The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 177 Game of Thrones

Chapter 177 Game of Thrones

Rights can be big or small, and all citizens have rights.But how many of them can really exercise it as they wish?The beautiful blessings that Daxia people have always had are called wishful thinking, which means that all your wishes come true.

The property director of a community is actually a migrant worker. He has never worked hard and will never be a high-ranking person in his life. However, these people in front of him are all so-called successful people, which was his original ideal in life. But now, yes, Now, the world has changed, and the director knows that he must seize the dividends of this opportunity as soon as possible. As long as he holds this community tightly in his hands, he will get ahead, move forward, and have a bright future.This is my lifelong hope.

Therefore, at this time, he must catch all the leading birds in area A and put them in cages.

"Mr. Zhang and Mr. Wei, we are facing a national crisis and we must help each other. This is really the time to carry forward the humanitarian spirit."

"Carry it forward. I didn't say not to carry it forward. Look at the recent disaster relief funds. We have not donated less. I just don't know where, Director, your humanitarian development is?" Mr. Zhang, who is on the 20th or 30th, is also a person. The true Lord.

"I, hahaha, I am a small part-time worker. Prices have risen sharply recently. I can't even buy enough daily necessities with my salary..."

"What about the supplies we handed over for pet certification? Did I see it wrong? Didn't your property management divide it privately? Or was it donated to the disaster area as you said?"

"Hahaha, Mr. Li is probably mistaken. We did donate those grains to the disaster area."

"I have two Ladoos at home, and I just want to check your donation certificate. Otherwise, no matter what pretext you come under, I will not hand over any more food."

"Prove that nature exists, but it doesn't exist now..."

"Let your clerks get it... To be honest, the only purpose of my coming to the meeting today is to see your donation certificates. I have already calculated how much food and supplies our pet owners have paid in total." Another one The man spoke in the corner in an insidious manner.Brother Ti looked back and felt that his family should have a Great Dane. This temperament could only be like this!
Suddenly, the system in my mind came online: "Host, check in temporarily. Do you want to do it?"

"Whatever you want... day by day, what do you want to make? Are the compressed biscuits delicious?"

The compressed biscuits brought by the last check-in are one of the reasons why Brother Ti is no longer interested in this system.

"Host, I couldn't be more sincere. Those are not ordinary compressed biscuits. They are healing biscuits from the Ami Nebula. The mastermind of this system spent a lot of effort to purchase them. It can cure all diseases and is effective! "

"Shou Tongzi is so bad, I believe you are a ghost!"

"Host, where is the trust you promised? Do you want to check in? I can't check in if you don't ask!"

"Let's fight. If you make another inexplicable attack this time, I won't log in again!"

"This host is not easy to take care of. Who else is more miserable than Ben Tongzi? I'm just asking, I won't complain."

"What do you mean by not complaining or fighting?"

"Ding dong... Congratulations to the host for getting an interstellar universal incubator!"

"What the hell am I going to do with this to incubate you?" Brother Ti was really angry.

"Host, didn't you lay an egg before?"

Brother Ti remembered, where was the egg that was smaller than an egg that Zi Bao almost pecked to pieces?My mind swept away, oh, it actually occupies a separate storage compartment.If you don’t hatch it, this ghost machine still needs to occupy a space for storage. Forget it, let’s just create a storage space!Brother Ti threw the eggs into the incubator, and then threw the two together into a grid.Tongzi smiled and set the hatching time.

one day!
Then, Mimi quietly went offline.

Brother Ti only clocked in for just one minute, and then he saw that the owners of Area A had already taken the initiative in the activity room.

The property manager is losing ground.

Brother Ti wanted to laugh when he looked at it, and the director didn't even think about it. In that kind of peaceful coexistence and equal competition, he could only have the fighting power of the property director. In this troubled world where dangers are everywhere and only survival depends on ability, he thought I'm afraid it's too much to compete with these high-end owners.

Of course, the various certificates that the owners want can't be produced. It means that there is no donation, and the things have been divided by the big guys in the property management.Can't get it out at all.

Next, those in Area A will take the lead in checking the expenditure of property management fees...

In the past, it was easy to say that they had their own supervision, but since the end of the world, no one has supervised the money and goods such as security fees, electric pile maintenance fees, water pipe antifreeze fees, etc., and naturally their whereabouts are unknown.

The owners of Area A dismissed the property management company on the spot, and then established an autonomous committee of owners. There were many talents, and everyone performed their duties. It is not difficult to see that the owners of Area A were well prepared. Some people brought up tools , the cables between Area A and the property monitoring center were cut off. The dividing wall between Area A and other areas in the community had long existed, and it was now tightly closed. The exit of another street in Area A was opened. We parked a trailer that was donated by an unknown person and used it as a security booth.The newly hired security guards will no longer be on duty.

"Second uncle, you have been prepared for this!"

"No, who are we? We usually do good things without taking advantage. We will let such villains get hold of us. This director has colluded with someone in the Provisional Safety Committee and wants to make us a big grievance. This is it possible?"

"That's good! I know my uncles are all capable people!"

"We will guard the rear here, and uncle and your father will build Qingshan City. When the time comes, this will be the real help."

Brother Ti is the little princess of the Wei family. Now, the little princess is working hard. Thinking of some of the wonderful things she got by punching in, Brother Ti took them out.

"Second uncle, this is a monitoring system. You can install it. The instructions are here..."

"This is a purification system that can purify water, air,..."

"Also, these are a batch of compressed biscuits. Well, they are not ordinary biscuits. You can use them as medicine to cure all diseases." Although Brother Ti was not sure, he still took out half of the biscuits and handed them to his second uncle.

"I still want to be with Annie and Xuanxuan, we will go back to Qingshan City..."

"It's just the three of you, isn't there some kind of special soldier? Your uncle said that it would be driver Lu who would protect you..."

Brother Ti couldn't say that we had dumped others, so he could only smile and said: "You also said that you are protecting us, Captain Lin. Of course he is with us, but we think of him as a bodyguard. We are not used to saying..."

"..." Shocked, Erbo Wei thought that only three girls were going to run south. He broke into a cold sweat. Seeing that it was a misunderstanding, he put his racing heart back in his stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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