Biting cold.

Even Haicheng is a bit cold in November.

The taxi driver who was driving glanced at the girl in the rearview mirror.

I came out of the airport without any luggage, and my destination was still a hotel. At this time, I looked indifferent again.

There was a trace of sympathy in his eyes.

Wanting to lighten the atmosphere in the car, I took the initiative to chat: "Girl, where are you from?"

Ji Ning looked away from the window and glanced at him, "Anhe."

The driver thought for a moment and smiled: "That's a good place, surrounded by mountains and rivers."

"no water."

The smile on the driver's face froze, and he forced himself to laugh a few times, "Really? Maybe I remembered it wrong. It was still the place I went to several years ago. I have been to many places over the years, so my memory is inevitably a bit messy... …”

"Take the service road at the intersection ahead."

The driver was startled and immediately turned the steering wheel and drove to the side.

Fortunately fortunately...

When he looked in the rearview mirror again to chat, the girl in the back seat had already closed her eyes.

The driver shut up and looked sympathetic for a few seconds.

Half an hour later, the taxi stopped steadily at the door of the hotel. Ji Ning quickly got out of the car and hurriedly entered the hotel door.

Only then did the driver dare to complain: "Man, you just can't control your lower body. You must be caught this time... ugh..."

Ji Ning didn't know that the driver had created such a big drama in his head. He took out the black card Sun Yazhu gave her and asked for Sun Liguo's room number.

The lady at the front desk swiped her card and saw that the cardholder's surname was Sun, so she took her to the penthouse suite without hesitation.


As the elevator door opened, before the front desk lady could speak, she suddenly felt a gust of wind blow by, and then the girl next to her disappeared.


Ji Ning was extremely angry at this time. Her mental power had already detected Ye Tong's position in the elevator. She kept trying to suppress her emotions and waited for the elevator to arrive.

Ethan, who was treating Ye Tong's wounds in the room, felt his chest tighten inexplicably, and a chill shot up from his back and quickly spread to his limbs.

He stood up uncomfortably and said to several bodyguards in the room: "Please open the window, the smell in this room is too bad."

The bodyguards looked at each other, and one of them walked to the window, turned the handle, and just pushed it open a crack. Suddenly, an external force suddenly opened the window, followed by a huge impact, and the glass shattered.

The bodyguard immediately stepped back and used his arms to block the glass particles flying towards him.

The others instantly became alert and reached for their weapons, but before they could take out their weapons, a huge pain came from their arms.

By the time they moved again, their entire arms were drooping like noodles.


The screams one after another startled the people who were talking outside.

Feng Lei's expression changed, and Sun Liguo, who had been patiently facing him, showed a trace of sarcasm in his eyes, and his voice was calm, "Young Master Feng, has the person you've been waiting for arrived?"

Feng Lei paused and put a smile on his face, "Mr. Sun, are you kidding me? But there is something a bit uneasy in your suite. What was that sound just now?"

He was very nervous. Sun Liguo, an old fox, was always known for his cunning.

Could it be that he had already prepared his manpower and was just waiting to catch them all?

Although Miss Ji is strong, she cannot defeat many opponents with her fists. Can she beat them?

What if this old fox is still accompanied by a person with powers...

Feng Lei secretly clenched his fists.

Sun Liguo looked relaxed. He liked to see the prey thinking it had escaped the hunter's trap, but he didn't know that the hunter's gun was pointed at its heart.

"Are you kidding me? You'll know if you take a look?"

At this time, the wailing in the house became louder and louder...

Feng Shisan's hair was already standing on end, and his body was in a state of preparation for war.

Feng Lei's face darkened and he stopped pretending to be stupid, "Mr. Sun, with your power, you can't get all the women you want. There is no need to embarrass a newcomer with no background. She is good-looking, but in the entertainment industry There are many people who are prettier than her..." "Do you think I, Sun Li, would go to such great lengths just because I want to get a woman?"

Sun Liguo suddenly laughed, and his laughter became louder and louder, which made Feng Lei feel even more wary.

"Then what do you mean?"

Sun Liguo gradually stopped laughing and looked at the closed door.

"I'm just very interested in the person behind him."

"The person behind?"

Before he finished speaking, there was a loud "bang" and the closed door fell to the ground. A petite figure walked out of the house with a woman taller than her in his arms.

The woman's body was covered in blood, and her fingers and toes were even bloody.

With every step he took, a few drops of blood flowed down.

Feng Lei's pupils shrank, as if he didn't expect Ye Tong to be so miserable, and he stood up from the sofa in shock.

" is she?"

Ji Ning did not answer, but looked at Sun Liguo as if he were looking at a dead person.

"I am the person behind her. I heard that you are interested in me?"

Sun Liguo frowned slightly when he saw that she and Ye Tong were the only ones walking out of the room, "Who are you?"


Obviously this is not what Sun Liguo wants to know.

But Ji Ning didn't give him a chance to speak again, and almost instantly pushed Ye Tong into Feng Lei's arms. At this time, she had already approached Sun Liguo, and the sharp blade in her hand was pointing directly at Sun Liguo's chest.


The sound of metal hitting came in front of Sun Liguo.

He saw a square ashtray blocking Ji Ning's attack.

Ji Ning was extremely fast. When she turned around, the silver blade in her hand was already shooting in a certain direction.

The person standing there quickly moved away.

Ji Ning reached out to Sun Liguo again.

Sun Liguo was very skilled and had to dodge quickly when she attacked, but Ji Ning was too fast and it took less than one turn.

Ji Ning then kicked Sun Liguo hard and broke his ribs, removed both of his arms, and stepped on his throat with one foot. If he exerted any force, Sun Liguo would definitely die.


"Miss, if you have something to say, please tell me..."

All the Sun family members in the room were frightened, and their confidants opened their eyes wide, their breathing became lighter, and they shouted at Ji Ning to stop.

The Sun family superpower in the room originally wanted to continue controlling objects to attack Ji Ning, but suddenly found that his body seemed to be wrapped in an invisible force. If he dared to act rashly, that force would tear him apart instantly.

Ji Ning glanced at the people in the room with contempt and asked calmly: "Who can tell me what she did to make you treat her like this?"

The confidant swallowed, and his forehead was covered with sweat. He kept winking at the person with the special ability who had been protecting Sun Liguo for a long time, but the man seemed to be frozen and did not make any move.

He could only bite the bullet and reply: "Miss... that... he is Miss Yazhu's brother-in-law. Can you think of it for Miss Yazhu's sake..."


Ji Ning moved away. Just when his confidant was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he saw more than a dozen long silver needles floating under Ji Ning's palm. With a wave of his hand, they accurately inserted into Sun Liguo's fingers and toes.

The overturned fingernails were bleeding all over the floor with blood.

Sun Liguo wanted to scream in pain, but his jaw had been removed and he couldn't even scream.

He could only curl up and tremble in pain.

The confidant couldn't bear to look at it.

This woman is crazy!

She is absolutely crazy! !
He tried hard to control his panic and shouted: "Miss Ji, we are the Sun family in Beijing! Aren't you afraid of the anger from the Sun family when you do this?" (End of Chapter)

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