The movements of both of them were a bit heavy, and Diao Laoliu screamed in pain.

"What's next?" he asked.

Shen Qing clapped his hands and said, "What should we do? Of course he needs to set the bones. We can't let him remain disabled."

"Then I'll go ask the doctor." Boss Fan thought this was the case.

Shen Qing waved his hand, "There is no need to trouble the doctor, Luo Qin knows it. She has learned that bone setting is a simple little craft."

Boss Fan felt something was wrong, "Is this possible? If I didn't pick it up..."

"If it's not connected, continue to connect it until it's connected." She said it lightly, talking about setting the bones like taking apart building blocks.

Bao Er stood at the door. He almost understood what his boss meant, which was to torture Diao Laoliu.

As long-term workers, they rely on the strength of their hands and feet. If their hands and feet become useless, wouldn't they become disabled?
"This is not good! He still has to support his family!"

The sneer on Shen Qing's face was as cold as frost, "Master Bao, after he tried to blackmail me and said those words, it can't be a good thing!" She turned back to look at Diao Laoliu who looked shocked, "If You think I am someone who can be manipulated at will, then you are wrong. If I were not ruthless, I would have been eaten alive. How could it be your turn to threaten me? Just wait! I will ask people to take my time in the future. Serve you!"

Diao Laoliu's expression changed, "What do you want to do? You're not afraid of me..."

"Are you afraid of your second uncle? Ha! Idiot!" Shen Qing just didn't bother to say these words, so he pushed Boss Fan out, closed the door, and stood guard at the door, not even Bao Er would let him in. Even if you go in, you won't be allowed to look. As for what happens inside, anyone with a brain can guess it.

Bao Er's face became more and more ugly. He felt that he had misunderstood this young boss. He looked harmless, soft and weak, but his behavior was no better than that of the squires and landlords.

He mustered up the courage and said, "Girl, the sixth man is at fault. He shouldn't slander and frame his boss, let alone say those bastard words. I shouldn't be sorry for you on his behalf. I should teach him a lesson, but... ...Please, girl, for my sake, don’t be too cruel and leave him a way to survive. He still has an old woman to support at home."

Shen Qing crossed his arms and looked at him seriously, "Master Bao, you are so soft-hearted, which is not what a person doing great things should be. Have you ever thought about the consequences if I am manipulated by him? How can you persuade me?" Can you live with it? I see that you didn’t try to persuade him just now. He didn’t want to pay attention to your words at all, so now you come here to persuade me and ask me to let him go. Isn’t it funny? "

Bao Er blushed with embarrassment. Indeed, if Mrs. Diao really succeeded, he could imagine that the Shen family would be smeared with such a blood-sucking leech, and it would not take long for the blood to be sucked dry. But what can he do?

Seeing that he seemed to be regretful, Shen Qing softened his tone and said, "You are a good person and very loyal. The burden on your family is not light, right? Why ruin your own future for a rogue? I see you are a good leader. Take good care of yourself." If you do it, you can follow me in the future, that way, your whole family will have someone to rely on."

Boss Fan also saw the doorway and patted Bao Er on the shoulder, "My boss is right. Fortunately, this matter is in her hands today. If it were another boss, think about the Wen family, think about the Sun family, send All officials are insignificant. If you dare to blackmail your employer, you should be beaten to death with a stick. Not only that, even you will be implicated."

Ordinary people like them, even if they are good citizens, cannot defeat those who are rich and powerful.

There are several Qingtian lords in the world who are not just cashiers.

There are many people who are entangled in lawsuits and end up bankrupt.

Therefore, unless it is a last resort, they will solve problems by themselves, or they will just endure it.

Bao Er retreated, and through the door behind Shen Qing, Diao Laoliu could still be heard whimpering, as if he was gagged.But even so, it sounds very cautious.

After about a stick of incense, the door opened from the inside. Shen Qing crossed his arms and moved out of the way. He looked at Luo Qin's expression first and saw nothing strange before looking inside.

I saw Diao Laoliu lying flat on the cool bed, lying as straight as a dead person, but fortunately, he was still breathing and not dead.

"How is he?"

Luo Qin was tired, so he took out a handkerchief and wiped his face first, then his hands, "It took several times to connect it. The periosteum is injured and it will take some time to heal. I'll find something to tie his arms and legs, but ..." At this point, she changed her voice and said, "I'm not sure it's really connected. I'll check again in a few days. If it doesn't work, just try again a few times and I'll always be able to connect it."

Bao Er was dumbfounded when he heard this, "You, are you deliberately trying to destroy him?" This punishment was comparable to Ling Chi, it was like cutting flesh with a blunt knife.

Boss Fan also felt chills running down his spine after hearing this. Each one of them was more cruel than the other. Even a grown man like him could not think of such torture methods.

Luo Qin glanced at him coldly, and Shen Qing got ahead of her and said to Bao Er: "What did Master Bao say? We are treating his injuries. Even if the doctor comes, we can't say that the medicine will definitely cure him." , isn’t there an exception to everything? Don’t worry, we will take good care of him. You continue to work. This matter has nothing to do with you. If anyone comes up with crooked ideas again, you can rest assured and leave it to me. I promise to discipline them well. !”

Bao Er didn't dare to go in and take a look, so he left in despair.

When he returned to the backyard, all the people who worked there had returned. Seeing that Diao Laoliu was not there, and when someone asked, he could only vaguely say that Diao Laoliu was recuperating in the front yard. As for what the disease was, he did not dare to say. , and didn’t ask anyone to see it.

Just when Bao Er was worried and started to back off, thinking about whether to pay his wages to his employer and run away with his people, dinner was delivered to him in the front yard.

A large pot of braised fish, each made of a stick of yellow wax cubes, was simmered in oil. There was a lot of tofu in it. It had been simmered for a long time, and it had already absorbed the flavor and was bubbling.

The other pot is full of cured pig's trotters, which were bought and marinated before. Now they taste just salty and fragrant, and go with rice. Soybeans are also added, making the soup thick and thick.

In addition, there are steamed eggs, steamed salted chicken, and a large basin of greasy braised pork.

This is good stuff, serious meat.

Some of the people present could not eat pork even once a year, but when they saw it, they had to rush to grab it, for fear that if they were too late, they would be gone.

The staple food is snow-white rice with plump grains. It’s amazing how moist it is when you eat it.

Everyone didn't even bother to talk, and they didn't start talking until they were half full.

"Why don't we celebrate the New Year early today? Otherwise, why would we have such good food and good food?"

"Hey! If we were at home, we wouldn't be able to eat during the Chinese New Year."

"That's a reward for us. Praise us for a good job. Look at these meat dishes. The portions are real. The braised pork tastes better to me than the ones cooked in restaurants in town. How do you say that? , fat but not greasy, thin but not fat, really good craftsmanship."

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