A ray of light pierced the darkness, and Jiang Yingbai walked towards the cracked door with a luminous stone in his hand, "Sure enough, she knew the girl had left from the beginning."

With a slight push and a creak, the door opened, and the inside of the house was a little darker than the outside.

"There seems to be something that connects them."

Jiang Yingbai walked in and came to the door of the woman's room. The door was not closed. It could be seen that the woman cared about her daughter very much.

After rummaging through the cabinet, Jiang Yingbai found a painting among the clothes in the cabinet. The background was exactly the same as the girl's painting, except that there was no girl under the tree.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Yingbai walked out of the bedroom, came to the door of the room, took out the girl's painting, "You can come out now."

The girl lowered her head slightly and looked at Jiang Yingbai's clothes. The hesitation in her heart was as thick as black ink. Should she ask or not?

Jiang Yingbai walked into the room again, "I don't know why you couldn't get out of the painting just now."

Her guess was correct. This was what the girl wanted to ask. The girl didn't know whether what she said was true or false. As she thought about it, she found herself standing at the door of her home.

She whispered, "Is this my home?"

The girl's expression changed drastically, "Wait..."

Jiang Yingbai replied calmly, "That person just now was your mother. I don't know what she was doing."

The girl's voice rose, "Mother! She..."

Jiang Yingbai looked back at her. Her eyes were flickering and her whole body was tense. "Come in, this is a rare opportunity. By the way, what were you going to say just now?"

There was a sound of swallowing at the door, and after a long moment, "Yeah, okay."

Although she was very uneasy, she could only agree since the painting was in Jiang Yingbai's hands.

The girl ran into the woman's bedroom and pulled out a piece of white A4 paper from the pile of old newspapers. "My mother has been writing recently. When I asked her what she was writing, she always avoided the topic."

Jiang Yingbai took it and checked it.

It's still a painting.

Two little figures sit opposite each other across the table. The little figure on the left is holding a letter. The paper is densely filled with words. The handwriting is too small to see clearly. The little figure on the right is hanging in the air to take the letter.

Since we are sitting together, if there is anything we can't say directly, why should we communicate through letters?

Looking at the entire painting carefully, Jiang Yingbai saw no one else and nothing suspicious.

Her eyes narrowed, her fingers touched the quill on the table, and the scene she drew instantly changed to a first-person view of the letter paper.

Jiang Yingbai knew in his heart that this was the case.

She swiped her finger to the right, and many words appeared on the blank letter paper. After swiping five times in a row, they disappeared.

Blue text: "Are you there? I have some questions to ask."

Black text: "You don't need to do anything after planting the seeds, just wait patiently for the results."

Blue letters: "How long will it take for the results to come out? Will there be any side effects? Will the soul return to the body after the results? Will my daughter's body change during the process? If there is a change, what kind of change will it be? I want Do I need to give my daughter water? Does her body need to go to the toilet? Can I give her a bath?"


The question written in blue letters that fills the entire page shows the woman's worry.

Black text: "Don't do anything"

Blue text: "My daughter is not in good health. Will she really be fine if she doesn't eat for a long time?"


Blue text: "Can I do what I asked you to do? Can you reply?"


Blue letters: "Did you see what I said?"


Blue text: "Is there something wrong with this paper?"


Blue text: "I want to find you"

Black text: "Don't do anything. Don't ask me to repeat myself. You'd better be quiet. I'm not a trash can. Don't talk trash to me again."

Blue text: "Okay..."

Blue letters: "Do those things in town have anything to do with you?"

Black letters: "It's you, not me" Blue letters: "How could it be related to me? I didn't do anything."

Black text: "The gap between life and death is the most difficult to cross in the world. If you want to resurrect a person, you must be prepared to pay all costs."

Blue text: "What do you mean?"

Black text: "During the growth of the seed source, it will absorb nearby vitality."

Blue letter: "You mean, my daughter will be resurrected only if they die?"

Black text: "No, it's physical reshaping."

Blue text: "I don't want to continue, can you give up?"

Black text: "If you give up your daughter now, she will die immediately."

Blue letters: "..."

Blue text: "This is too cruel..."

Black text: "What does it matter? It's not you who died anyway."

Black text: "Keep it a secret until the results come out. This is still the early days."

Blue text: "Okay..."


After reading it, Jiang Yingbai glanced at the girl. The girl stood there blankly, her breathing almost stagnant. The result was too cruel for her.

Jiang Yingbai put away the letter without looking back. She had nothing to say about the girl's experience, "Let's go and see your body."

The girl was still in a daze, but her tears flowed down quietly. At that moment, the fire in her heart was extinguished, "So that's it..."

Jiang Yingbai came to the door of the utility room and cellar, stretched out her hand, and saw the paintings in the square through the perspective of her clone.

"It's painting again..."

Staring at the ground, she could only see four gaps under the thick dust. She murmured to herself, "That person must be the second painter on the list."

Seeing the woman's death-seeking behavior, she stopped what she was doing, turned her perspective to her clone, and turned around and ran away.

After a chase.


Jiang Yingbai leaned against the wall with his hands, breathing rapidly, feeling like he was about to die, "Why don't you follow?"

She looked back and saw that the street behind her was still empty.

"Everyone is gone? Do you want to go back and take a look?"

Jiang Yingbai was not a hesitant person, but she was worried about letting her main body go into the cellar. It was dark inside and there was only one exit. If the cellar door was closed when she was looking for something, or there was something very dangerous down there, she would not be able to escape. Then she's doomed.

When the clone dies, it dies. After the cooldown ends, it becomes a hero again. When the main body dies, there is nothing.

She dared not take the risk.

But the paper man evacuated, obviously something happened in the square after she left, and her intuition told her that it was a very important clue.

After repeated hesitation, Jiang Yingbai recalled the clone, but his life was still at stake.

When the cellar door was opened, the smell of decay was worse than decay. Jiang Yingbai couldn't breathe, and the dust flying in the air under the beam was extremely conspicuous. After taking two breaths of not-so-fresh air, he waved his hands and went down.

The main body is guarding the cellar entrance.

The underground space is not small, and there is a gorgeous princess bed in the middle. The bedding is a brand new pink velvet cover. The girl sleeps peacefully under the soft and fluffy quilt, with a faint smile on her lips.

The surroundings are filled with miscellaneous items, like dolls that accompany a princess to sleep.

There is a strange sense of dissonance.


A few words came to Jiang Yingbai's mind.

"Snow White, a dark fairy tale version."

It's a pity that she is not a prince, and she will not lean over to steal a kiss while someone is sleeping.

She knelt down and looked under the bed, and not surprisingly saw a painting.

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