"Stop talking about those useless things, I firmly disagree with your demobilization." Wu Xiuzhi said angrily with her eyes widened.

"Mom, you don't understand things in the army..."

"I don't understand? Who sent you to the military melting pot for training?"


Song Wenhao was dumbfounded. He had just finished junior high school. Wu Xiuzhi felt that he was too old. After high school and college, other people's grandchildren would be able to make soy sauce, so it would be better to join the army.

By a strange combination of circumstances, after Song Wenhao entered the army, he felt like a fish in water and was quickly promoted. Step by step, he has become a powerful figure in the army today.

"Mom, I am 28 years old this year. Haven't you always wanted a grandson or granddaughter?"

"Hmph, stop talking about these useless things. Your grandchildren can ask for them anytime. If you are demobilized, those honors and military medals will have nothing to do with you."

"Mom, I can still shine wherever I go."

"No, if I say no, it won't work."

Wu Xiuzhi turned the blame on Lin Qianqian. If she hadn't eavesdropped, she would have been kept in the dark. No wonder they went to Chishuigou Village a few days ago, and Lin Qianqian was unwilling to go in when they reached the village entrance.

"Qianqian, you are an educated person. You will definitely not agree with the literary giant's decision, right?"

Lin Qianqian looked at her husband, hesitated, nodded and said, "Yes, literary man, just listen to your mother, the country needs you now."

"But you need me more!"

Ouch!Wu Xiuzhi punched her son hard in anger.

"When you two were still in love? You were tired of it all day long, but you didn't feel bored?"

Pained by the beating, Song Wenhao got angry with his mother for the first time, "Mom, what's wrong with you? If we don't get tired of each other, can we give you a grandson?"

"Who knows if she is a hen that doesn't lay eggs?"


A deafening roar made Wu Xiuzhi's heart beat wildly. "Mom, you have gone too far. Please get out! You are not allowed to enter this room without my permission in the future."

"You dare to yell at your mother? You Song Wenhao, I don't care if you give orders in the army. When you get home, do you dare to yell at your mother who raised you with shit and piss?"

Wu Xiuzhi sat down on the ground and started rolling around.

"I can't live anymore. What evil did I do in my previous life? I gave birth to two unfilial children, and neither of them makes me worry."

Overly angry, Song Wenhao quickly calmed down and went to fuck his mother.

"Mom, the ground is cold. Get up quickly. It was my fault just now. Don't be angry."

"You're both right, what's wrong? It's me who's wrong. Why did I give birth to you? I didn't enjoy the blessing for a day, and I'm still angry to death."

After finally coaxing his mother, Song Wenhao promised her not to mention demobilization for five years, and Wu Xiuzhi gave up.

After quitting her job, Lin Qianqian felt empty in her heart. After all, she had not concealed the truth from Song Wenjun. Damn it, she should be carried away now.

"Wenjun, you said the school is short of teachers now, what should we do? Teacher Xiao Jiang can't afford it at all. He won't be able to take up the post this year."

"Let the superior department arrange it."

"The Education Committee also has difficulties. Many teachers are unwilling to go to the island, saying that the conditions here are too difficult."

"Under heavy rewards, there must be brave men."

ah?Principal Wan looked at her confused.

Having said this, why doesn’t Wenjun understand?Her sister-in-law couldn't do it, but she could. Wan Bingye just waited for her to recommend herself.

"You inform the leaders of the Education Committee that as long as someone is willing to come to the island to teach, I can provide financial support."

"What do you mean?"

"At the end of the semester, I will give out the test papers and achieve the required scores. The top ten will be rewarded, and the teacher in charge will also receive corresponding bonuses!"

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