white star stealing star

Chapter 141 Post-match interview

Three hours after the game ended, discussions about Miss Qianji's victory over Crow began to spread on the official website of the martial arts training ground. The attention of the first few posts that broadcast the live broadcast of the game increased by tens of thousands per minute. At one point, It was featured on the home page of the official website, especially the video of the second half of the game, which sparked a heated discussion, with tens of millions of people discussing it online in real time.

Suddenly, the name Qianji was all over the official website, and the number of mentions surpassed all previous players.

Most of the discussions focused on the weapons displayed by the player Qianji in a game.

In addition to the long-necked plutonium knife that appeared as early as the Baiban period, there is also a new weapon that can be guided by electromagnetism, a star-shaped dart.

The most controversial thing is undoubtedly the acid gun that determines the victory.

"As a machinist who graduated from a prestigious school and has been engaged in the machinery industry for more than [-] years, I will tell you from my own experience that this external gun is undoubtedly the most lethal weapon this year. There is no one else. It has broken through the efforts of even federal mechanics. One of the major difficulties is how to combine extremely acidic substances into weapons for mature application. The last one who did this was probably the ancestor of the Jiangchuan family, Jiangchuan. However, there is only one real object. To restore it, we can only restore it. Take the physical objects and put them into the analysis machine to analyze them and get the specific gravity of the formula. Otherwise, you can only call the spirits."

"Is it that powerful? If it was really that powerful, then why didn't the Federation analyze what you said earlier?"

"Support the first floor. Don't believe the people above. You can check what an anaerobic pressure chamber is. Currently, the storage location of this physical object is confidential, and it will never enter the analysis machine. Once it is stored inside Strong acids, when exposed to air, will instantly destroy everything they come into contact with.”

"It sounds scary, but I'm not sure that the gun in Qianji's hand is what you're talking about. Maybe it's just an improved ablation technology."

"You will know if you wait until you pay attention to her later. For a combat master of this strength, I think she will be one of the favorites in this year's championship."

"If he is as powerful as you say, I probably won't find this person tomorrow."

"It's unlikely. Qianji is a combat division contracted by Gar. Odyssey, and with the heat being so high today, it's not easy for the Federation to intervene."

In addition to the heated discussion about weapons, many people were very confused and doubtful about the result of the game even after watching the complete video of the game.

"The super S-class heavy mecha was defeated by the super-A small mecha. This is too magical. Is the crow letting it go?"

"The Crow has been a follower for many years. Today's result is really disappointing. He was able to accept such a challenge and was defeated. I won't tell you how many shady stories there are. I understand everything."

"Haha, money can make all the difference. Even a star fighter can't escape the temptation of money. It seems that Qianji gave him too much."

"Have you people who are talking nonsense actually watched the entire video? Did you see the beginning of Qianji's effective counterattack?"

"Didn't the Crow surrender? The Crow didn't put in its full effort. Although I don't know, the championship will start soon. It's unlikely that a super S-class star fighter can be bribed to become an actor."

"I heard the Ravens might not be in the championship game this year, so there's a big chance they'll be bribed."

Of course, these remarks quickly attracted rebuttals from some fans who had been paying attention since various times.

"You are welcome to check whether it is a fake match, but Miss Qianji has always been able to bring surprises to people in all kinds of times. Besides, she doesn't look like she has money to pay off celebrities to act."

"Yes, Thousand Machines made their debut not long ago, and the fuselage painting has not been completed. Although it cannot be said to be poor, it is by no means rich."

"To be fair, I often watch the Crows' games. Based on today's performance comparison, the Crows have played 105% of their strength. I don't see any leakage. It is a fact that the Crows lost in the second half of the game. No injustice, the opponent waited until the end to show off an external gun of that level. I bet that even if the crow goes all the way, the balance of victory will not be in his favor."

"There are not many people betting on this game. If there is an inside story, there should be a big winner. I think 9% of this game is a loser. Such an upset will make the bookmaker laugh out loud."

No one knows whether the dealer is happy or not, but Lijiu did laugh so hard when he saw this comment.Lijiu bought two hands and thousands of machines from the opening of the market, and just received the 200 million star coins returned from the banker even with the original capital.

"It's exactly what you said, Xiaosheng, but how do you know that the crow will definitely surrender?" In the whale ship, Lijiu happily opened a bottle of fine wine, planning to invite everyone to celebrate together. , but was stopped by Borg, who said that he would first stay away from the interstellar orbit of the Pople star before thinking about celebrating.

Bai Xing was exhausted. She had long wanted to go back to her room to rest, but she was stopped by Borg and the others, who called them to the conference table to talk.

"The message that guy sent me was not so malicious. He seemed to just want to discuss things. Under this premise, he would not fight to the death with me." Bai Xing lay in front of the conference table, watching Borg handle the driving work. He handed it over to Ralph and BJ before walking over to them.

"Bai Xing, do you really not think carefully about the arrangement between you and Lijiu?" Seeing that Borg wanted to bring up the old matter again, Lijiu shrugged and walked to the corner, expressing her neutral stance.

"Didn't we talk several times in the past few days?" Bai Xing sighed, "Borg, you are too nervous."

"If you want fame, then this is enough. Once you make such remarks, the consequences will be completely uncontrollable..."

Hearing Borg's tirade again, Shirahoshi reached out and patted Borg's arm to signal him to stop.

Although he stopped himself, Bai Xing didn't say anything. He just looked at Borg quietly. Borg also looked at the child who had been growing up beside him since he was 9 years old.

She has always had her own ideas and has never been shaken once, right?

In the end, Borg was defeated. He shook his head, and his dull tone contained infinite accommodation, "I know, just do what you want to do."

Bai Xing was happy. She hugged Borg's arm, winked, and asked Borg in a playful tone, "Even if it offends the Federation."

What else could Borg say? He could only look at the ceiling helplessly, "Okay, just think of offending the Federation."

Seeing that Borg was easily manipulated, Lijiu exchanged sly glances with Bai Xing.

That night, when the discussion on Qianji began to decline on the official website, a small interstellar media suddenly released an entire interview video.

There are many examples of post-match interviews with contestants. Some media can bribe the martial arts training ground and go directly to the backstage of the combat division to conduct preemptive interviews. Usually they just ask the contestants about their state of mind after winning, how they felt about the competition, and other topics.

Therefore, the media in the video also asked the same question to Qianji who was on the field. After Qianji’s very official answers one by one, the last question at the end of the video and Qianji’s answer immediately triggered a new round of hot discussion.

"Excuse me, why did you choose the place of Poplar as the challenge arena?" In the video, the media person asked an idea that most people may be curious about.

Yes, there are so many planets, why is it the place called Poplar?

Qianji just answered mysteriously, "Because my memory of Planet Poplar is very profound."

"Ah, really. Then after the game, will you stay and visit? Or do you want to prepare for the next game?"

"Of course I have to play for a few days. After all, Planet Popler is about to fall, isn't it?" When the person in Qianji's voice said this, he even let out a cold-blooded sneer.

"From now on, when people mention Pobule, they will only think of my battle to become famous, Qianji." When he said these words, Qianji's pride was evident on his face.

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