Chapter 188 189.

The clone inserted the key into the keyhole, turned it gently, and the lock opened with a click. With a slight push, the person stepped in.

[san value 90/100]

As soon as he entered, the clone noticed that the sanity value, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly dropped.

Subconsciously, he shrank his neck and felt a chill for no reason.

After taking the antidote, the clone's sanity value continued to increase slightly, and it did not change again until the post-99 generation.

Unexpectedly, when entering the basement, it would suddenly drop. It seems that the change in sanity is not only due to the use of drugs, but also the mental state of the original owner.

Although she did not wear it on the original owner, her mental state was almost the same as the original owner. The original owner suffered a lot here and cast a shadow on this place, so her sanity dropped.

Defeating fear or solving fear does not mean that if you experience fear again, you will become unwavering and solve things very calmly.

All kinds of things will eventually change people's mentality and personality.

The clone rubbed his temples to calm his uncontrollable mentality.

Use your flashlight to scan around the area.

The first thing you see is a hall, surrounded by cylindrical glass containers filled with strange-shaped plants. There is a room on the left side of the entrance, and a room on each side at the end of the hall.

The clone pushed open the door next to it. The floor was filled with boxes, and the four walls were covered with shelves. The clone roughly flipped through it, and found that most of them were brand-new experimental equipment and props.

Finding nothing unusual in this room, she stood up, walked out of the room, closed the door, and walked to the end of the hall. She first looked to the left.

[san value 85/100]

My heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably and beat wildly, my legs felt weak and weak, and chills came from all directions.

At that moment, Jiang Yingbai wanted to open his mouth, roar and scream crazily, vent all the fear in his heart that had nowhere to go, then open his legs and run out with all his strength.

"Run, run."

"This is hell, an abyss of eternal destruction. Use all your strength to escape at all costs!"


What's behind the door?

Why did the original owner have such a big reaction?

The clone turned to the right, and his wildly beating heart finally calmed down a little. The fear this door brought to him was far less than the other one.

[san value 80/100]

The clone took out a few bottles of psychoactive potions, poured them down, and pushed open the door on the left.

[san value 95/100]

It is a cylindrical room.

[san value 75/100]

In the middle was a gallows made entirely of wood with a lot of carved spider silk, bright red and messy distribution. The clone blinked, and a figure appeared in front of it.

Holding a notebook in her hand and a pair of glasses on her nose, she looked at the man on the gallows with a serious and meticulous expression.

The gallows was about 2.5 meters high, with a rope hanging from it strangling the man's neck, and the man was half hanging in the air.

As the rope continued to tighten, the man's face became redder and redder until it turned purple, veins popped up on his forehead, his eyes were bloodshot, and his face looked painful.

The woman stood nearby, observing his reaction the whole time, writing and drawing in the notebook, with no intention of helping him at all.

When the man was about to lose consciousness and was about to be strangled to death, the woman finally stopped the pen in her hand and put him down.

The clone blinked, and the scene changed instantly. The woman changed her clothes, and the man was still wearing the same gray clothes, but his face looked more haggard than last time.

The woman tied the man's hands, legs, and waist with ropes, and tied him to the gallows.

The picture suddenly turned bright red, as if it was covered with a red filter, and the clone's neck turned unconsciously. There are many tools on the table next to it, including barbed whips, soldering irons burning red in the stove, towels soaked in buckets...

Painful scenes appeared in front of my eyes bit by bit, and no matter where I looked, horrific memories emerged.

My whole body was numb from head to toe.

"Run quickly!"

"Run quickly!"


The messy news rushed in, and his brain almost exploded. Jiang Yingbai felt as if his consciousness was divided into two parts.

A part of them was shouting and howling like crazy, almost rushing out of the door in the next second, while a part of them was watching all of this indifferently, calmly analyzing the current situation.

The clone took out a few bottles of potion again and drank it down.

The chill around my body eased slightly, and finally the clarity still dominated. All the hallucinations disappeared, and the echo of the shouting remained in my ears.

Jiang Yingbai was a little silent, Tiantian was more cruel than she expected.

Jiang Yingbai originally thought that Tiantian was just using the original owner as a guinea pig to develop drugs and let him try them, while she observed the consequences and reactions.

But I never thought that Tiantian would also cause torture to the original owner's body.

Cruel, violent, bloody, and crazy all rolled into one, he is truly a lunatic.

After staring for a few seconds, Jiang Yingbai thought of the hallucination he had seen before, the circular hall, the towering trees, and the dazzling sunlight.

Jiang Yingbai now understood why he saw such a scene in the hallucination.

The gallows made of carved spider silk wood corresponds to the big tree, the incandescent lamp above his head corresponds to the sunlight, and he himself corresponds to the bones on the tree.

It turns out that everything is traceable.

The human spirit is a very complex thing, and different mental states vary under different circumstances.

Some people's spirits are so strong that even if they experience all kinds of torture and injustice, their spirit cannot be destroyed. Not only that, but their spirit will become stronger.

Some people are mentally fragile and can be defeated by any difficulty. At this time, any behavior they take will subconsciously protect themselves, such as compromising.

Or maybe his mind is very fragile at this time, and he can change his mind with a little trick.

This is why people like people easily. Even if they don't like people who have helped them, they will be deeply impressed by that person.

People who understand people's hearts can control human nature with ease.


After these inhuman tortures and mental interference, the original owner went completely crazy and became exactly what Tiantian wanted. At this time, the house naturally came into the hands of his wife Tiantian.


Jiang Yingbai quickly sorted and analyzed everything. She took out her mobile phone and took a few photos. After rummaging carefully, she took away the notebook Tiantian used to record.

The book is filled with her experimental directions, as well as experimental results and processes, with pictures and explanations.

The clone put away the phone and notebook, left the room, closed the door, and finally opened the door on the right.

The room on the right is very much like the laboratory in the clone's memory, with spotless ceramic tiles, several different operating tables, countless test tubes, and experimental equipment.

The small room is basically full of things. At first glance, it looks very messy, but when you take a closer look, it feels very neat.

(End of this chapter)

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