"Damn it, just hold the stuff and I'll take him to the hospital."

Lin Weidong was beaten to the head and bleeding. The big stone was at Wen Nengwen's feet. Without thinking, he picked it up and stuffed it into his pocket, put Lin Weidong on his back, and ran away.

The students followed in panic, and soon the top of the cliff became quiet again.


A terrible wolf howl came from nowhere, frightening Lin Qianqian to death.

She was like a ghost. She stumbled countless times along the way and returned home in disgrace.

Wu Xiuzhi was squatting in the stove to light the fire. Her daughter-in-law had been fooling around outside all day. The more she thought about it, the more angry she became. The fire stick in her hand was poking holes in the bottom of the pot.

"What are you doing? If you feel uncomfortable, go and lie down on the kang." Old Songtou glared at her displeased and said.

"Hmph! That damn girl went out for a day and hasn't come back yet. Honey, do you think she has a wild man outside?"

"Don't talk nonsense. She is your daughter-in-law. When they got married, you cried harder than anyone else."

Wu Xiuzhi sneered, "Haha! I regard her as my daughter, do you see how she treats me?"

"You can quit a good job just because you want, so why should you stay in a hotel? I think she is obsessed with spending the money we, the literary giant, earned with our lives."

Old Songtou didn't speak. He and his wife had the same idea, but he was the father-in-law and there were some things he couldn't say directly.

The most important thing is that the son who runs the hotel also agrees. He is well-informed outside and must have his own ideas, so he doesn't know whether he should persuade his son.

While they were talking, the big iron door was pushed open by someone, and Lin Qianqian ran in top-heavy.

"You also know how to answer..."

Wu Xiuzhi found that her daughter-in-law's expression was not right, and the remaining half of her sentence was choked in her throat.

"What's wrong with you? Is there a ghost chasing you?"

Finally returning home, Lin Qianqian breathed a sigh of relief and pretended to be calm, "No, I don't know whose dog is chasing me." Dog?

Wu Xiuzhi looked suspicious and looked at the gate. Except for the howling north wind blowing, there was nothing.

Her face darkened, "What time is it? Do you still know how to go home?"

"Mom, I'm sorry, I was delayed by something."

"Something's wrong? What's the matter?" Wu Xiuzhi said in a strange tone.

"You are really a busy man. Even the leaders of the country are not as busy as you. You won't come back until Heitian!"

Lin Qianqian was exhausted both physically and mentally now, and she didn't want to get entangled with Wu Xiuzhi at all.

"Mom, why do you say that to me? You still don't know what kind of person I am."

"Don't put a high hat on me. I'm an old lady from the countryside. I have a very honest mind. How can I know how to beat around the bush?"

"Mom, go back, I'll make dinner."

Lin Qianqian rolled up her sleeves. Although her legs were weak from exhaustion, she had to bite the bullet and cook for the two of them, otherwise Wu Xiuzhi would talk about her for ten days and eight days.

Staring at the flames in the stove pit, Lin Qianqian felt anxious and uneasy.

How is dad doing now? It was all in vain, there was no ferry at this late hour, what should I do with his wounds? Will it be life-threatening?

What would she do if her father died?

She didn't know if anyone was nearby at the time. How would she face her parents if someone saw her?

One bad thing flashed through her mind, and Lin Qianqian's heart felt like a big stone was stuck in her heart. The pain was so painful that she couldn't breathe.

"Qianqian, what are you doing!"

Suddenly, the father-in-law's screams exploded above her head. Lin Qianqian's face turned pale with fright. When she lowered her head, she saw that the flames on the firewood had already burned her cotton shoes.

"Oh, you kid, no wonder your mother is always nagging you. You can even light a fire and set yourself off. Qianqian, what are you thinking about all day long?"

Lao Songtou finally took the opportunity to scold him. His burned big toe ached faintly. Lin Qianqian kept apologizing, and tears flowed down uncontrollably.

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