Good evening, everyone. I'm sorry that I stopped updating for so long (kneel down on my knees). Today I want to talk about the reasons why I stopped updating. First, it's because I am a bastard myself and give up easily when I don't see hope (it's the same as S). Everyone can see that I can’t make any money except for perfect attendance, which is subsidized by the platform).

Before I started writing, I knew that my writing skills were very poor, so I just wanted to stick to it and get a perfect attendance.

Later, because of a person, I discovered that my writing was very poor. After realizing this, I could no longer code as I liked before, and then I could no longer code (it was broken) (even though I had already thought about the follow-up) ).

After that, every time I wrote an article, I had to think for a long time about what to write next, what words were better, what word order was better, and how to express it more fluently.

Then I discovered that my writing skills are really bad. I am really grateful to those who read my book. Now when I look back at the previous chapters, I want to cry (what kind of rubbish did I write)

I was stuck in a bottleneck. I had no grades in my studies, and I had no motivation to persevere. I couldn't keep up with perfect attendance. The problem came. I was an adult, I had to support myself, and I needed a job.

So I went looking for a job. At first, I wanted to find a part-time job that worked five hours a day. I could renew it after the job was over. But I couldn’t find one after searching for a long time. Either I was too tired or I didn’t have enough money. I was afraid of being a homebody in my own society. The method persists

So I tried to find other jobs. I tried many jobs, including hotel front desk, convenience store clerk, waiter, barber, designer assistant, clothing company operator, Hanfu clerk, buying clothes, handling ingredients, milk tea clerk, etc. wait
I worked for a few days, and sometimes for a month, but I didn't stick to it. Yes, you read that right, I didn't stick to it at all. I'm such a waste.
In fact, the most important thing is to have a glass heart. As a worker, I will be scolded by my boss more or less, and I am the kind of person who wants to cry when I am scolded. When I cry, I want to run away, so I ran away.
Finally, my friend who was a social nerd (who we had not seen for a long time since childhood) couldn't stand it anymore, so she brought another friend of mine who was a social nerd (a classmate in junior high school, whom we hadn't seen for a while) to find me.

She said she would take us to find a factory, and asked my friends and I to save some money first before considering anything else.

From here the nightmare began for me and my sociophobic friends.

Before going into details, let me give you some background.

My friend from the company is in my hometown, and she has a small deposit (it is not convenient to disclose, but it is more than me). My sister and I rent a house in a city far away, and I also have a deposit, which is very small (1200)

My social fear friends are doing internships, social cow friends are studying in school, social cow friends bring my social fear friends to my city to meet me on Friday night (come to my place on Saturday), and social cow friends go back to school on Sunday to continue studying. .

Yes, you read that right, it’s that outrageous.

The key is that I didn’t say no (I wanted to say no but didn’t say it), and my social-phobic friends didn’t say no either (they were annoyed by their family members and just wanted to leave home).

My social-phobic friends and I are both timid in character. We don’t dare to ask if we want to, and we compromise when our opinions are rejected (when the principles are not touched).
On Sunday, she took my friend and I to see a good factory, and brought my friend’s luggage there. My friend and I asked questions several times, and she swore that it was no problem and let my friend sleep there at night.

We planned to go one at noon and one in the afternoon (unexpectedly, we didn’t go to either after the process was so long).

All the information about the factory was obtained from our friends in Sheniu from the personnel department.

After taking the subway for a long time, we arrived. As soon as we got out of the subway, we saw two people looking in at the door and shouting their names (not the three of us).

We called HR, who told us the address (next to the subway station, on the second floor)

After going up, there was a hall full of people (like those involved in pyramid schemes) who came up to apply for a mobile phone card, which I did (.) Then they asked for information and money for printing, and we gave them again (..)
After everyone gathered, a man walked to the center of the crowd and began to speak. At this time, my friend realized that something was wrong.

My Sheniu friend swore he was fine.

After the man finished his speech, he took us to another place. Another person came and talked a lot and made a lot of messy things. He changed places again, collected the ID cards, and talked a lot again and made a lot of messy things. got something.

The benefits they claim are getting lower and lower, and the place is getting more and more remote (you can’t even take a taxi).

I already wanted to run away, but my Sheniu friend still said it was okay. She said that I could change my job to a position with better pay.

And I put my friend's luggage there. I was afraid that my friend would say that he was not feeling well and could he go to work a few days later.

Just put the luggage there, and my friend went home. My friend and I went to my house. When I got home, I told my sister about it. My sister asked us to bring the things back tomorrow. This can't be done. .

My friends and I agree very much. After all, it doesn’t take a fool to know that those people are scamming.

I have a very good relationship with my social anxiety friend. She is my best friend. Since we haven’t seen each other for more than a year, both of us were very happy to meet each other, so we spent a few days going there when we were looking for jobs. The place.

As we walked around, we found a lot of things that we had wanted to buy in the past but had given up because they were too expensive. We spent a lot of time buying them. .

After a few days of leisure, my Sheniu friend introduced us to a factory where she had worked before.

