white star stealing star

Chapter 217 Post-game enthusiasm, crow’s visit

[Seventeen qualified contestants for the Martial Arts Arena Interstellar Tournament are newly released!Is Feiqixing the dominant player?Who will win the championship this year? 】

[Player highlights review, you are invited to make a call. 】

【Exclusive tracking!Uncover the mystery of the white-haired snow monster in the Mayan Snow Mountains. 】

[The martial arts training ground has confirmed that it has completed the handover of the body to the relatives of the contestant's psychic zombie. The agent said: 10% of the advertising revenue from this competition will be used as a glory reward. 】

[Preview of the second issue of Galactic Villain from Ga. Odyssey.Exclusive interview with Xinghui: various ideas for change. 】

【The latest data!The number of viewers of this year’s live broadcast of the championship set a new record for the third time! 】

On the day after the game ended, a series of hot topics about the game jumped up and occupied the TOP lists of major forums on the Star Network. During this period, crisis news from Sola Phoenix continued to be released every day. Constantly being squeezed downwards.

This long tug-of-war almost exhausted the energy of all the players. After the game, many players failed to pass the physical examination and were sent to the hospital for in-depth examination and recuperation. The rest were sent back to the official hotel. Most of the players who took a rest basically stayed in the room for a whole day and night without showing up.

The planet Satoya is cold all year round and is not suitable for production. Therefore, the overall economic level of the planet cannot be compared with that of the originally fertile Sora Phoenix. Naturally, the local martial arts training ground cannot find such a large investment to build a hotel specifically for contestants and staff. hotel.

The Hearth Hotel where all contestants stay is located in the Ole Mikado Kingdom, the leading country on the largest livable continent on the planet. This country has no top leader. Congressional representatives from more than a dozen regions decide national affairs. This country’s The power structure determines that the entire country will not deal with things too quickly. Regarding the issue of assisting in the martial arts competition, nearly half of the representatives have not expressed their opinions. Even after the competition, there are still many elderly people, The indigenous people who do not pay attention to current affairs do not understand why so many travelers to the galaxy have poured in in just a few days.

Enthusiastic travelers from all races and planets flocked here. The local heated clothing was sold out in less than a day, all the major hotels were full of people, and all the docks on the planet were full of people. Every day, people entered the country. The management office handles thousands of immigration appointments.

Some people who have not yet captured the business opportunity are complaining about why there are so many people. Some residents have rented out the spare heating suits in their homes. Some have vacated rooms in their homes to provide tourists with a place to stay. Some have started They ordered special meals, and some worked on the spot as tour guides to lead these strange tourists who seemed to see everything to visit the snowy scenery they had seen since childhood.

The Hearth Hotel where the contestants are staying has naturally become the most focused place for these fanatical spectators who have traveled thousands of miles to follow.

Although the entire hotel was blocked by official staff and the hotel management signed a liability contract with high compensation, it did not stop some people from trying to enter the hotel and have close contact with the players.

Within one day, the hotel uncovered several suspicious people who wanted to sneak into the hotel in various ways. Even the martial arts training ground next door, which had been completely closed, had been illegally invaded several times.

The official had to issue two consecutive notices of condemnation on the official website, asking excessive fans to stop their irrational behavior.

All this information came to the players’ ears one after another in the early morning of the next day.

As soon as Bai Xing woke up, she received a message from Lijiu. She was surprised to learn that she was the lucky spectator among hundreds of millions of people to win the prize, and that she explained the whole second game. After the game last night, she had already After being told that this experience was over, she was currently settling down with Borg and others at a private dock in Olemikon.

Bai Xing was thinking about her in various ways, and was not anxious to read Shan Ren's message to her. Instead, he called Lijiu.

Lijiu answered the call quickly, as if he was waiting for her to call. "Are you in good condition?" Lijiu first congratulated her on her advancement, and then expressed concern, "I heard that many players suffered from mild delirium after this competition, caused by excessive use of mental power."

"I'm fine." The mecha used by Bai Xing can be said to have avoided this possibility. After all, the larger the mecha, the more complex the system that requires thought control. If such high-frequency brain power dominates the operation of the machine for a long time, , a series of mental trance development phenomena will indeed occur.

This was also one of the reasons why Bingpo expressed to her that he was eager to end the battle.

Bai Xing didn't care. She was using a keyboard to control the machine, and the time she spent using her brain was just thinking about how to win the game conservatively and safely.

"Have all the transformation work ended?" Bai Xing asked.

"I was just checking your information, and it meets [-]% of your requirements. It's just that the thinking chip still needs to continue to upload encyclopedias and war knowledge. The current response is a bit slow and clumsy." Liquor seems to have more important things to say. Compared to this, when Borg and the others were on Fechi, they seemed to be targeted by some organizations, and strangers offered huge prices to buy various design drawings."

Bai Xing yawned, "How much? Have you sold it?"

"Of course Borg refused." Lijiu said angrily, "The other party raised the price to more than 800 million, but Borg actually refused. This money must be cheaper than the wheel repair shop. I have been in several places in the past few days. The early exposure of the domestic machinery manufacturing industry saw a similar appearance and weapon design."

"Yes." Although Bai Xing felt a little pity, he still agreed with a smile, "Except for the formula of the acid gun, we don't sell anything else, others will sell it."

"Speaking of this." Lijiu said sternly, "These days, the backend accounts of our major forums continue to have information about wanting to discuss formulas with us. I don't know how many intermediaries they have dispatched to take over this business negotiation, but I am sure What’s more, our background is being exposed one after another.”

Bai Xing felt a little belatedly, "My players backstage have been flooded with this information. If I were them, they would be unable to hold back any longer and take some action." Thinking of this, Bai Xing was a little worried about her Qianji. .

"Let's not talk about it for now. I'm going to repair Qianji's thinking system." She hurriedly hung up the communication with Lijiu. She just got up from the bed, opened the closet and took out the clean clothes prepared for the martial arts training ground.

This is an all-in-one driving suit designed to fit the body completely. It can be completely wrapped from the soles of the feet to the neck. There is an invisible zipper on the back. Put on this one-piece heating suit and put on a helmet, you can stay at least -35 ° temperature to ensure that the body's temperature will not be lost.

Just after changing clothes, Bai Xing heard someone knocking on the door.

He must be good at swordsmanship, Bai Xing thought, while buttoning the double buttons of the one-piece heating suit, he walked to open the door.
Opening the door, the person standing outside was not the swordsman Shirahoshi imagined, but a crow.

To be precise, it was Yuan Xilong.

Why is he here?Bai Xing took a step back warily, thinking to himself.

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