The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 151 Alcatraz 1016

But the purple-robed Taoist lost his Taoist heart.The whole person was in chaos. Back then, his failure to ascend was not something he collapsed today. Yes, the inner demon of his ascension was his life in the mortal world, his blood relatives.If he wants to achieve immortality again, he needs to resolve the cause and effect.Only then did he realize that blood ties are very taxing.

"Ancestor, you should keep it. No clan can inherit it for ten thousand years, so let him go! As the old saying goes, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings."

"Grandson, I don't seem to be... moved by what you said! I am moved, maybe. I extend my hand out of love and watch the show as my duty. You are not grateful. You are really a white-eyed wolf and an unfilial descendant!"

"Ancestor, you think too much, you need someone to be filial,"


"Yes, but there is no one who has the spiritual roots to pass on the Helan family's immortal family traditions!"

"What are you talking about? Isn't there one? Is my prediction wrong?"

"No, the one you tested has limited qualifications and has reached the highest level of cultivation, but his grandson has the immortal root to form elixirs. Unfortunately, his body and soul have disappeared!"

"Huh?" The voice in the crystal ball sounded a little regretful.What happened? What accident can happen in 2300 days?
"Aqua Blue Star's spiritual energy is cut off, the three realms are in chaos, and it has been six years since the end of the world."

"The end of the world?" The voice in the crystal ball was filled with confusion.

Another half month has passed.The psychic voice came from the crystal ball again.

"Grandson, there is no perfect path to immortality."

There was no one on the other side of the crystal ball.


"Unfilial descendants, I don't know if my cultivation that has burned for thousands of years has finally been paid by mistake!"

A long sigh came from the crystal ball.

When the old man in white robe appeared in the secret room again, the jade shelf where the crystal ball was placed was empty. There should be only some crystal clear and thin fragments left.


Ancestor!The sky fell and the earth fell, and the Helan family was really doomed.The white-robed Taoist fell to the ground, and then he saw a jade slip.

Seeing the message on the jade slip, he hurried out of the main room.Outside, he set up an altar and began to divine.Neither the hexagrams nor the hexagrams work.

Finally, when his hair was flabby and his consciousness was almost exhausted.

Finally the divination was revealed.The old man breathed a long sigh of relief, and then walked into the secret room again.Place the found jade slip next to the fragment of the crystal ball.Kneel down solemnly and kowtow.

"Old Ancestor, our grandchildren are not talented. Now we can only rely on our ancestors' blessings. If the Helan family still has a chance of survival and Aquamarine Star still has a future, it will be worthy of my victory!"

The old man in white robe stood up, walked to the protective formation of the Crystal Palace, waved his sleeves lightly, and applied a cleansing talisman to his body. Finally, he took out a jade bottle, poured out a spiritual elixir, and swallowed the elixir. After taking the medicine and meditating for a few days, my consciousness was restored.

Then he solemnly put on the purple and gold Taoist robes.

Place the spiritual stones at the center of the formation and set up a large formation.After seven days, the entire Crystal Palace began to shake.The surface of the ocean is rough.Tsunamis and typhoons are rushing from the depths of the ocean towards Dongsheng Shenzhou.

At the bottom of the ocean, the Crystal Palace gradually disappeared, and a larger tsunami began to form.Finally, the Crystal Palace turned into a golden light and rose to the bottom of the ocean.The golden light rises and the waves surge into the sky...

On the road, there was an island. When the golden light passed by it, it seemed like it saw something.

There is a snow-covered volcano in this island surrounded by the sea. The crater is emitting a faint white smoke. The strong smell of sulfur in the white smoke is mixed with an imperceptible evil spirit.

The golden light stopped...

Volcanoes are not ordinary. In the eyes of today's people, this is just a volcano that has been active for thousands of years. In fact, the volcano was moved by the gods thousands of years ago to press on a demon-sealing seal to prevent the seal from being discovered.

Now, the seal has been loosened.The demon soul that was sealed by the gods thousands of years ago is escaping.A lot of demonic energy leaked out.

The demonic energy will demonize the humans near the vent, bringing disaster to the entire island.However, this is not the reason why the golden light stays.

Today, there is a human race called the Wo tribe living on the island. This ethnic group is not liked by everyone. The ancestors of the Wo tribe were evil ghosts crawling out of hell thousands of years ago!They brought harm to the human world, trained to become demons, and brought endless disasters to the water-blue world. Only then were they sealed underground by the gods.

Before the demons were sealed, they and the human race gave birth to half-human, half-ghost offspring that contained demonic energy, commonly known as ghosts.After several generations, a small number of devils had impure blood. After the demons were destroyed, they were ignored by the gods. The gods imprisoned them near the seal on an island surrounded by sea water.Let it fend for itself.

In the following thousand years, some people occasionally got into trouble at sea and ended up on the island. They didn't know the details of these half-human, half-ghost tribes, and they intermarried with them. The bloodline of the ghosts gradually merged into the human bloodline. As time went by, these bloodlines had ghostly aura deep in them. People gathered on this island to form a special ethnic group, known as the Wo tribe.Later, the demon bloodline was almost non-existent, and they were also called the human race.

The seal was only slightly loosened, and the suppressed Demon King fled desperately. Unfortunately, the Demon is the Demon, and the ancestors did not care about their descendants ten thousand years later, or maybe they just wanted the Dawo clan to live and die together!The thoughts of the demons are not understandable by humans and gods.

Finally, a sigh came from the golden light: "...God's will is like this, even if the Helan clan is destroyed, they will live forever!"

The golden light swirled down, bringing up a strong wind.After the strong wind passed, the golden light once again rose to the sky and flew forward.

The golden light flew away, but by the way, it lifted the cover of the volcano.For the art of military solution to be successful, animals need to be sacrificed to the way of heaven.The purple-robed Taoist priests chose the nest clan whose demonic energy had been leaked out and awakened the ghostly evil energy deep in their blood.

The people of the past planted trees so that the people of the future can enjoy the shade.This cause and effect ends today!
Destroy it, you devils!

With the volcano erupting!The seal at the bottom of the volcano was completely broken, and the divine power of the seal left by the gods began to burn. The golden fire wrapped the demonic energy inside and began to burn more violently.The demonic energy that lost its magic power turned into black energy and mixed into the endless thick smoke. The thick smoke began to wrap around the entire Aqua Blue Star...

When this golden light flew over the Datang Federation, it gradually weakened.Finally fell into the thick fog.With a sigh, the golden light gradually became thinner and weaker, and finally disappeared into a garden.

This garden is actually the largest wildlife sanctuary in the Tang Federation.There are many endangered wild and rare animals living in it.

In the thick fog, many animals absorbed the demonic energy.Either their body swells up and they die, or they mutate and return to their ancestors, becoming a demon clan.It's more like becoming a half-dead zombie...

On a beautiful bird's nest, there is a sign hanging on it, which says in eight languages ​​that this is the only giant parrot left on Aquamarine Planet.

The conservation park had previously released a huge news on Aquamarine,

People should be kind to others, and the same applies to a nation. Selfish people who harm others will be punished eventually.

People in their small days dump nuclear waste into the sea, and we, the people of our generation, must condemn them with words and letters.

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