She once again swore that it was very reliable. She worked part-time for 5 days and got a thousand dollars for 10 hours a day. She also said that the salary of a regular employee was higher. We would go home after working for two months. It was very reliable.

Let me talk about the background again. My friend from Sheniu said that accommodation and food are not included there, but you can rent a house nearby (similar to self-built houses in rural areas) for less than [-] a month, and water and electricity are very cheap.

She lived near the factory for 10 yuan a day, and the dormitory was an apartment (as she said at the time) which was relatively far away.
The work content is easy. I work 10 hours a day and take one hour break at noon and afternoon. I stay in the factory for a total of 12 hours. You are not allowed to wear headphones, but you can bring speakers to listen to music. She said that when she was working, many people wore speakers to listen to music. .My friend and I actually didn’t want to go at all, but my friend spent a lot of money traveling so far away, so he had to make some money to go back.

And I also feel like it’s not good to stay at home all the time.

We believed her and she repeatedly assured us that there would be no problem, so we went and started looking for a room, but then we couldn't find one and thought about living in a dormitory.
My friend went to the interview again with his luggage (thinking about staying in the dormitory tonight and trying out the job tomorrow)

As a result, the interviewer said that I was not allowed to live in the dormitory until I was hired. . .

He asked us to go back and come over from 9 to 10 the next day to try out the work.

That place is very remote and there are no bus stops or electric buses. .

Can you understand the pain of me and my socially anxious friends? It took me three hours to get there by subway from my home, and it took about half an hour to take a taxi to get there.

I called my friend from Sheniu and she said she didn't know about it.

We had no choice but to open the map to find the nearest hotel, then take a taxi there. We got up at 9 o'clock the next day and arrived at 10 o'clock. While waiting for the interviewer, we met another person (Little A) who came to try out the job, and the three of them chatted for a while.

After waiting for a long time, the interviewer finally came. After a set of words and procedures, the three of us were arranged into a newly opened dormitory (dormitory 303, I didn't go to the dormitory at that time).

Then we started trial work. We were promised that we would not have to do any hard work, but that was not the case at all. The work process was to move the boxes to the table, open the boxes, check things, register on the computer, and put the boxes down.

That's probably it. After half a day, I learned almost the same thing (probably)

At 8:15 pm, we took the factory bus to the dormitory with our luggage. There were already several people queuing there, and Little A was in front of us.

The person who arranged the dormitory said that there was no dormitory that Xiao A wanted to go to, so he asked Xiao A to go to 302. When our friends and I arrived, he found that we were also in 303. After thinking for a while, he asked Xiao A to go to 303.
He made some operations on the computer and asked my friend and I to go to 302. There were several people living in 302.
Little A was alone in the newly opened 303. When I asked him why, he just insisted that we couldn't go to 303. .

I really want to curse ^_^
My friend and I went to 302, a room with an attached bathroom, and eight beds in a room, just like in my junior high school, with upper and lower beds (I really want to die, whose apartment looks like this!)
The most important thing is that the dormitory toilet is a toilet, ah ah ah ah, toilet (kill me, I really miss the rat)

The next day, that is, we got up at 6.50 this morning, the factory cars started to leave at 7.15, and we arrived at the factory at 7.45. Then we did it ourselves, and it was like moving things. .

I heard that if you don’t live in a dormitory, you have to work overtime, and you can only work overtime if you meet the quota for one day.

The canteen over there is so small, really small, it feels like about 100 square meters. The supermarket is also very small, and the prices are more expensive than outside. There is nothing delicious inside. The toilets are even more outrageous. They are just a few small cubicles built outside. between.

One stall is smaller than an average public restroom. .

There is no distinction between men and women, just outside the supermarket, less than 5 meters away. .

I didn't cry when I encountered all this, I thought I could bear it, until I made a mistake at work and was told something (just a few words of reminder), I almost couldn't hold back the tears at that time (this is how our glassy hearts are)
All I could think about was, I'm leaving tonight.

After chatting with my friends in the car for a while, I decided to run away. .

I now regret not stopping them from coming.

Ahhhhhh, it’s so annoying, why didn’t I just work at home and earn a living, why did I have to go out to look for a job, spend all my savings, and suffer for several months. . .

Confused, not knowing where to go tomorrow.

If you don't have a strong personality and haven't made all preparations and plans, you really shouldn't step out of your comfort zone.

Harmful, a bastard is a bastard, with no social experience at all. Why on earth did I think about changing, holding on to the ideal of making money, poetry and a distant future, and ended up in such pain, laughing to death, I couldn't change at all.

I hope I can find a job tomorrow, or work in a decent factory, make some money, and then go back to my hometown to earn a living and provide for my retirement.

Ahhhhh, I hate socializing, I don’t want to socialize, socializing is really scary! ! !
I miss the rat so much, oooooooooooo.

That's about it, thank you very much for watching.

Well, although there is a high probability that there is no one, there is someone who I hate very much. After all, it was him who caused me to stop updating, and it was he who broke my already unresolute heart.

The last sentence, stop opening a small account to read my books. You are really annoying. I really hate you. I have banned so many accounts. Haven’t you understood this yet? ^_^

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