Chitose words

Chapter 234 The dead friend is not dead

Chapter 234 The dead friend is not dead

When night fell that day, Xie Zhao, Ling You, Han Changsheng and Bo Xi and their party had traveled hundreds of miles a day and arrived at a post station beside an official road several hundred miles away.

Thanks to the astonishing foot power of the four Yuwenbu good horses sent by "Lone Wolf Sword Immortal" Yuwenxin, after two days of galloping, they were approaching the southwesternmost border of Hanyong Pass in the Northern Dynasty.

If they were to go down again tomorrow, they would probably leave the official road and go down the mountain road in the southwest direction.

Then they climbed over a few relatively gentle hills. It was expected that by tomorrow evening, they would be able to approach the terrifying desert no man's land in Western Xinjiang at the junction of the Hanyong Dynasty and the Fenglan Dynasty.

It was a windy day and they rode around on horseback for a whole day. They even ate dry food on horseback, so that when they arrived at the inn at night, everyone's face was almost covered with a layer of dust.

After each of them simply freshened up in the room, they went downstairs to eat in tacit agreement.

Along the way, almost all the inns along the Hanyongguan Road in the Northern Dynasty are set up like this.

The first floor is the lobby, where guests staying at the hotel upstairs can dine, as well as travelers passing by.

Han Changsheng and Ling You had already washed up and went to the lobby downstairs first.

At this time, the food has been ordered, and we are waiting for the chef of the inn to prepare the food.

Seeing Xie Zhao coming down with wet hair, Han Changsheng immediately became happy.

"Hey, did our Xie Nuxia lose her balance when washing her face and plunged into the basin? Why is her hair even wet?"

Xie Zhaopi snorted with a smile, and sat down with Bo Xi one behind the other.

"It's such a cold day, do you think I want to wash my hair? If Bo Xi hadn't just said that my hair at the back was tangled in the wind and couldn't be combed out, I wouldn't have bothered to get wet."

Bo Xi smiled faintly and said:
"Miss Xie's hair is really thick, and she is not used to braiding her hair into small braids like us Northern Dynasty women do, so her long hair has been in a cloak and hat for two days, and it is really not properly knotted. If I don’t wash it, I’m afraid I won’t be able to comb it through.”

Han Changsheng said disgustedly: "Eh? Ah Zhao, can you look like a girl?"

Xie Zhao glanced at him and said concisely: "Shut up."

Han Changsheng choked and found himself in trouble.

But then I thought about it, no wonder Xie Zhao was so slovenly.
He and Ling You are both men, and their hair is naturally shorter than that of women.

The winter winds in Hanyong in the Northern Dynasties were strong and fast, so most men and women in the Northern Dynasties wore braids all over their heads.

With this hairstyle, you don’t have to wash your hair frequently, and the braids are more resistant to dirt.

But obviously, Xie Zhao will definitely not "give in".

People tend to comb their long, thick hair into a high, regular ponytail.

In the past, when they traveled around the world, Xie Zhao's high ponytail was easy to take care of, simple and refreshing, which was very convenient.

But now she is riding on horseback. In order to protect her from the wind and snow, the cap attached to her cloak is fastened on the top of her head almost all day long. It will inevitably become knotted under the friction with the high ponytail for a long time.

Ling You quietly moved his eyes away from Xie Zhao's wet method, and then said:

"Stop making trouble. After dinner later, everyone will go back early to settle down. If we enter the desert of Western Xinjiang tomorrow, I'm afraid there won't be any bedding to sleep on at the inn."

While he was talking, the waiter in the back kitchen of the inn had already brought four steaming bowls of hot noodle soup.

Xie Zhao was happy when he saw it.

"Oh! It's hot! It also comes with hot soup. This is such a good day that no god would ever change!"

She asked happily: "Who ordered it? It's so tasteful!"

Han Changsheng looked at her and smiled.

"Who else could it be? Ling Youbei! He saw that you ate less in the morning and suffered from stomachache during the day. He knew that you must be impatient to eat the dry food, so he asked the chef of the inn to make it."

Xie Zhao hissed, holding the chopsticks in a nondescript fist.

