Although Aunt Liz was not very welcoming to their arrival, she still allowed Nick and Bai Xing to rest indoors and prepared lunch for them - some convenience food.

Nick spent a lot of effort to comfort his aunt and prevent Aunt Liz from wanting to report the report. However, it was largely because Bai Xing said that she would leave around 12 o'clock that Aunt Liz gave up the trouble of making a report. thoughts.

And Nick still needs to send her on the last journey to the Black Port.

During lunch, Lijiu sent a message saying that she had sent a landing permit to Black Port, but the other party did not reject it, which meant that the federation did not intervene and investigate the ships coming and going from Black Port.

The liquor came faster than she planned, and Shirahoshi began to urge Nick to leave quickly.

Nick put on his leather jacket and held a tube of instant food in his mouth as he walked out of the door, intending to start the car first.

Bai Xing also thanked Aunt Liza and prepared to follow her away, but Nick ran back in a panic not long after he left.

"Someone is here."

"What's all the fuss about?" Aunt Liza finally waited until these two dangerous people left. She felt very light-hearted. Seeing Nick getting into trouble because of the slightest disturbance, she couldn't help but feel a little disdainful. "What's so strange about a tourist passing by here?" of?"

"Two motorcycle riders, a very unfamiliar model." Nick ignored Aunt Lize who walked out immediately. Instead, he looked at Bai Xing and asked her tentatively, "Maybe they came to arrest us."

Bai Xing thought of the motorcycle convoy he saw on the first day they arrived at Poplar, riding the yak bug to Dead Rock Town.

But before she could think of a way to deal with it, she heard the roar of a gas pump outside the door, and two armed motorcycles were already blocking the front door.

Nick and Bai Xing remained silent, listening to Aunt Lizzie asking each other's purpose.

Teng Saiyue and Yi Jin finally found the gas station said to be run by Nick's aunt, and also saw a jeep at the door of the low building that clearly matched the news.

Nick's friends may not reveal his traces, but getting news from his former best friend is much easier than imagined.

Teng Saiyue showed his federal identity card, and Yi Jin took out his loaded gun and asked to check the gas station.

When Aunt Liz saw the other party pulling out a gun, she immediately raised her hands and shouted loudly, "I know who you are looking for. She is in my store. My nephew Nick was held hostage by her. You hurry up and save her."

Aunt Liz's voice reached the ears of Bai Xing and Nick who were retreating to the second floor. Immediately, they heard two distinct footsteps rushing towards them. Nick was in a nervous dilemma, but Bai Xing dragged him out of the collar and dragged him all the way. Second floor.

There were no lights on on the second floor, and the only breathable window on the wall at the end of a long corridor was closed. Only a ray of light filtered through the gap prevented the second floor from falling into darkness.

The footsteps of the two people had already entered the hall on the first floor. Bai Xing pulled Nick and opened the innermost door at will. He hid in without caring about what was behind the door.

This room looks like a storage room, filled with boxes and cabinets of all sizes that have accumulated dust, old furniture, and even many new cradle, wooden horses and other sundries used by young children. As soon as they enter this room, the two of them are surprised. Personally, I feel like my throat is blocked by thick dust.

Nick was pushed by Bai Xing to a cabinet. This rattan cabinet also contained a lot of things. It was so heavy that Nick tried so hard but couldn't get to the back of the cabinet.

If someone opens the door from the outside, wouldn't they see themselves first?

Looking at Bai Xing again, she was standing behind the door against the wall.

Nick was covered in sweat, and just when he said, "It's useless, we will be found," he saw Bai Xing take out the high-temperature shooting gun that he had taken from the gambling house. "Those are from the Federation!" Nick was shocked. "Do you know how serious an interstellar crime it is to kill a Federation official?"

"Shh." Bai Xing pushed open the energy chamber of the gun, and tightened his sweaty hand on the gun handle. "As a hostage, you have to act decent."


"Quiet now!"

Nick had no choice but to move his body as close to the side of the cabinet as possible, but this was in vain. Apart from the position of the white star, which could not be noticed at first sight, the room was so full of clutter that it was impossible to find it. Hiding his position as an adult.

He just thought that Bai Xing was crazy. Sooner or later, those two people would search upstairs. Staying here could only delay the time of being discovered. But at this time, his mind was confused and scared, and he couldn't think of a better way.

As Nick expected, two footsteps soon sounded from the stairs, and then got closer and closer. From the beginning of the corridor, several rooms were pushed open one by one, study, bedroom, bathroom, one after another, immediately It's their turn for this room.

Nick grimaced and closed his eyes, his heart beating like it was about to jump out of his throat.

Finally, someone unscrewed the handle from the door, and a beam of bright light came in, shining brightly on Nick, who was about to faint.

Nick's desire to survive was overwhelming. He didn't see clearly the appearance of the person behind the crack in the door, but he clearly felt a red crosshair aimed at him.

He understood what Bai Xing said. As a hostage, he had to act... act decently.

"Help, help!" Nick raised his hands and shouted weakly for help, startling Yi Jin who was standing in front of the door.

He is not Bai Xing. Judging from his appearance, he should be the Nick they have been looking for all day and night.

This guy's face was bruised and bruised, and coupled with the fear on his face, he did look like he was being coerced.

Yi Jin was about to turn around and call out to Tosai Yue, who was still searching carefully in the previous room, but suddenly he felt the door panel loosen, and his wrist holding the gun as he passed it into the room was grabbed by someone's hand.

It was so fast that he didn't even say the word "Tōsai Yue" when he felt someone grabbed the joint of his wrist and pulled it hard. A hard metal object hit his chest accurately and his breath was suffocated. , although it was still within the endurance range, the response was obviously too late to prevent the opponent's next intrusion.

In the emergency, the gun in his hand also went off, hitting the wall only two centimeters away from Nick's head.

Teng Saiyue heard several sounds of hand-to-hand fighting first, and when he came a few steps over, gunshots rang out. He looked into the room in fear, and saw at a glance that Yi Jin had already had one hand cut behind his back by a man in a cloak. The whole person was facing the ground and pressed under his knees, and his helmet was also pressed against a high-temperature shooting gun in the opponent's hand.

In the corner of the room, Nick was stunned by the sound of the fire. He leaned against the wall and slowly slid to the ground.

Fujisai Yue pointed a gun at the person's ponytailed head and watched her slowly raise her head.

The glimmer of light fell on half of her face. She raised her black eyebrows, and her clear eyes, like black pearls sunk in the lake, revealed a hint of murderous intent.

In addition to pictures and videos, Fujisai Yue also faced Shirahoshi head-on for the first time.

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