The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 169 Steel Crutches

The poker in his hand was being poked into the stove.Watching the firewood in the furnace burn into charcoal, Annie recalled the days of roasting mutated potatoes in the apocalypse.Mutated potatoes are unpalatable, but they are the most important food when going on a mission.Baked potatoes without mutations might be quite delicious.Thinking of the box of potatoes planted by Aunt Lu in the thumb space.

Anne took out her phone and started looking up how potatoes were harvested.

dig it out?Then what?
Find out how to grow.Very good, eat three and leave a bunch...

Annie's mental energy went into the ring and dug out the potatoes. Oh, so small?It’s still purple, what the hell is this?Looking again, there wasn't a big one, so I simply threw them all back into the planting box.Still young, finished.Ruined a dish.Find opportunities to add more.

The mini little potato who was misunderstood because of his strength: I have matured.

After thinking about it, I sent a message back to my dad today before I told him that he was safe. Just like the previous agreement, it was just five words. I miss you, and you are safe.

Xiaoguan and Ti Ge were still continuing the topic of the zombie boss, not knowing that they were missing a delicious dish.

"No, I told you earlier that I wouldn't save him." Brother Ti seemed to have some grudge.

"It's all work. Brother Ti, you are too extreme."

"If we let Dad An and the others come out earlier, we can leave a few days earlier, and maybe we won't have to run into so many things."

"Everything is destined to happen one day. Besides, you can't blame him, it's just a job." Anne interjected, getting more and more outrageous.

"You can't tell, Miss An is really reasonable. Lan would like to thank the three ladies for their life-saving grace."

A voice came, and Annie turned around, "Hey, the special combat uniform fits well."There was no hint of gratitude in his tone, as if... no, he was just mocking the three of them for not knowing their capabilities.

In fact, Brother Ti was right. If he had known that Zhou Qishao's urgent life-saving activity was to save this person's life, he would not have participated even if the little sapling broke his head.I suffered a big loss in this operation and almost lost my life. I even replaced the smart old Zibao with this stupid Zibao who only knew how to sleep.

"You're welcome, it's just a casual thing, it's not worth mentioning." Brother Ti looked at him and answered seriously.Anne turned back following the words and looked at the burning fire carefully.

"I heard that both Lin Sen and Zhou Laoqi joined your 508th regiment and became captains of some detachment. I would like to ask, what are the conditions for quitting the regiment?"

Helan Jingzhou looked at the three of them and asked seriously.

The two squad captains stood behind him with their heads lowered, obviously having no right to speak.

"I heard that when a blind man regains his sight, the first thing he throws away is his crutch. Old Ma sincerely won't deceive me!" Anne said indifferently, lowering her head and stroking the purple treasure sleeping on her lap. Without looking at them again, she continued: "Cheng Hui’s clothing and props cost [-] million Tang Dynasty dollars equivalent in gold. Installments are declined. If it is not convenient, I will accept returns."


The boss and two captains were too embarrassed to speak again.The team members' eyes widened: The leader is the leader after all.The three former bosses were so shocked that they were speechless.

Helan Jingzhou looked at the clothes he was wearing, he couldn't take them off.But isn’t this Lin Sen’s special team uniform?The zombie boss who had just woken up was a little confused about the situation.

Lin Sen thought of his special suit that exploded automatically and shuddered: "Boss, boss, there are big changes. Can you please listen to what I have to say before making a decision?"

"You can return it... Mr. Zhou Qi, please fold the clothes and make sure the packaging is not damaged."

Anne's distaste for this man came from deep in her heart. She really didn't want to hide it at this time. It was the end of the world, so why should she save face?
Standing up: "Guan, get ready to go!"

Brother Ti, who had never shown his presence, also stood up and closed his helmet with a slap on the ground, looking like he was ready to go.

"Hey, hey, three captains, three ancestors, let's talk carefully, talk carefully!"

Zhou Qishao jumped up and stopped the three of them.

"Young Master Qi, for your sake, you can give up and give way!" Annie said coldly. "It's all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding. My old man's brain is confused. He hasn't figured it out yet..."

"Team [-], get ready to go!" Lin Sen couldn't stop Annie, and he didn't have the friendship to dare to stretch out his arms to stop her, so he could only grit his teeth and give the order to go.

As soon as these words came out, not to mention Annie who was shocked, even Mr. Lan was stunned.

"Lin Sen?"

"Boss, you know me. I can't help it. I can't have both loyalty and justice. I can only go with An Tuan."

Mr. Lan had a dark face. He stretched out his hand and a leisure bar chair slid over. Xiaoguan subconsciously checked to see if the chair had wheels.Because it glides so smoothly.

Lin Sen didn't know why he didn't see anything in such a chaotic scene, but he saw Xiaoguan's little movements, and he completely understood the surprise in her eyes.I couldn't help but want to laugh, but I immediately reacted and suppressed the corners of my mouth.

"Everyone, please calm down. Three captains, please listen to what I have to say, okay?"

Sitting down, Helan Jingzhou also recovered all of his IQ.

"Miss An, I was a little impulsive. I apologize. I'll ask about the situation first."

Annie looked at Lin Sen, who was looking at her nervously, and the team members who were actually preparing to set off. She ignored the lone wolf team member who packed up his things on his own initiative, and couldn't help but sit down in frustration.

Xiao Yuanshu also breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes, you have to listen to others' advice. This patient's soul has not returned to his original state. His reaction is subconscious and does not count."

Annie continued to warm herself by the fire, and Brother Ti and Xiaoguan sat down at the same time as her.

Lin Sen wiped his sweat, they are all ancestors!
Zhou Qishao and Lin Sen asked me to add, and I said he made notes and explained the whole thing clearly. To be honest, Annie and the others only appeared in the next episode of the story. Listen to Zhou Qishao say Because of the previous reasons, they all opened their eyes. In this world, it is so crazy to seek medical treatment when you are sick.

If the hospital can't cure it, go to the research institute. If the research institute can't cure it, then believe in superstition... Sure enough, the end of science is vision!If something goes wrong again with this healed life, do you think those immortals will take action?

"There is a difference between immortals and mortals. Master, we must be in awe!"

"Yes, I'm so scared..."

"Master An An, Xiao Yuan doesn't think you are really afraid!"

Without clever Lao Zi, life would be lonely...

"So, now I'm dead?"

Zhou Qishao is not afraid of power: "Strictly speaking, they are dead zombies that were blown into powder."

"You were killed without receiving the highest order from the military?"

"What about you?" He looked at Zhou Qishao.

"I think, in the eyes of some people, we are both piles of minced meat, just different species, one is a zombie and the other is a living person. Anyway, my ancestor's phone is always busy. Maybe, he is under house arrest. Bar."

"You put them all..."

"They all chose to be with me and their numbers were automatically cancelled."

"The entire Lone Wolf team came here voluntarily, but we are not in such trouble and no one pays attention to us."

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