"Young Master Ling, thank you for your kindness!"

Everyone laughed, and Ling You also showed a rare smile.

He had something on his mind these past few days, which was always heavy, making the already calm and collected person look even more young and mature, with an astonishing aura.Fortunately, at this moment, he finally relaxed his brows and showed a bit of a smile.

Xie Zhao held the hot noodles in his mouth and said vaguely:
"You should always smile like this."

Ling You was stunned for a moment.


Xie Zhao swallowed the food in his mouth, stopped his chopsticks and looked at Ling You seriously. He also owed Baden his hand and patted his motionless arm.

"Ling You, although we don't have many clues at the moment, the directions are very clear and obvious.

I know it in my heart, so don’t worry. There will be a way to reach the mountain, and we will help you. "

Ling You was startled, and the muscles of his arm subconsciously tightened when she patted him lightly.

After a moment, he lowered his head to avoid her gaze and said with a smile:

".Xie Zhao, you are such a strange girl."

Xie Zhao picked up the noodles in the bowl with his chopsticks again, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with slight dissatisfaction:

"What's wrong? Why am I weird?"

Ling You didn't raise his head, he just held the chopsticks, subconsciously stirring the noodles in his bowl, and then said: "Isn't this strange?"

"You are obviously so young, but along the way we have been traveling, it seems that any adversity that seems to be in danger is an insignificant situation in your eyes. Sometimes I wonder, what else in this world can be hard for you."

Xie Zhao did have a severe stomachache on the road today.

She was still carrying them on the side of the road and vomited everything in her stomach. Now she was so hungry that her chest was pressed against her back.

After swallowing two more hot noodle soups, she finally got over her hunger pangs, raised her eyebrows and said:
"Hey, what are you talking about? There are too many things that can frustrate me in this world.

I am different from several young heroes. You are either talented, ambitious, or have a mission.

and I?My mind is empty and I don’t take anything to heart, so naturally I don’t have to worry about anything.

Sometimes, people still have to be more open-minded, maybe the road can be more open - the saying "If you plant flowers intentionally, they will not bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will create shade." Isn't this the same truth, right? "

Ling You paused and said no more.

Xie Zhao seems to fool people every time with a set of "principles" that make it difficult for people to see through what is true or false.

But it is undeniable that even when she is deceiving people, most of what she says is very Zen and reasonable.

When Bo Xi heard this, he gradually stopped holding the chopsticks in his hands, thinking about something thoughtfully.

Yes, people always have to be more open-minded.

Otherwise, if you keep everything in mind and consume your own energy, wouldn't it mean that the road is getting worse and worse?
Isn't that what her "path of feeling" is exactly like?
However, Han Changsheng's wild imagination has never been used in the right place.

At this time, he stared blankly at Xie Zhao's face that was looming in the steam of hot noodle soup, and suddenly said:
"Don't tell me. I suddenly discovered that since your face healed, Zhao seems to be more pleasing to the eye even when you talk about truth. He is not as annoying as before."

Xie Zhao almost choked, and all his masterly demeanor was gone!
She immediately said angrily: "What happened to my original face? Isn't that pretty good?"

Han Changsheng looked at her dumbfounded and bravely said:
"Your birthmark turned out to be so ugly, how could it be cured?
——Speaking of which, why is it that the symptoms on your face are so inexplicable and so good that they are also inexplicable? "

Xie Zhao cursed in his heart: What's so baffling?
As long as you are hit by the "Sad Flower and Sad Moon", and you have the "Jialuo Heart Sutra" immortal internal power, you can also make the toxins stop wherever they want in the body!

She started lecturing people with an expressionless face.

"A person's appearance is nothing but false, so what does it matter if he is good-looking? Besides, I don't look in the mirror on weekdays, so I can't see it myself. Even if I'm ugly, it doesn't reflect me anyway."

Han Changsheng looked at her speechlessly and slowly raised his thumb.

".You are really tall."

If you are a dead Taoist but not a poor Taoist, you don't care about the life or death of others if you can't see it yourself, right? !
(End of this chapter)

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