white star stealing star

Chapter 244 Revealed Identity

"What you are seeing now is Miss Qianji, the star fighter from Ga. Odyssey." In the live broadcast room, Si Ayumi was explaining the real-time picture on the big screen. "She is passing identity verification."

On the evening of the third day after the competition was announced to resume, Bai Xing arrived at the Ji Yan Xing training ground.

She is the seventh combat division to arrive at Jiyan Star. Before her, familiar people such as Crow, Great Demon God, Ice Soul, Light Dancer, Black Widow and Red Gold Storm have arrived and passed the identity verification. .

Bai Xing, who was wearing a collar and a camera, successfully completed the identity verification under the guidance of the staff.

In fact, it is just a procedure. The entire verification process is completed on the electronic screen. In order to protect the true identity of the players, the information on the electronic screen will not be displayed.

If the martial arts training ground really wants to hide something for someone, as long as there is a little manipulation in the background, the substitute fighter can still be sent in.

But looking at the serious appearance of the martial arts training ground, it seems that he does not intend to continue to take risks for some people.

After all, the crow has arrived, but the butcher has not.

After the identity verification was passed, Bai Xing returned to Qianji's cockpit in full view of everyone.

In the past few days, the news about her has been explosive.

First, a quick report [Terrorist attack!The Zhenfu Building was destroyed by mechanical armor, 13 were killed and 19 were seriously injured. Mi Wei, an honorary businessman of Helanka Star Realm and director of Mishi Merchant Group, was confirmed dead. 】

Not long after, the incident progressed, and the news headline became [Suspect locked?Or the business community is seeking revenge. Xu Jimei, the president of the gear union, is suspected of being a murderer. 】

In less than a day, the situation turned around. The surveillance video of the open-air lounge on the 17th floor of the Zhenfu Building was completely exposed. In the video, it was shown how Mi You led Bai Xing and Xu Min to this place, trying to use the threat of a magnetic energy explosive device to get the ratio from her, and even Mi Wei appeared, and the whole process of Qianji and Baiba causing a big fuss was revealed.

In order to protect the privacy of the parties concerned, the faces of Mi You, Xu Min and others were all blurred. Only the major suspect Bai Xing and her two machines were unobstructed, and their faces were clearly visible.

In the evening, Hranka Star Realm issued an announcement, claiming that it had compared facial information and clarified the exact identity of the attacker, reported the case to the federation, and announced that Bai Xing was wanted in the country.

At this point, this matter has gradually warmed up from a small vendetta news in the star realm to one of the headlines of the day.

It just so happened that the news broke out at that time, so the incident was suppressed.

A day later, it was gradually resurfaced, triggering heated discussions.

If it were a business vendetta within the Star Realm, it wouldn't be considered a big headline in the galaxy. It might just be something that happens hundreds of times every day in the galaxy.

But if this case involves a star fighter in a popular competition at the moment, and if there is a reason for the incident, it can be regarded as igniting a fire. For a time, the entire galaxy knows the identity of the pilot of Qianji.

Shirahoshi, this name has entered the ears of the audience since the first game.

During the competition, many people were constantly digging for her identity, because Baiban's fuselage contained a large part of the material of the Deep Arc Crystal, and she had a scandal with Crow for a period of time. Everyone's investigation The focus remains on public officials close to the federation.

Therefore, when Bai Xing's identity was fully exposed, most people were shocked. They never thought that she was a wanted criminal on the federal record from the beginning.

Soon, the historical crimes in her public wanted files were unearthed one by one.

Including her earliest challenge to the Sixth Army with the Broken Star Cluster in the Coral Grove, her participation in the management of the Colosseum on Megale, the murder of three people in Poplar, and other vicious events that were big or small, real or scripted by the Federation.

Among them, there are more than a dozen serious crimes including participating in the Star Thieves organization, endangering public safety, attacking federal officials, stealing, and killing, etc., which is staggering.

The title of evil girl was once again firmly attached to her after these very serious-sounding charges were uncovered.

In addition to the fact that the true face of the combat master is exposed, there are also other key points in the video that attract the attention of the martial arts audience who follow the competition.For example, the ratio of the acid gun was actually made by Shirahoshi. The Federation seemed to have made some kind of deal with her for this ratio.

So as soon as this case came out, the previous ambiguous rumors about her and Crow were self-defeating.

Another example is that she is actually a master of both weapons and weapons, and the screen sharing of Thousand Machines and Baiban shows her creative strength. The high-pressure hydrogen bombs used in various ways once again prove the damage power that can be achieved by small machines. A lot of room for imagination.

A wanted criminal with extraordinary strength but numerous crimes, her reputation has reached a contradictory cycle of mixed praise and criticism in just a few days.

At this time, there were tens of millions of eyes staring at her during the live broadcast. Even though the necklace covered her appearance, her beautiful appearance and tall figure had long been remembered in everyone's minds.

Surprisingly, even though her bad identity was exposed, her popularity in the martial arts training list even jumped up. Now she is firmly at the top of the popularity list, ahead of the second No. 3 by a full margin. More than three or four times.

The live broadcast comments have refreshed the discussion on this evil woman. At a glance, fans who are gradually going crazy are expressing their admiration. Of course, there are also many voices of rational discussion.

"With such a wanted criminal right under their noses, the federation can arrest him at any time."

"In the front, as long as it is within the scope of the martial arts training ground, the Federation cannot interfere. This is the rule."

"This means that Miss Qianji has been exposed. If other contestants have not been exposed, they may not be innocent citizens."

"Don't be so in love with me upstairs. Your Miss Qianji is a very evil person. Do you want to drag other contestants into the same fate?"

"If the federation wanted to arrest her, they could do so at any time. There must be a reason why they didn't take action against her."

Of course Bai Xing also wanted to know the reason.

After the surveillance cameras were washed away with liquor, the person behind the scenes who restored and broadcast the video of the Zhenfu Building that day was definitely none other than someone else.

Only the Federation can do that.

This proves that at least one team is monitoring her whereabouts.

It's not hard to guess, it must be through the chip on her hand.

Bai Xing didn't know if this was considered a threat to her by the consortium, and it was part of the Federation's need to deal with the aftermath for her.

After all, in her communication with Xu Min in the past two days, Xu Min told Bai Xing that her mother had not been held accountable, including the fact that her family introduced the Annihilators to Hranka, and no one asked about it again.

On the contrary, the Mi family is said to have been warned by the other two major trade unions. In the future, this matter will probably go away.

After all, the ratio of acid guns was mentioned, and the businessman clearly extended his hand. The Federation could not turn a blind eye. They also happened to lack a leading figure to sound the alarm to the consortium.

Don't try to covet what doesn't belong to them.

But the Federation's move to make her identity public not only solves the problem, but also represents a warning.

Warn her to be honest, otherwise, the federation will have enough basis to arrest her publicly at any time.

It's really a good way to kill two birds with one stone... (End of this chapter)

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