The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 6 Understanding the so-called BRICS

Chapter 6 Learn about the so-called gold bricks

No matter how rare the bracelet space is, Annie will be disgusted just thinking about Zhu Lin using it!Besides, the bracelet space is visible to the human eye, and it cannot be protected without some force value. The bracelet space is actually a very dangerous object, but the ancestral space is invisible and safe.

If you think about it carefully, the invisible storage space is even more secure and safe than the supernatural space. After all, later on, the First Laboratory was able to detect the size of the supernatural space.This means that if the space power is awakened, it will be detected in front of the base's physical fitness detector without the cover of other powers.

Anne returned the bracelet to its original place, broke off the engagement and returned the bracelet.No need to worry about this matter at all!The case is closed.

Sitting upright on the carpet, stroking his head, his thoughts moved into his brain, and slowly shifted his mind to how to fill this space.

With an empty warehouse, there is no doubt that the next step is to store supplies, and this is Anne's favorite part!

Collecting supplies means buying, buying, buying. To buy, buy, buy, you must have money!
Money is a black card, a string of numbers in a digital bank, a fixed-amount bearer shopping card, diamond card, pearl card, gold card, silver card, crystal card issued by a cash bank!

Thinking that what she was about to do was not just an ordinary household purchase of supplies, Anne began to collect the funds in her hands while recalling the past events in her mind and refining precautions.

Aunt Lu brought fruit tea and looked at Annie sitting in front of the sofa. She felt very uneasy. What's wrong with Miss?
In her eyes, Annie's little face was tense. Aunt Lu only saw this expression when Annie checked her college entrance examination score!He hurried downstairs with the tray of breakfast dishes.

Miss, what's the matter?Ready to tell Lao He.

Annie didn't know that Aunt Lu was starting to worry about something happening to her, so she opened her digital bank, then found the card package and checked the various crystal cards stored in it. She found out all the money-related vouchers, except for those bought by her father. Various insurances, stock certificates of Anshi Company, adult funds, study funds, entrepreneurial funds, and dowry funds set up for myself. After removing these things that are not easy to cash out immediately, I checked carefully and found that besides the money given by my father, Her black card, as well as Wang Jiexi's supplementary black card, the amount of money she could use was really not much, and the total amount of all the credits was only seven figures! (To be honest, as a newly graduated college student, Anne has enough money in her hands! It cannot be said that it is not a lot.)
However, although the shopping list has not yet been sorted out, Annie has already arranged the first transaction. It must be a Zhuangzi in "Beacon Villa".

This is Anne's No. 1 wish list that people in her previous life have been thinking about, and it is more urgent than upgrading her own abilities.

And Big Seven's money can't afford the smallest Zhuangzi in "Bijia Villa"!Don't lose face if you don't reach Secondary Nine.

When you call your parents to ask for money, you obviously can't ask for money. Why do you want to buy such a luxurious villa?

Can it be said that it is prepared for the end of the world?Looking at the sunny sky outside the window, Anne could not find any reason to convince her parents that the end of the world was coming.Although it had been less than three hours since she was reborn, Anne was very clear in her heart that no one would believe the news that the end of the world was coming!But he now has to race against time. While convincing his parents to accept the news, he also has to make all preparations to welcome the end of the world.

Can Annie say that in the future, every household in "Beacon Villa" will be able to grow their own pollution-free vegetables to eat. Do you know how scarce the land where normal plants can be grown in the Dahua Kingdom in the last days?The existence of Bijia Villa is simply a miracle!

However, if she couldn't buy it, she would just wait and see in the future, and rejected several ways to get rid of her father's money bag first, and Annie thought helplessly, it would be great if she could make a fortune...

Following the appearance of the word "windfall", an idea came to Annie's mind.Bricks found in the space before!As far as that box is concerned, it can be regarded as a cultural relic, and, considering the previous feel...heavy?

Annie, who is not bad in physics, is happy, it is good to be heavy, and there is a future if you are heavy!Annie's eyes became clearer and brighter.

With a flick of her wrist, Annie took out a heavy brick from the space for a closer look, wondering what material it was made of?

Heavy, first of all, it’s a gold brick, that’s my first thought, but this brick is covered with paint, so naturally it can’t be compared with the gold bricks Annie has seen, and the shape is also different.Because the bricks in front of me are really bricks, they look the same as the bricks that built the wall.It’s just a little smaller in appearance!

She rummaged around on the carpet and studied for a while: the heavy bricks were surrounded by dark vermilion paint, and there was a protruding black ancient character in the middle. After looking at it for three minutes, Anne said she didn't understand what it was. What word!

In the spirit of respecting cultural relics, I used an eyebrow knife to scrape off a small piece of the floating paint on the side of the brick. Sure enough, it turned out to be a golden color!
Afraid that her imagination was wrong, Annie searched for a simplified version of the metal identification method on Du Niang. It was very good and the tools were simple and easy to obtain. She went to the kitchen to get Aunt Lu’s kitchen scale and the measuring cup for making bread. After picking up two pots, I went back to the third floor. I followed the video and measured the density, which was 19.g/cm.The data is not precise, but combined with the color, it means that the gold has not run away, it is just a matter of fineness.

Learn about the so-called BRIC!
Adults say that gold in troubled times and antiques in prosperous times, the Federation is now rich and powerful, antiques are top-notch, gold is not expensive, but antique-grade gold bricks, haha, don't worry, they are top-notch in any world!
Moving bricks, moving bricks, this is called the top brick mover. Annie moved these heavy boxes one meter, 36 boxes, complete packaging, consistent seals, and consistent weights. Anne mentally judged the current gold market After a little calculation, I decided to dispose of the gold bricks in one box and two boxes, and first collect enough funds for my own house purchase before talking about other things.

The people who sell the gold bricks to the bank are laymen, but Annie is a sensible person.There is a pawn shop under the name of the Wang family, so don't bother to look for it, and now I can't find it. Besides, only the purchase funds of this pawn shop can eat my batch of gold, right?Annie decided to move two boxes of bricks out to test the waters.

In this way, there is no need to disturb the black card. Using the card to buy and sell supplies is not what Annie wants at all!This approach naturally refers to absolute safety.Security in front of big data.

All things considered, Annie put the Wang family's bracelet back in its original place, as long as she can get rid of the marriage, escape the bad luck of Wang Jiexi and Zhu Lin planting grass on her head, maybe avoid the intersection with Zhu Lin, and change her fate of dying in vain in her previous life .

With the fruit core space hidden in the mind as the base, it can be completely discarded compared to an ordinary space that makes everyone jealous, impulsive, and makes the owner lose his life at any time.

 You broke your promise and gained weight, dear children, will you witness Qingxue's weight gain process?Is it okay not to take this as an example?Today, the temperature is so high that it’s perfect to sleep in the hot summer weather...

(End of this chapter)

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