Chapter 396

Lu Yunting raised his eyebrows. His foreign language proficiency was not good. There were ready-made teachers he could ask for help, but he didn't know if the girl would be willing to teach him.

I don’t know what happened, but the American seemed to be angry. He threw a pile of documents on the ground and got angry at the translator.

The two of them stood not far away watching the fun, waiting for the foreigners to walk away, while the translator and staff cleaned up the mess with dark faces.

"I'm going to ask what's going on."

Chen Guoqing walked over and called to the interpreter, "Comrade Liu, what's wrong with Mr. Qiao? Why are you so angry?"

"Director Chen, I made you laugh. Foreigners are not easy to handle. I'm so angry."

"What's going on? How can I help?"

The translator pulled him aside and said, "Didn't I want to cooperate with you last night? I don't know why he was crazy, but he changed his mind this morning."

Chen Guoqing nodded, "I know this. He wants core technology, but we can't give it to him."

Translator Liu patted him on the shoulder, "Actually, I don't agree with you doing this."


"Director Chen, if you have the chance, you should go out more often and see how big the outside world is."

"Although I don't know much about home appliances, the technological content of that rice cooker is really low. If foreigners want to imitate it, they can make [-] of them for you in one night."

Although this is true, Chen Guoqing feels harsh when he hears someone else's ambition.

"Translator Liu, you can't say that."

"Don't interrupt me yet. What I said is ugly, but it makes sense. Did you see the booth that the kid smashed? They started making home appliances 20 years earlier than us. If you can imitate them, others can imitate them." you."

"We didn't imitate the rice cooker that the kid smashed." Chen Guoqing hurriedly explained.

"Don't interrupt. No matter who imitates whom, if Joe asks you to sell technology, you should sell it. How can you, a macho man, listen to a woman?"

"Translator Liu, do you look down on our Wenjun?"

"Her name is Wenjun? Is her surname Wen?" Translator Liu took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth, looking around for a lighter.

"My surname is Song, Song Wenjun. She invented the rice cooker. I have no right to let her sell her technology."

"She invented it?" Translator Liu sneered, "You haven't even managed to get a woman. I'm not telling you, Director Chen. If you want to cooperate with foreigners, you must be bold and dare to do it. Don't be timid."

Chen Guoqing didn't want to talk to him about this.

"The Americans are angry because they can't get the production technology of rice cookers? Aren't they going to imitate them?"

"Not because of this."

"What's that for?"

"A man came to Joe and said he could sell him rice cooker technology, but he turned out to be a liar. The technology he provided simply didn't work."


"I'm not sure. I wasn't asked to translate at that time. I guess the person knows some foreign languages ​​or has other translators to help."

Could it be Yu Fuhe?
This guy is a complete hypocrite. He ran to Rongcheng at public expense and then defected to his old club again.

Shameless enough.

"I have to leave first and I won't talk to you anymore. Director Chen, please think more about what I say."

After he walked away, Lu Yunting came over. Chen Guoqing looked at him in embarrassment, "Please rest assured, leader, I will not betray Wenjun."

"I believe you."

He wanted to know the specific situation of Yu Fuhe, so Chen Guoqing told him what happened on the road.

"Did you lose all the design drafts?"

"It's probably Yu Fuhe who stole it, but I don't know where he hid it. It's so hateful!"

I remembered that at the hotel at noon, Yu Fuhe looked confident.

But Song Wenjun was very calm from beginning to end.

"Director Chen, the fun is coming, let's wait and see!"

(End of this chapter)

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