"If a beast in the sea is bitten off such a large piece of flesh, can it grow back?"

If such a wound appeared on a person's body, Jiang Lai really didn't know what to do.

But the little tail is a sea monster, and Jiang Lai still has some hope in his heart.

"With such a large piece of meat missing, if it were in the sea, other sea beasts would smell the smell and come to eat. They would not survive the day of healing. So I don't know if it can be healed..."

Judging from the little sponge's experience of surviving in the sea, such a serious injury would definitely lead to death.

Jiang Lai's heart trembled and he looked at Haibao again.

"If the Hai Clan suffers such an injury, it can be cured by being raised in the clan.

But the bodies of our sea clan are naturally stronger, and our little tail is a sea king beast, I don’t know..."

Haibao was unsure.

"But if Little Tail eats sea marrow, he will definitely, definitely get better!"

Little Sponge said on the side.

Jiang Lai silently watched the little tail quietly for a while. Seeing that it still showed no sign of waking up, he put it into his backpack.

The environment inside the pet backpack is more comfortable for sea animals, and it is definitely better for recovering from injuries.

Haibao went home, and he made up his mind to learn from his uncles and uncles, stop being lazy, make himself stronger, and protect all his good friends.

The little sponge was also in a very depressed mood. It was usually the most reluctant to enter the pet backpack, but today it took the initiative to ask to go in.

Jiang Lai sat alone on the raft, reading through the posts in the forum.

She was looking for experience in raising sea animals.

These days, as players capture sea beasts on a large scale, selling live sea beasts has become a complete industry chain.

Most of the sea beasts had large and small injuries on their bodies when they were captured.

In order to sell them in a better condition, these sellers will heal the wounds of the sea beasts before selling them.

Therefore, Jiang Lai actually found out a lot of knowledge about marine animal breeding on the forum.

But looking over and over, Jiang Lai didn't see any serious injuries like Little Tail's.

But what makes Jiang Lai happy is that players who raise sea beasts generally say that sea beasts have very strong self-healing capabilities, and they don't need to worry about minor injuries, they will be fine in a day or two.

Jiang Lai went to ask Qi Jingxing again.

You must know that the most powerful boss in the industry chain of selling sea beasts is Qi Jingxing.

Qi Jingxing replied that if it were an ordinary sea beast, it would not need to be treated for minor injuries or major injuries.

But if you encounter a rare sea beast that can be sold for a good price, and the injury is serious, you will sprinkle painkillers on them.

This pain reliever is useful for humans as well as sea animals.

Jiang Lai got the inspiration and took out a piece of purple leaf grass without even using painkillers, crushed it and applied it on the wound of the little tail.

No matter what method she tried, she would try it.

"Why are you asking about this? Your contracted beast is injured?"

Qi Jingxing asked.

"Well, he was seriously injured."

Jiang Lai responded.

"If the injury is too serious and cannot be saved, I will give you a better one."

Qi Jingxing said kindly, the SkyTeam Alliance had caught many sea beasts, and of course the best ones were not sold in his hands.

It will then be distributed to SkyTeam players based on their contribution points.Don't let the good news go to outsiders. The harder you work, the stronger your own organization will be. This is Qi Jingxing's way of development.

Jiang Lai didn't say anything else. What she lacked was certainly not a strange sea beast.

In order to divert his attention, Jiang Lai practiced Guiyuan Jin Duan many times throughout the afternoon and evening, until he was exhausted, then he washed up and fell asleep.

The next morning, the first thing Jiang Lai did was to observe the condition of the little tail.

Jiang Lai released Little Taitail from the backpack. She was pleasantly surprised to find that although Little Taitail was still very weak, his eyes had been opened.

"Master, I'm hungry."

Little Tails spoke softly.

Jiang Lai happily took out the fish meat and fruits and fed them to the little tail, and finally gave it two pieces of sea marrow.

The wound that was covered with purple leaf grass yesterday no longer looks so scary.

Although a large piece of meat was still missing, she didn't know if it was Jiang Lai's imagination. She seemed to see that the gap was not that big anymore, and that some meat seemed to have grown out.

Jiang Lai comforted and encouraged the little tail, and then put it back into the backpack.

Just wake up, the wound will get better, and you can still eat the sea marrow, then there will be no problem!
The big stone in Jiang Lai's heart was relieved, and he told the little sponge the good news again.

Little Sponge clamored to see his big brother, but Jiang Lai did not agree. Little Tail was still very weak and could not have too many mood swings. Little Sponge was too noisy.

Feeling relieved, Jiang Lai packed his backpack while fishing for the treasure chest.

She made many small wooden boxes, divided the soil dug from the island into small portions, and hung them on the trading platform.

A large box of soil can be divided into ten smaller boxes.

Jiang Lai had a total of fifty large boxes, and she took ten large boxes to sell, for a total of one hundred small boxes.

Jiang Lai needs to exchange all this soil for upgrading materials: bronze, iron nails, silver, flint...

All of these are needed to upgrade to the ninth level of residence, and you also need sea marrow, but I guess the players don't have this thing, and Jiang Lai didn't write it down at all.

Yesterday in the sea, Jiang Lai encountered the Neptune Beast attacking Little Tail, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Not to mention that he couldn't save Little Tails, if he faced the Sea King Beast alone, he might even become a drag.

If Haibao hadn't been there yesterday, Jiang Lai might have watched Little Tail die.

Jiang Lai felt panicked when he thought of the powerless scene.

The more you upgrade, the more insignificant you feel, and the faster you have to upgrade.

But if you upgrade again, you will be exposed to more and more terrifying things, and you will start to feel that it is not enough, and the cycle repeats.

This was not the first time Jiang Lai had such feelings.

The food chain in this game world is layered one after another, and it seems that it can never reach the highest point.

But I had no choice but to climb up bit by bit.

After Jiang Lai's soil was posted, it was quickly robbed, even though the price was not cheap.

On the vast sea, people's desire for soil is beyond imagination.

Plants can be planted in the soil, and the growth of plants represents hope, an endless stream of hope.

Jiang Lai did not limit the number of copies he could buy, thinking that since he sold them so expensively, no one would buy too many at once.

But I didn't expect that someone actually bought a lot at once, and it was none other than my old acquaintances.

The one who bought the most was Qi Jingxing, who bought fifty copies at once.

No need to think about it, it must be for the purchase of SkyTeam Alliance.

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