The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 284 Bright Sunshine

The Bright Sunshine Team only has 14 people. These 14 people are all interested parties. Hu Lili didn't know her before. She was recruited by Captain Cheng.

Enthusiastic and generous girls are very popular. Joining the team will help improve the team's cohesion.

Cheng Yang was a mechanical engineer before the end of the world. He was already thirty-two years old. When the end of the world came, he awakened the golden power. His wife turned into a zombie. He had more than a dozen caring brothers. In the Imperial Capital, It is possible to survive on a piece of land.

He also had some selfish motives for accepting Hu Lili. First, the girl was beautiful, especially her eyebrows, which were 70% similar to his wife's. There were some weeds in his heart, growing and growing into seedlings, but this recording was like a shovel, the weeds were shoveled away with their roots and leaves!

However, a grown man who sticks to his word cannot be like the weather in June, which changes at will.

The vice-captain is Guo Guang. He is also young, just over 28. He is a driver, driving a formula car, and his results are not bad. Of course, his achievements belong to the past, and now he is just the fire-powered vice-captain of the supernatural team.

He didn't hear the recording, and he didn't want to care about it. He was a driver, and although his cornering skills were first-rate, he was actually a real straight man. Straight men were the ones who judged the expression. None of the female team members he liked It was this Miss Hu who he couldn't stand.

After Hu Lili came back, everyone had dinner together and discussed the plan. They had enough points for the bright sunshine. Everyone was preparing to enter the base. They had enough points, but they didn't know whether to pick an auspicious day.

The people of the Tang Dynasty had Feng Shui superstition embedded in their genes.

Team Brilliant has been choosing a date for some time. The calculation started at the dinner table that day, whether to go or not!

Most of them still voted not to go, because they had inquired about it and found that the superpower team that entered had too many restrictions, not to mention freedom, and tasks that had to be completed every month. You can't be lazy even if you want.

There are certainly benefits to entering. After completing the mission, you can receive basic supplies every month, making life easier. At the same time, resources are shared, so you don’t have to bother yourself to find out where the zombies are, where the supplies are, and what you want. You can check it out in the mission hall, form a team and go do it.

At night, you don't have to worry about supplies being robbed while you sleep, and you don't have to worry about retaliation in the middle of the night. Fighting with weapons is not allowed in the base, and no one's life is hurt. Otherwise, regardless of the merits, everyone will be kicked out at the least. Important rules are strictly enforced within the base.

The Brilliant Team still has a few mortal enemies, so it's still attractive to hide there.

"Brother Cheng, are we going or not? If not, I will worry about next month. The points for entering the base have been increased, and we will have to work hard for a long time."

"A score of 500 for one person is already cruel enough, and it goes up!"

"They've gone up before,"

"Yes, freedom is limited, but it can only be limited within the base. Besides, restrictions are imposed on everyone, and everyone has to suffer them. If we have grudges, we will come out to avenge them. I heard my friends say that they are like this too. Just follow the rules in the base, and set the rules when you come out!"

"It's not impossible to go. We brothers are of one mind. We each raise our hands. If the majority goes, can we go!"

The brilliant team raised their hands, and everyone raised their hands, go.

They had no choice but to go. Last week, they led people to rob the bright supernatural team in West City. They only had less than eight people. They collected enough supplies to last for half a year, and they also got firearms! Focusing on the firearms, the brilliant team came to attack and killed the small team, robbed the things and left. The two teams are natural rivals. We only have the strength to shine, but you guys actually shine brighter than us?

However, the evil was not eliminated, and a member of the Bright Team was missed, and the news was spread. This player was in the dark, and the Brilliant Team could not find him for a while, but the news he released was amazing!

The brilliant team now not only has sufficient food and grass, tens of thousands of crystal cores, but also a batch of firearms that can equip a battalion!

There are so many superpower teams, who is more daring than the other? If you ask carefully, the name of Bright Sunshine is the second, and the people are also the second. You only have fourteen people, and you are still brilliant. Not to mention robbing a battalion of firearms, you have supplies. Just rob it, why did you destroy the group?

If you don't follow the rules of the world, everyone will kill you!

Several teams with special powers have already come up to test it out, so they hid in this community. Yesterday, they handed in the task of collecting water and collected the points.

"Go ahead, there is no water in the water plant today. If the points increase, it will be much harder to earn. Besides, it's too dangerous outside..."

"Then let's pack up and enter the base tomorrow!"

"it is good!"

Everyone raised a toast to celebrate the new life. Hu Lili is also happy. She has had enough of living outside. As long as there is a crystal core in the base, she can buy good things at will...

She is now a person with crystal cores. No one knows that the small bag from the H family that she carries with her can not only contain cuteness, but also can hold crystal cores. Inside is a plastic bag full of second-level and third-level crystals. nuclear.

Nowadays, the exchange of crystal cores is based on 50 decimals, and the first-level crystal core is the basic unit. This small packet of crystal cores, she heard, could be worth a lot if converted. She could rent a good house, buy firearms, and many other things she needed very much at the moment.

Bright Sunshine is the team she lives in temporarily. Although Captain Cheng is easy to talk to and obedient, his strength is displayed here, and his appearance is particularly unremarkable. Could she really be tied to death with him? He doesn't deserve it!

Thinking that she would be able to arrive at the base early the next morning, she fell asleep with a smile on her face.

The next day, all the members of Bright Sunshine loaded all the team's supplies on seven off-road vehicles, and the roofs were fully bundled.

Two people and one car drove to the base.

There are already many teams queuing up to enter the side entrance of the Imperial Capital Safety Zone, and the main entrance is where the base members enter and exit.

Hu Lili looked enviously at the vehicles that entered the gate with just a flash of the card. It doesn't matter, we will also be members of the base.

Cheng Yang and Guo Guang got out of the car to go through the formalities, and they both had the points and everything. In a large tent outside the side door, the two received two forms and began to fill them out on the table next to them. They were all ticks and crosses, very simple, but when they filled in the last item that must be paid attention to, the two of them looked up at each other.

No team is allowed to possess firearms within the base. If they do have firearms, they must be registered and obtain a firearms certificate before they can carry them. The increase or decrease in firearms must not be concealed or falsely reported!

Brother Cheng, what should we do? Let’s...

Just fill in the blank, we don’t have it!

Cheng Yang is an adult who knows that the world is difficult and dangerous. As the leader of a team, he knows what to say and what not to say!

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