you had my legs broken."

The man pulled his trouser leg, revealing a weirdly deformed leg.

"I wish I could tear you apart and chop your flesh into pieces and feed it to the dogs!"

"No, no, I didn't." Grandmother was so frightened that she covered her face with a veil, as if she could escape in this way.

Everyone was in an uproar again. Looking at Grandma's face, she was an old woman over fifty years old. She didn't look like a vicious femme fatale.

The man's whole body trembled with excitement, "You didn't? My sister didn't do it voluntarily. She was forced by Sun. You and your family should be thrown into the eighteenth level of hell, and you will never be reincarnated for eternity!"

Shen Qing leaned against the corner, listening to sighs. She really didn't know these things. Maodou didn't tell them everything when he came back, only gave a general outline. She didn't expect the Sun family to be like this.

Luo Qin took advantage of the chaos and quickly took action, restraining Sun Xi who was behind Sun Ziming and dragging him back to Shen Qing.

"Hey, where are you from? What are you going to do?" Sun Ziming was distracted and found that someone had captured his henchman Sun Xi.

Looking along the way, he saw Shen Qing and suddenly became excited.

"I know, it's you, it's you, right?"

But Shen Qing had no intention of facing him head-on. Ignoring him was the greatest contempt for him.

Master Sun was so excited that he almost fainted. No matter how loud he screamed, no one could hear him. Sun's mother huddled in the servant's arms and cried. Sun Tzu jumped on his feet and cursed. He also threatened to take revenge and call all the servants. Come out and call the Shen family.

Unfortunately, the angry voices of the people had already overwhelmed them, and no one could hear them.

That's certainly not how the game works.

Soon, Niu Bao rang the gong again and said to the people present: "We will eradicate landlords like the Sun family who are greedy for wealth and have no mercy. Let's go. Let's go to the county government to sue them. Don't worry, everyone. Cars and horses back and forth." , we took care of it, we took care of the food going back and forth, everyone went with them, and we took care of the labor expenses."

Someone in the crowd shouted.

"We don't want labor fees. As long as the Sun family members are brought to court, we will go to the county government to file a complaint now!"

"Yes, let's go together. The momentum will be great. The county magistrate will not show favoritism."

"Everyone, please take the Sun family into custody. Let's go to the county seat right now!"

The carriages and horses had been prepared long ago, and all the carriages and donkey carts in the town were booked and lined up in a long queue.

The people rushed up. The Sun family saw that something was wrong and were about to flee home. Unfortunately, they were a step too late. The lame man had been waiting for this moment. He rushed forward, grabbed one with each hand, and grabbed Sun's mother's neck. It was so strong that it seemed like it was going to strangle her to death.

"Old witch, today is the day you die, please give me my sister's life."

"Give back my daughter's life."

"Give me back..." The Sun family has caused too many lives, but they still have families. I'm afraid even they themselves can't count how many orphans who were sold without family members died at the hands of the Sun family.

Although human life is not valuable, once it accumulates too much and the value of anger reaches its peak, it can be overwhelming.

The three members of the Sun family were tied hand and foot and stuffed into a wooden prison car. Chai Liang and others appeared at the right time.

Chai Liang raised his voice to the people present: "Fellow fellows, I am the catcher stationed in this town. The Sun family has done something unforgivable. Mr. Yu has noticed it a long time ago and sent this catcher to assist in the investigation. And arrest the Sun family and bring them to justice. Just follow me on this trip and see how the Grand Master solves the case!"

Chai Liang had already sent his men to the county town to report the news, but he couldn't really kill Yu Kaiyuan by surprise.

So, everyone marched towards Pingchuan County in a mighty manner. The people they met along the way were furious when they heard the whole story. Gradually, more and more people followed, and the team extended to two miles.

Shen Qing stood on a high slope, looking at the long queue, and deeply felt the words, "Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize it!"

Luo Qin held the sword and stood beside her, sullen and silent.

Maodou stood on the other side, admiring his master's methods. "Master, the team transporting dry food is following behind. I guarantee that these people will not be hungry or thirsty."

Shen Qing nodded with satisfaction, "Very good. After this incident, all your little brothers, please come here and stop being beggars in the town. I happen to be short of people under my command. You and Niu Bao are responsible for leading the team. They are each Lead a team, each doing their own thing. In addition, you have to help me find some people in the arena. For fights and other things, I still need professional people."

Maodou said with a smile: "Master is so awesome. In just half a year, he has accomplished such a big undertaking. I am really lucky to be able to follow you in my previous life."

Shen Qing patted his head and praised him without hesitation, "No, if you can trip up the Sun family this time, you have to remember it as the first one. I will give you a big reward later. In addition, your parents' graves will be moved to ours." Come to the garden! From now on, if we are closer, you can worship nearby without having to travel so far. It’s not just you, but everyone else too."

Whether they are ancient people or modern people, they are afraid of not having money while alive, and they are afraid of being uneasy after death.

The world is big, but everyone has an owner. It is not easy to find a good place to bury your loved ones.

The cemetery planned by Shen Qing was planned to be designed according to the modern cemetery.

The place we chose was also a mountainous area with excellent Feng Shui, and a Feng Shui master was required to come and see it. Maodou heard Niu Bao mention this, but he didn’t take it seriously at the time. But now that Shen Qing said it, he was moved to tears again. .

Shen Qing said heart-warmingly: "I have said before, if you work hard with me, you will have your own home in the future, with your own children, a family and a career, and you will be able to comfort your parents' spirits in heaven."

Maodou knelt down to her and kowtowed three times deeply, "I, Maodou, hereby swear that if I ever have second thoughts about the girl in this life, or if I betray the girl, I will definitely die a miserable death!"

After hearing what he said, Shen Qing smiled and helped him up, "Follow the team, the fun will start soon."

"Yes!" Maodou wiped his tears and ran away.

Luo Qin sneered, "Your methods of winning people's hearts are getting better and better."

Shen Qing shook his shoulders and breathed a long sigh of relief, "There is nothing I can do. I have no connections, no family background, and no background. If I want them to be loyal to me, other than using means, I can only use my heart."

"There's nothing wrong with that. You're a good master." Luo Qin stopped joking and said seriously.

Shen Qing turned to look at her. Their hair was messed up by the mountain wind, "What about you?" (End of Chapter)

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