The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 264 The thief steals the main wife

On the snow, a small cloth bag fell out of the thick-soled warm shoes, along with a dozen colorful crystal nuclei.

Uncle Hat stepped forward and picked up the crystal core...

The onlookers took a collective breath, it was too much, this woman was making a lot of noise here, as if everyone except her was a suspect, but in the end, haha!

Zhang Yan got up from the snow: "Why did you push me?" She patted the snow foam on her body.

"Hey, where did this crystal core come from?" Half of the soles on the snow seemed to have nothing to do with her!

Xiu Jia was convinced by this concentration. Pull out a wet wipe and wipe the glove that touched this person! Wipe it with utmost care.

"This is not mine, it was thrown away by them, it is stolen goods! It has nothing to do with me!"

Uncle Hat laughed at her actions: "I have been working for so many years, and you are the most shameless person I have ever seen!"

"It's this pair of dog men..."

I'm so angry, you're still being so stubborn! It felt bad to be scolded. Anne didn't wait for her to finish scolding, stepped forward, pulled out a diamond chain from Zhang Yan's neck, opened the platinum pendant underneath and looked at it, then casually broke the chain.

"You little swordsman!" Zhang Yan stepped forward to grab it, but unfortunately she didn't grasp the high and low soles of the shoes, so she sprained and couldn't grab it! ~

Annie didn't care about her, stepped aside and handed the photo to Li Hong.

"Li Hong, look, do you know this person?"

"Yan Shu! Why do you have Yan Shu's photo and still..."

Li Hong instantly jumped up as if she had been scalded by boiling water. Anne snatched the pendant from her hand, her face became paler as she looked at it, and the hand holding the pendant kept trembling.

"You, who are you, how could you take such a photo with my husband?"

The pendant is a small, thin sachet made of platinum. You can put incense balls or photos inside. Zhang Yan put her family portrait in it.

In the family photo, there is a somewhat handsome man with a somewhat bookish air. He and the Zhang Yan in front of him had faces full of happiness. Between them was a little boy who was only three or four years old.

"What is your husband? This is my husband!"

Zhang Yan stepped forward to snatch the pendant back. He didn't even care about the shoe soles that had been split into two halves, or that the hat uncle was digging out a stainless steel bracelet.

Uncle Hat noticed that there was a divergence in the matter. He stretched his head and took a look. Oops, he had seen so many things that he didn't understand it, because he had seen a photo of this man and a little girl on Li Hong's cell phone before. When he was taking pictures of jewelry before, he accidentally swiped it.

Unable to believe his memory, Uncle Hat took back Li Hong's cell phone and started flipping through the photo album again. There were a lot of photos of the man, Li Hong and the little girl in various places and periods.

Jiang Wenwen almost understood it. It was conceivable that the mistress would steal the original wife's belongings when the main palace met her wife, but she had never heard of buying the main palace's wedding ring.

"Zhang Yan, that's your name. You can either explain why you came to buy someone else's wedding ring and then stole the crystal core back. You can't satisfy your curiosity. Today I will discuss it seriously with you. Mistakenly. What’s the crime in trapping others?”

Wenwen was at the side. She craned her neck and saw the photos on her phone and pendant. She was really curious. She stared into Zhang Yan's eyes.

Zhang Yan didn't want to say it, because it was Annie who pulled out her pendant and exposed her secret. She yelled at Annie with a ferocious face: "Little cousin! Give me back my diamond necklace!"

Hey, it's really annoying. You are the one who is cheating, and your whole family is cheating!

Annie raised her hand and slapped her face. If she didn't slap her big pussy today, why would others praise her for her high quality? But Annie's hand that she waved out hit a warm place. Xiujia reached out and wrapped her hand: "Hitting someone's hand will hurt, I'll do the rough work!"

Then there was a crisp sound, shoot! So loud!

Zhang Yan let out a scream, ah... the snow on the tree fell rustlingly.

Then, she screamed, and spit out four teeth along with a mouthful of blood.

Everyone took a closer look and saw that there was a strip of red mark below Zhang Yan's nose, and her lips were swollen to the point of being swollen, and it was still growing rapidly. In less than 30 seconds, the original appearance of the lips will no longer be visible.

Xiuga let go of Annie's hand, took out another disinfectant wipe, and gently wiped the dagger that had scratched the shoe. I threw away a wet wipe and took out another one to wipe it with. He slapped Zhang Yan's mouth with a dagger.

Xiuga was wearing snow goggles and couldn't see his eyes, but Annie knew he was angry! Anne was worried because of herself. Seeing him put away the dagger, she immediately came to his side: "Thank you!"


Xiu Jia stopped her behind him and said to the hat uncles: "This woman's home should be not far from here. You can take her with her to see if... her skillful and empty-handed tricks could be a syndicate!"

Yes, in the recent trade fairs in Dijing, it is often the case that crystal cores or goods are lost. They have received up to a hundred cases.

"Thank you sir for the reminder!"

Uncle Hat thanked him sincerely, then turned to everyone and said, "Let's go, let's go. We will announce the result of this matter on the community bulletin board." "

Take Zhang Yan and leave.

Li Hong closed her stall. Her stall was simply an open cabin suitcase and two small folding stools. She put the stools into the suitcase and followed the hat uncles away!

Wenwen was still watching on tiptoe, wanting to follow to see the result. But she and Annie looked at each other behind Xiuga and didn't dare to speak at all.

Xiao Er followed, and he even turned around and winked at Wenwen! He shook the phone in his hand.

Xiu Jia's first thought was to break the man's legs, but seeing the way Annie and Wenwen breathed a sigh of relief, he couldn't help but give up his thoughts.

Xiu Jia took the lead to go home, and Annie and others returned upstairs. While waiting for the waiter, they were still guessing what was going on, but they didn't dare to say anything when they saw some people who were drinking coffee.

Xiuga drank for a long time and said to the brothers of the four captains, take them with you when you go out to do tasks in the future!

The implication is, don't let these four people cause trouble at home!

This time it was Wenwen who cut lightly. She deeply agreed with the title Captain Che in Annie's phone address book.

But Captain Che is an upright captain! There is no cure. The four group leaders had no chance to work together to make things right.

Then, no matter when, keep exercising! Immediately, the four people including Zhou Qishao were asked to resume training early tomorrow morning.

The three of them felt that their dark life was about to begin again. Jiang Wenwen didn't understand. She thought it was exercise in the real sense. It wasn't until she started stretching training in the evening that she understood why the expressions of the three people were so weird.

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