It is best to keep the situation of the rapid growth of the cultivation level of ‘Fragrant Pastry’ from the outside world.

Master Fengxian, as a monk, had his relevant memories cleared.

As for Cheng Jun and the others...

Ordinary people don't have that need.

Because even with their memories, they couldn't feel the fluctuations in spiritual energy caused by the monk's breakthrough.

He also didn’t know how many times Lu Sichen’s cultivation had improved in just one day!


The next day, early morning.

There was heavy dew in the mountains. Lan Xi and his party stayed in the mountains all night, and their clothes were so wet that they could almost squeeze out water~!

The mass graves on the mountains are already empty.

Tens of thousands of war spirits were saved, and the remaining remains basically ceased to exist.

Even if there are some individual remains, they have already become fossils.

After eating a biscuit in the mountains in the morning, Lan Xi really had no appetite, so she immediately asked everyone to leave together.

It took the six of us more than an hour to go up the mountain, and it only took 40 to 50 minutes to go down.

After returning to the parking lot and getting in the car, Lan Xi changed into a set of dry clothes before the car returned to the original route.

There was no signal on the mobile phone in the mountain. When we were about to leave the mountain, the weak signal was intermittent and intermittent.

It was also at this time that Lu Sichen received a call from his agent~!

The phone was connected to the car's Bluetooth, so Lan Xi could hear the call clearly.

"Boss, is Miss Lan with you, right? Your whereabouts were photographed by the paparazzi yesterday! Now the Internet is full of discussions about Miss Lan lifting the car with her bare hands!"

When Lan Xi first heard from Lu Sichen's agent that she had been photographed, she was still confused. When the ghost was released on the mountain, there was obviously no other strange living person around!

Fortunately, right after, she heard that she was being filmed moving a car.

In this regard, Lan Xi thinks this is nothing~!

She even logged into public social accounts that she didn't often visit, and saw the messages discussed by netizens, as well as a few seconds of videos posted.

She left a message below the video——

'That's not real, that's paper. ’

Lan Xi's reply was quickly seen by netizens.

Seeing her explanation, netizens were even a little stunned for a while!


‘Paper-tied? Do you think I believe it? ’

‘Why didn’t you say it was inflatable? ’

‘Whether it’s made of paper or inflated, who has the ability to make such a realistic fake car? ’

‘Are all the cars made of paper running on the road? ’

‘Are our IQs really that low in your eyes? ? ? ’


None of the netizens believed Lan Xi's explanation.

Instead, it felt like the little girl was pressing their IQs to the ground and rubbing them!

Lu Sichen was concentrating on driving, so he didn't know Lan Xi's defense, let alone the fermentation of the incident on the Internet.

Until a while later, his agent called again——

"Boss! Can you ask Miss Lan to stop speaking? Her explanation has made more people aware of the situation!"

After Lu Sichen learned from his agent what Lan Xi had done.


He couldn't help but glance sideways at the little girl next to him, feeling deeply that the little girl was still too innocent, so he gave such an explanation that could be seen through at a glance.

He originally wanted to tell Lan Xi that he would handle the online issues.

But then, the agent said again.

"Boss! Miss Lan sent a message again. She said that if netizens don't believe it, she will live stream the paper car making tomorrow!"

Lu Sichen:......


At this time, Lan Xi was holding her mobile phone and was really trying hard to 'refute the rumors' online!

However, netizens didn’t believe it at all.

That’s why she proposed to live stream the paper car making.

When she said this, she was not completely unsure. As an evil cultivator, she often deals with ghosts. She has learned the craft of paper binding.

It is not difficult for her to make things made of paper lifelike.

So after deciding to 'clarify' with netizens, Lan Xi immediately called her brother and asked his family to prepare paper binding materials.

When Lu Sichen saw the little girl, he really planned to make a paper car.

After being silent for a moment, he said, "I will help you prepare the materials. You don't have to go back to Haicheng, just do it in Yuncheng."

Lan Xi doesn't care where she makes the paper car.

On the phone, Lan Ziji heard what Lu Sichen said. After thinking about it for a while, he agreed.

His sister set off from Lincheng and went to Yuncheng, which was closer.

Moreover, even if he tried his best to prepare things like paper binding materials, he was worried that there would be some shortages.

Lu Sichen helped with the shopping. They got home early so that whatever was missing could be made up as soon as possible.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Sichen asked the housekeeper at home to prepare the materials first.

More than three hours later, the two of them had returned to Yuncheng——


At noon, in the Lu family yard.

After Lan Xi looked at the various paper-making materials piled in the courtyard, she nodded with satisfaction.

These materials are enough. Even if there are some missing parts, she can still get them from her small gray cloth bag.

After confirming that the materials were sufficient, Lan Xi used her account to send a message again and set the live broadcast time for tomorrow.

After that, she didn't worry about it too much.

Instead, the ordinary life of this day started as usual.


On the other side, Cheng Jun and Master Fengxian also returned to Haicheng not long after.

Master Fengxian collected the money and was about to leave Cheng's house, but was stopped by Cheng Jun.

"Master Fengxian, I want to learn from you. Can you accept me?"

Cheng Jun’s answer was Master Fengxian’s decisive refusal!

Master Fengxian waved his hand, "After I went out for a trip, I found that I am only half-assed. How can I teach you?"

"I'll give you a clear path. Instead of seeking my apprenticeship, you might as well establish a good relationship with Miss Lan. That's better than anything else~!"

Master Fengxian speaks from his heart.

After going out this time and experiencing these things, he no longer regarded Cheng Jun as an outsider, so he gave such a reminder.

As for Lu Sichen's breakthrough in cultivation, they were all eliminated by Lan Xi's 'Qing Memory Talisman'.

That's why Master Fengxian didn't say anything to ask Cheng Jun to be more friendly with Lu Sichen.

As long as his memory is complete, he will definitely have a good relationship with Mr. Lu!

It's a pity that there are some things that Lan Xi doesn't want people to know, so he has no way of knowing.


The next afternoon, two o'clock.

This time is the time Lan Xi made an appointment with netizens yesterday to live broadcast the paper-making car.

In the Lu family's courtyard, there are large piles of paper-making materials of various colors.

When the live broadcast room opened, netizens saw these things that were completely inconsistent with the elegant courtyard environment.

Some netizens also discovered with sharp eyes——

‘This looks like the home of Actor Lu? ’

‘Do you still need to guess? The anchor girl was a guest at Actor Lu’s house a few days ago. ’

‘She has such a good relationship with Actor Lu! ’

‘I’m jealous of my real name! ’

‘The Lu family doesn’t mind at all when you’re making paper things in the yard of Actor Lu’s house? ’

‘It can be said to be very indulgent! ’

‘Okay, wait for the anchor to overturn! ’

‘I want to see if the car made of paper can have the same appearance as the real car! ’

‘Wait and see too! ’

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