On the fourth day of the competition, a snowstorm came as expected.

Starting from early morning, the black clouds covered with large snowflake crystals were blown by the wind towards the center of the battlefield. Howling winds began to rage in the corners of the snow mountains. The temperature of the entire Mayan Snow Mountains dropped by nearly 30 degrees in less than one night. The temperature is high and continues to decline, and is about to fall below -80°, which is close to the lower limit that most mechas can withstand.

It was approaching six o'clock, and it started to snow. The world was dark, and the sky was not even bright. The dark snow clouds cast an oppressive hanging ceiling on the snow-capped mountains, giving people the illusion of impending disaster.

The four teams that were making next steps were all caught off guard by the sudden heavy snowfall. The strong winds added huge resistance to the powerful mechas. All the machines had to abandon flying and choose to walk. The density of snowfall around them was almost You have to keep a hand-in-hand distance to barely see your companions.

Seeing that movement was restricted and the temperature continued to drop, the teams on the battlefield had to start looking for temporary bases to hide, either in the snow-capped mountains or low-lying leeward positions, trying to avoid facing the wind and snow. Continue to pay attention to the condition of the machine and try every means to increase the internal temperature of the mecha.

This blizzard came suddenly, but gave the four teams a rare rest time. Everyone raced against time to take advantage of this opportunity to recharge their batteries. After the blizzard passed, the confrontation might begin.

This natural disaster came suddenly to the players, but Zhou Chuan and Lijiu, who had already received the news, were well prepared. After watching the weather map and getting answers from the meteorological department, they concluded that the snowstorm would last for 3 hours. The news of being far away from the center of the battlefield was simultaneously notified to all viewers, which calmed down the complaining live broadcast room.

At the same time, everyone in the red team was also lucky enough to find a small naturally concave cave at the foot of a snow peak before the freezing snow caused damage to the mecha. Although eight machines could not be squeezed in here, But this area is backed by wind and snow, making it an excellent refuge.

"Closing 90% of the currently running projects of the mecha can effectively avoid the impact of freezing on the mecha system." In the red team, only one machine of a thousand can get as close to the mountain wall as possible because of its small size.

Although the combatants in the mecha wore thermal clothing that could heat up, they also felt cold invariably.

According to what Qian Ji said, their mechas are currently only maintaining the lowest level of operation, that is, they can only observe the external scene in the mecha, and cannot do anything else.

Taking advantage of this time, everyone replenished supplies in the mecha before being divided into 44 teams, taking turns to watch and rest.

Qianji, who was in charge of the first batch of posts, not only had to be alert to the actions of other teams on the map, but she was also thinking over and over again about the unspoken rules of the game.

She still couldn't figure out where the fragments of the heroic spirit Bokaga had gone.

Until this issue is clear, they must not take the risk of contacting the team that eliminated the heroic spirit Bokaga.

The other two fully staffed teams cannot be their targets for the time being.

Qian Ji tried to dig at the standing sign on his chest with his hands, but couldn't take it off.

But the hermit's sign can be placed in the cockpit by her. It seems that once the sign is affixed, it cannot be moved to other hidden places.

There are currently four fragments on her body, namely the Golden Phoenix, the Yajuan, the Heart, and the Scorpio.

According to the popular science that Zhuojie gave everyone a few hours ago, there are still legends about dragon creatures on some planets. Dragons have nine sons, and Yaizhen is one of them. The other eight sons are Qiu Niu, Chaofeng, Pulao, Suanni, Baxia, Bifan, negative Xi, Chiqi.

Therefore, Yaizi should not belong to the animal card of snake and rabbit, but the descendant card of dragon.

As for the golden phoenix that she recovered, and the fire phoenix on the crow, they should be of the same category. Talking about this, Fallen Hero also provided valid information. He believed that these two cards were the same as the Dragonborn card and had the same characteristics. A card type composed of the divine bird born from the phoenix.

Except for the two pieces owned by the red team, the others should be Peacock, Dapeng, Qingluan, Snow Phoenix, Baiming, Lanfu, and Gale.

There are also nine types.Thinking about it again, isn't the number of fragments of the same type that super S-level players like Red Gold Storm can see on the map exactly 9?

Nine fragment cards should be the complete number that makes up a map coordinate.

But what does the content of these fragment cards and the purpose of setting up fragment groups of these two legendary creatures mean?

Bai Xing couldn't figure it out.

Although her home planet should have had such a legendary history in her previous life, when she was born, the insect plague had been rampant for hundreds of years. There had long been gaps in the oral history of human beings, and they were struggling to survive and survive. Between the word death, human beings have lost the energy and romance to interpret stories. Children born in shelters are not taught mythical legends from an early age, but how to use various types of firearms and knives, and how to deal with wounds after being injured. Will attract more predators, what foods are edible, how to filter water and other survival guides.

After a while, she may think everything is complicated.

Who are they? A group of combat masters who speak with their fists. Where is this place? This is a combat competition. They are not here for a test.

Will the officials really arrange a game for the players that requires deep thinking about the meaning of the fragments?
Fragment cards are just tools, tools to lead to locations.

At present, there are 7 types of decks known to the red team. Assuming that each deck contains 9 cards, that is a total of 63 fragments. Add up the fragments in the hands of all players...

Bai Xing's mind was a little confused, and she had to seek help from inside.

"Qianji, call up the records of the 39 players recorded before the game, and calculate how many fragments there are in the current field according to different levels."

"Thousands of machines have calculated that among the 39 participating players, there are a total of 22 super S-level players, 11 S-level players, and 6 super-A-level players. According to the official fragment arrangement, there are a total of 62 fragments in the starting field of the competition."

"One less..." Bai Xing said to himself.

"Qianji thinks it's just right."


"Qianji thinks it's just right." Qianji repeated it again, "Assuming that the red team is in full formation and has one more super S-class player, the missing fragment will just make up for it."

"Yes, that makes sense." Bai Xing thought thoughtfully, but then he thought, "But it's just my assumption that 9 completed maps are needed. After all, there are twelve constellations, and there are more flowers, animals, and organs. The number nine..."

"Only the Dragon Origin Card and Phoenix... Origin Card, there are definitely only 9 of them."

Does this mean something?
Shirahoshi recalled the original Zhou Legend competition rules, and one word caught her attention.

"Correct map location..."

If there is a correct position, does that mean there is an error?

Bai Xing was lost in thought. She thought that she was about to get the most critical answer. (End of chapter)

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