There is no technical content in this thing. It only requires rolling the dough thinly. To save trouble, she used the dumpling wrapper method. The difference is that it needs to be cooked on a low fire in the end.

Then comes the highlight, duck cooking is a craft, and she, a dabbler, is definitely not as good as a professional cook.

When she sliced ​​the second piece of meat, a cook couldn't help it and said, "I'll slice it how the girl says."

Shen Qing thought about it and handed him the knife, "When you take out the duck meat slices, it's best to have duck skin on each piece. The remaining duck bones may be used to make soup. This is called eating two ducks, or frying them." Now, sprinkle some spices and chili noodles, which is another way to eat duck bones. As for this piece of duck meat, let’s see.”

She wrapped a piece of duck meat and ate it herself first, then signaled Feng Chengcheng to do it, since she didn't know how to wrap it for him.

Feng Chengcheng started to get excited before he tasted it. After tasting it, he even raised his thumb, "Well, good stuff, definitely good stuff. You won't get tired of eating it like this. The duck meat is tender and the duck skin is crispy. It's absolutely delicious." Got it!"

Shen Qing asked the other guys who were watching eagerly to have a taste. Huo Lin also went up to grab two pieces, and he just ate the first piece.

After putting it in their mouths and chewing it twice, their eyes lit up and they had a vague premonition that it was going to happen.

Feng Chengcheng immediately reached out to her and motioned her to go to the other side to discuss business.

After serving tea and two more plates of snacks, Feng Chengcheng looked at her as brightly as he looked at the God of Wealth.

"Tell me! How do you plan to do this business?" This was not the first time he discussed business with Shen Qing. Naturally, he knew her habits, so he went straight to the point and didn't talk about nonsense.

Shen Qing was more straightforward than him, "We will deliver the roast ducks at noon every morning. Ten of them will be delivered every day for three taels of silver each. We will ignore the rest. How about that?"

Feng Chengcheng's heart was dripping with blood, "Three taels each?" Ten taels equaled 30 taels. If he couldn't sell them, he would have to go to his grandma's house at a loss.

Shen Qing smiled and said: "You have tasted it too. This roast duck is definitely the only one in Qingquan Town. Besides, this is not for the poor in the first place. What we earn is the money of those rich gentlemen, who are very particular about their food." It's new, it's good, as long as it suits their needs, money doesn't matter. If it hadn't been because of the flood just now, if it hadn't been because the town was too small, if it were in Jingyang Mansion, I would definitely order five taels of silver each, believe it or not Bar?"

"I believe it, of course I believe it. Since it is a new thing, it must be done quickly. Otherwise, if people learn it, the price may drop. Then your price..."

"Don't worry, the price of these three taels of silver will only last us one month. As for what will happen after one month, let's talk about it separately."

"Sister, we are doing this business together, and you can't sell it to anyone else."

"This is natural. You are still the exclusive agent. I said it is a one-month period. We will discuss whether it will increase or decrease after one month."

"Pa!" Feng Chengcheng slapped the table, "Okay, don't give away ten tomorrow, but give me twenty! This is the deposit." He generously asked the accountant to send three ingots of ten taels of silver each, a total of 30 two.

Shen Qing put away the money without politeness, "Do we still want to establish ourselves?"

Feng Chengcheng thought about it for a while, and the two of them unanimously decided to do it!

After all, if you guard me, I will guard you. In this case, it would be better to write it down in black and white.

After the negotiation was settled, Shen Qing gave him all the roast duck he had brought today.

"From now on, we must keep good accounts for every day we purchase goods, so that we can reconcile the accounts in the future. Only if the brothers settle accounts clearly can this business last long." This is what Feng Chengcheng said.

From this point of view, Shen Qing could see that he was capable of great things.

After settling the shipment matter, Shen Qing asked Huolin to drive the donkey cart, and couldn't wait to go to Ma's workshop and ordered another roast duck bucket with them.

Shen Qing did not see Cao Yong, but heard from Master Ma that the Cao family had been severely affected and Master Ma had specifically granted him leave.

Shen Qing paid tribute to Master Ma with the half of the roast duck she had left, because she would have to find someone else to make furniture later on.Master Ma was so happy that she couldn't help but say that as long as she asked someone to send a message, any furniture she wanted would be sent to her home without her having to run back and forth.

Shen Qing returned home with 30 taels of silver in his pocket. Shen Hui saw that the duck matter was settled. In the next few days, they were very busy, and even Luo Qin was ordered around.

However, her heart became numb due to the pain, and she quickly adapted to the high-intensity work of slaughtering ducks.

Basically, with one cut, the duck's soul will die in the west.

Therefore, they can eat fresh duck blood and a bunch of duck offal basically every day.

Shen Qing mixed some ingredients, made the duck offal into cooked food, and then brought it to Feng Chengcheng's shop for sale.

Because the price is not high, there are many people buying it, and the sales are very hot.

Of course, compared to the roast duck, this popularity is still not close.

On the third day after he started selling roast ducks, Feng Chengcheng wanted to increase the supply, from twenty to thirty a day. Because a rich man asked for home delivery, he ordered three to five at a time, so he later added more. to forty roast ducks every day.

Shen Qing didn't intend to keep this business going smoothly, so he didn't stop Feng Chengcheng's expansion. Anyway, he first made the first pot of gold.

There were not enough manpower, so we hired a few more helpers to manage the work.

The two old men who were staying in the woods were also picked up. In addition, construction work began on the Shen family's house. They could not always live in a shed because it was unsafe and inconvenient.

With what Shen Qing had accumulated in his hands, plus what he had earned from doing business with Feng Chengcheng these days, it would be enough to build a two-square-meter yard first, leaving space for expansion later if needed.

Just when the Shen family was busy, half a month later, Shen Hui knew that Yang Xiuyuan was gone.

She was depressed for a few days, and saw that her sister was so busy that her feet were not touching the ground. She could not continue to pretend to be dead, so she had to force herself to get up and move around.

As long as there is money, there will be people to work. When there are more people, houses will be built faster.

This was Shen Qing's request. She was very anxious because she had no place to live.

In just a few days, the foundation was up.

We don't have money to build a brick house for the time being, so when we enter the small courtyard, it's still made of adobe.

The layout is similar to the original, but there are more side rooms on both sides of the yard. In addition to the three main rooms, there are also three rooms on the left and right sides.

The kitchen is in the west wing, the largest of the three rooms. Each has a door connected to the other two rooms. One is the kitchen, which is the dining room, and the other is where rice, grains and other materials are stacked. She asked Master Ma to customize it. There are several shelves for storing things.

The east wing, the one closest to the courtyard gate, is for the Huo family and his grandson. The old man wants to keep an eye on the door nearby. Besides, there are differences between men and women, and it is not good to live too close. The other two rooms are temporarily vacant.

There are three rooms in the main room, and in the middle is the hall. There are incense tables and square tables, and ten armchairs have been ordered.

All three of the Shen family's grandparents live in the east room, and the west room is also temporarily vacant.

In addition, there is a small door on the wall between the east wing of the courtyard and the main house, which connects to the backyard.

The front yard is about [-] square meters, and the backyard is also [-] square meters. There are also two small sheds built. Luo Qin took the initiative to live here.

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