Being alone, Wang Hui cleaned the entire repair shop again. When it was almost six o'clock, Mother Lin came back dragging her tired body, carrying a few rotten fish leftovers in her hand.

"Auntie, where have you been? It's completely dark. I'm planning to go out to find you."

Mother Lin touched Wang Hui's head and said with a wry smile, "Good boy, you have your heart. My aunt is an adult and can take care of herself. You are a girl, so don't run around after dark."

The strong smell of fish went straight to her nostrils, and Wang Hui took the fish in her hand.

"Auntie, if you want to eat fish, let's go back to the island. Da Niuzi's father knows how to fish. I learned from him and I can catch a few fish. I will cook them for you then."

Mother Lin sat on a stool and poured a cup of hot water to warm herself up.

"Okay, Wang Hui, you are a good boy."

Finding that Mother Lin's face looked very ugly, Wang Hui asked cautiously, "Auntie, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

"It's okay, Old Cold Legs. I get sick every winter. I'm used to it."

Finding that the room was much warmer, Mother Lin was surprised and asked, "Has your sister-in-law asked someone to repair the windows?"

"Well, we also made a big kang, Auntie, it's warm now. You go and have a look."

When Mrs. Lin came to the back, the original earthen kang was gone and turned into a wooden kang. Wang Hui had spread the bedding in advance, and the bed was still warm to the touch.

"Your sister-in-law is interested!" Mother Lin choked and said.

His daughter pushed herself into despair, but people who were not related by blood always helped her.

In the past, Lin Qianqian always said something bad about Song Wenjun in her letters, which caused the couple to have a stereotype about her. She was lukewarm when they first met. Now when she thinks about it, she feels embarrassed and sorry for Song Wenjun.

After selling fish for two days in a row, the market was cold and damp. She suffered from rheumatism and had to be scolded by the boss if she couldn't do her job well.

She is a university teacher, highly educated, and has many talents all over the world. She is so desolate in her old age. Thinking about it makes her feel sour and makes her want to cry.

"Auntie, my sister-in-law left some money for us. She didn't come back because she had something to do in the evening, so she asked us to go to Lao Yan's bun shop to eat." Wiping the corners of her eyes, Mother Lin said, "What are you spending that money on? I'll go cook. , isn’t there fish here? I made some pickles yesterday..."

Wang Hui timidly said, "Auntie, those pickles were thrown away by my sister-in-law. She said that eating pickles is bad for your health."

In fact, Wang Hui felt that it was a pity to throw away the pickles. The pickles she ate at Wang's house were not as good as those made by Lin's mother, and they were basically moldy and spoiled.

"fall down?"

"Yeah! My sister-in-law said to eat more fresh vegetables."

Mother Lin smiled bitterly and said, "It's winter, except for radishes and cabbage and potatoes. What fresh vegetables are there?"

What a pity. Yesterday she shamelessly asked for some radish tassels from the vegetable seller at the market. They were green no matter how you say them. Isn’t that what every household eats?
"There are some fish..."

Wang Hui lowered her head and looked at the fish in her hand. Living on an island, she was most sensitive to the freshness of seafood.

These fish have obviously been dead for a long time. Although the weather is cold and spoilage is slower than in summer, it is not worth the damage to the body.

"Auntie, let's go to the bun shop. My sister-in-law said the buns there are delicious."

She acted greedy, making Mother Lin laugh.

"Okay, I'll change my clothes and wash my face, and then we'll go eat steamed buns."


Wang Hui was very happy. She was worried that Dahei in the yard had not eaten anything. When she was about to come back, she asked the store for leftovers, so she went to the kitchen to get a basin and stuffed it under her clothes.

"Let's go eat steamed buns!"

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