The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 106 The 508th Regiment was taken away

What makes Anshan most happy is that Anjia's pickup truck is now a fully loaded heavy truck! All the vehicles of the 508th Regiment are full of oil and water.Even Annie's gas tank, which was only half full, was full.

The 508th Regiment and the rest finally got their fill of gas! !
Think about important things three times. At this point, you can't make others greedy by shouting.As the chairman of the largest crude oil import company (private), this mere two hundred liters of oil brings him more joy than every order before the end of the world!
The credit for filling up the gas must go to Jiang Jun and his team. Seeing so many gas tigers in the 508th Regiment, Jiang Jun remembered that if he got off the expressway and took the national highway, there would be a gas station.No more roads: "There is a gas station ahead. The gas tank in your car is empty. Let's go find it and fill it up!"

Driver Lu filled up various cars with gas, and as soon as he put the empty barrels away, Jiang Jun came over and said this.So, Driver Lu drove a small white pickup truck, and Jiang Jun took two people with him. After the four of them got off the highway, they arrived at a gas station on the side of the national highway.

This gas station will definitely close down during normal times. Its business items are too single, which is refueling. There are only three charging points and a canteen. The small oil station, you can see from a distance, there are groups of people inside the gas station. There were zombies, and the refueling gun was still inserted in place. There were no living people, so there was a greater chance that there would be gas. Jiang Jun led the zombies and asked Driver Lu to drive over and refuel. There were so many zombies that he couldn’t finish them all. Driver Lu I rushed to the gas pump and there was indeed gas!

Driver Lu is also very stylish, swiping his card to refuel.

A certain gas station sneered: If you don’t swipe your card, can you try and I can start it?

Today's 508 regiment has strong soldiers and horses. Jiang Jun is not the leader of the team, so he still has some knowledge of how to lead troops.Surround the gas pump and clear out the zombies.

"Director An, there is gas in the gas station, and the zombies are weak. By the time you arrive, everything will be gone. You can set off. I've sent you the location..."

"Let's go!" Anshan and everyone were waiting for this good news.

Sure enough, when the 508th Regiment arrived, the four of them had already killed all the zombies in the gas station, cleared them and threw them outside the gas station.

The fuel tanks of all the vehicles of the 508th Regiment are fully filled, including all spare oil barrels. Of course, the so-called water tanks in Driver Lu's pickup truck that can hold half of the water are also designated as fuel tanks.

The 508th group really has no shortage of water. First, with Aunt Lu, a water superpower, in the team, there is no need to worry about water problems, not to mention that Annie can also provide ice water residue.

Secondly, the water tanks of the four RVs are also oversized, and tap water has been replenished. Now the water tanks of the four RVs are fully filled, which is enough for them.

In the evening, the 508th Group camped here (suspected to be a private gas station). All four RVs were connected to the water pipes, and then the bathing room began to work at full capacity.Everyone took turns enjoying it.Jiang Jun and the others all took a nice bath in the car of Jiang and his son.

The location of this gas station is very hidden. Both Anshan and Uncle Wei thought it should be a private gas station. There is a gas station downstairs of An's Group, and An's employees are willing to drive a gas truck and refuel for free.Charging is free.In fact, if you look into details, An's welfare is really good.Jiang Jun and others were veterans. Several abandoned cars pulled up at the intersection in front of them, creating a blockage at the intersection.Then Driver Lu took Maomao to sleep in the first car at the entrance of the gas station.

In fact, all these methods were in vain. This night, it was as quiet as the night before. After all, it was rare for such a strong team that no one came towards the gas station. Everyone slept extremely peacefully.

Early in the morning of the fourth day, while eating breakfast and preparing to hit the road, Jiang Jun thought about it again and again and had to speak. Jiang Jun discussed it with the team leaders and found out that it was the driving skills of the four RV drivers that allowed them to These professionals have sore eyes.If you weren't not very familiar with it, I'd probably have already cursed you. You can't hit when you should, you hit very accurately when you shouldn't, you drive fast when you shouldn't, you can turn a corner when you're about to overturn, and you can pass obstacles by yourself. become an obstacle.Not only did it slow down the entire convoy, but it also forced the team to work part-time as a traffic conductor before they had gone very far. PS: Controlling the waves of zombies!

Driver Lu was the first to agree to the idea of ​​changing drivers. If he hadn't driven the longest car among the four, they would have crashed into each other by now!Even so, in just one day, he became very skilled at using his powers to repair car dents. That's not how powers are used, right?

After discussion, Zheng Dalong, Zhou Zian, and Yan Yuning were asked to take over the driving seats of the three RVs, and the original drivers were demoted to co-pilots.The three of them are responsible for explaining driving experience to the co-pilot while driving.

The little white pickup truck was taken over by Liao Dewu, the most skilled man. If the truck overturned, it would be a big joke. Jiang Nanshan and Uncle He were in the passenger seat, and Jiang Jun drove their car in front.The car Jiang Jun and the others bought was incomparable with the 508th Regiment's car in terms of performance, but in the hands of Jiang Jun and others, it was enough to lead the way!
The cars are still the same, but in the hands of experienced drivers, these extra-long RVs drive quickly and steadily.

Anshan and Ms. Xiu were sitting in the back of the RV together. The two of them had no powers now.To avoid delaying things, Driver Lu turned around and drove the RV, while Annie sat in the passenger seat.
Anne was anxious, so she secretly gave the two of them a drink of the ice water she had condensed, and of course filtered it with her right hand.I hope it can inspire the two of them to have special abilities or something.

After forming a team, Ji Shan, Annie and three other people acted together. They were all girls. It was not only convenient but also forced Ji Shan to slow down the pace to avoid relapse of the injury. Ji Shan's waist injury was quite serious, but it was okay. The surgery was successful and my current fighting strength is still good.

The flag of the reorganized 508th Regiment was waving in the wind, and the team was marching much faster. With the speed of the vehicles, many zombies were knocked away without even getting out of the car. Even a few ladies thought that their driving skills were good. After less than 10 minutes, I felt like my face was really slapping!There are people outside the world.

No matter how crowded the road is, the car driven by Jiang Jun leads the way, and the pickup truck follows closely behind. Jiang Jun and a few people with mutated powers will push the cars on the roadside away when they need to, and fight the zombies in front of them when they need to. After a fight, Driver Lu and four other professional RV drivers rushed over in their big cars, and their speed immediately increased by more than 50%.

Unless they encounter a group of zombies, all drivers will not get out of the car to fight monsters.After the team got together, they became more and more cooperative. Wei Moyan and Jiang Zheng both learned a lot of driving tips from the big drivers, and they just had to put them into practice.

But the ability to fight zombies has improved very quickly. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a rapid improvement.

On the sixth day, wherever the 508th regiment's convoy passed, there were many people following it.But these days, the journey south has not progressed much. Annie does not have the experience of rushing at the beginning of the end of the world in her memory. She originally chose to stay in the Imperial Capital and did not go south until almost a year later. So at this time, in addition to fighting zombies, she Apart from experience, everyone else is at the same starting point.

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