Why did he want to delete himself? Did the other party's words mean that he couldn't help Bo Sinian?Then does he still have a chance to find his Bai Yueguang girl?
It doesn't matter if he is miserable or not, the most important thing is that Bo Sinian can find that girl. As long as he can get what he wants, he can do anything.

No... If the other party can see something, does that mean that if you find someone else who understands these things to show it to you and give the other party more incense money, the other party will tell you the solution?
The heart that had just dropped suddenly became alive again because of this thought.

Luo Xue clenched her hands. She shouldn't give up so easily. As long as she could find a way to find out the news about that girl, she would have a way.

Tingfeng, yes, go find him, as long as you can find out something from him, that's all.

Thinking like this, Luoxue did not dare to waste any more time and went to seek Tingfeng again.

"This matter has nothing to do with you, so don't spend unnecessary time inquiring. If your master knows that you are interested in this matter, it will definitely make him more... disgusted with you.

Luoxue, don't meddle in things that shouldn't be your business. If you still want to be by your master's side, don't do things that make him unhappy. "

Luoxue bit her lip.

——I know that I am overestimating my abilities by doing this, and I also know that I am very disgusting. I don’t care if I can continue to be by his side, but what I care about is that I want to see him happy.


——I know, I know everything, so Tingfeng, I have absolutely no other choice now. I need you, and you are the only one who can help me. I beg you, okay?I don't care if he drives me away.Tell me, okay?If I could somehow find that girl, wouldn't that be the best of both worlds?

Tingfeng looked at Luoxue's sad eyes, and he just couldn't say no to her.

"Okay, since you want to know, it's not impossible for me to tell you. Miss Susu is the master's most beloved woman, but it's a pity that the two of them can't be together. The master has lived for so many years, waiting for Miss Susu's reincarnation. Throughout his life, he tried his best to find her, but he gradually forgot what she looked like and how she smelled."

Listening to these words, Luoxue gradually understood why Bo Sinian was so depressed. Obviously, he felt that there was little hope and no longer wanted to struggle in vain.

It's just that it's been so long, he's been working hard for so long, how can he just pretend that nothing happened, how can he accept that he will never see the woman he loves the most in his life?

Therefore, he actually didn't want to give up. He had nowhere to vent his depressed emotions, and he would even think of that woman when he saw his own presence.

Luoxue seemed to understand at once. The reason why Bo Sinian hated her so much was because she was alive. Compared with the person he wanted, her existence was a reminder that he might never have a lover again. pain of.

What's more, everything that happened that night made her become a symbol of sin. Although she was willing to do so, for Bo Sinian, it was him who betrayed his lover.

For him to persist for so long is an indelible shame...

Luoxue pursed her lips. She couldn't let Bo Sinian continue like this. She had to work hard to find the reincarnation of that girl Susu for him.

——Do you still remember that girl’s horoscope?If you want to find the other person's reincarnation, are there any clues in the horoscope?
Tingfeng didn't expect that Luoxue, who had never cared about such things, actually knew something like horoscopes. "It seems that you really hope that the master can find Miss Susu. Unfortunately...if you just know the horoscope, you cannot find the other party, because she has been reincarnated for a long time, and not every life can become a human. After After so many years, she might be reincarnated as a man or a woman."

Luoxue has her own ideas.

——But no matter whether the other person is a man or a woman, they are all the people he loves. As long as he can know the whereabouts of the other country and see that the other person is well, it is a comfort to him.

Tingfeng was stunned for a moment. He didn't know why. Looking at the words she gestured with, he felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

He has never had any different emotions. Apart from his infinite loyalty to his master, it is hard for him to believe that one day, he will have an indescribable feeling for a mortal girl.

And this feeling made him wonder what it was for several days.

"You always put the master first, I understand, but don't make yourself so humble. The master has also said that you can leave at any time as long as you are willing."

——No, I won't leave. Even if I can't do anything to help him, at least I'm a mortal. I can do many things that you can't do conveniently.I know that you want to practice Taoism and you can't interfere too much in the lives of mortals, so I'm thinking if I can do it, is it okay?

Tingfeng frowned: "Do you know that everyone has their own karma? If you forcefully intervene in other people's karma, these karmas will fall on you!
If it is destined that the master cannot find Miss Susu, and you..."

——It doesn’t matter. Even if I am responsible for this, I think it doesn’t matter.This is all of my own free will, so can I help?

It was the first time that Tingfeng saw such a persistent girl, and he even couldn't bear to reject her.

"Forget it, I know your temper, you are very stubborn, and you will never listen to what I say. Since you want to help, then it is up to you.

We went to see a Taoist priest before, who said that girl Susu will definitely be reincarnated as an adult in this life, but we need Yuan Mizhu to find Miss Susu. Unfortunately, now that Yuan Mizhu has been destroyed, we can only think of other ways.

Another way is to have people with orchid blood. These people are all immortals who have been reincarnated. If the orchid blood can provide guidance, there may be a glimmer of hope, but we have no way of knowing who has orchid blood. Unless the blood scent on the opponent's body is released from the seal. "

Blood fragrance, lift the seal?

--What's the meaning?
"It means that people with this kind of blood must be sealed from birth to avoid unnecessary complications. Orchid blood has the ability to regenerate. If this ability cannot be sealed, the blood fragrance can only be sealed to prevent any monks with intentions from doing anything. Something that goes against the will of heaven.”

Tingfeng's words made Luoxue purse her lips.

——What do people with this kind of blood have to do to know the reincarnation of Miss Susu?

"You need the heart of the other party and the clothes that Miss Su Su once wore to nourish the essence with blood. This essence will guide reincarnation."

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