famous eldest daughter

Chapter 728 Crying and Laughing

Chapter 728 Crying and Laughing
Originally, he had prepared a lot of words to lure her into speaking for Xiao Yi who was in prison, but now it was better, he didn't say anything yet, so she handed over the words herself.

If Xiao Yu didn't know her identity well, he would almost suspect that she was disguised by Gu Yuqing. Otherwise, why did she speak so well?

"I am uneducated and have no skills, but I am uneducated and have no skills. It is better than you being a princess, but having to devote yourself to serving our ministers and just being a shady outsider. I am afraid that since you have followed the British Duke, you You’ve never even descended to this Western Mountain!”

Now that she had taken the initiative to speak for Xiao Yi, Xiao Yu simply ignored her words and just acted like a quarrel, with a mean tone.

It turned out that Xiao Yu had also speculated that there might be some secret collusion between the British Duke and the deposed prince of Liaodong, but seeing that she had no scheming and only a skin, this speculation was instantly wiped out.

I'm afraid that the more likely possibility is that the deposed prince's life is difficult and his life and death are uncertain. In order to save his daughter's life, he let her secretly escape from Liaodong and sneak into our country. And because of some coincidence, she was discovered by the British Duke. The British prince coveted its beauty and raised it in the Western Mountains regardless of the risks.

However, no matter what the truth is, it is no longer important at this moment.

When the woman heard Xiao Yu's words, her face suddenly turned red, she bit her lip with her silver teeth, glared at Xiao Yu bitterly, turned her face with a arrogant look, and looked at the emperor, "I want to see the British Duke, and this time His Majesty will visit Xishan Okay, he is accompanying me. Since Your Majesty is suspicious of me, just ask the British Duke if you have any questions. He knows everything about me."

Xiao Yu did not doubt the authenticity of her words.

But the emperor...

So many things happened one after another, and the emperor wanted to grind the British public's teeth to bleed. Her words fell into the emperor's ears, which was really ridiculous.

"You want to see the British Duke? Okay! I will give you a chance to reunite!" After saying that, the emperor turned to the commander of the imperial army and said: "Bring him over and bring them back together tomorrow!"

She is living evidence of British collaboration with the enemy!
I originally planned to interrogate her, but seeing how arrogant and careless she was, I was afraid that the deposed crown prince of Liaodong only regarded her as a tool to bribe the British prince, and would never let her handle any important confidential matters. Hands, let alone let her know.

As for the British male, he was just greedy for beauty and regarded it as a tool to vent his lust, and he would not reveal anything to her about what he was doing.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have the ridiculous arrogance just now.

As long as he returns to the palace tomorrow, takes out the old files sealed in the palace, and compares the handwriting of the deposed prince of Liaodong with those of the secret letters searched from Xiao Yi's mansion, everything will be settled.

Empress, Xiao Yi, Duke of England...

The emperor could not bear to execute the people who were originally bound by love. At this time, he no longer had any worries. He just wished that he could personally behead these people who had betrayed him, deceived him and played with him one by one to vent his anger.

The commander of the imperial army received the order, immediately executed it, and was led away. The woman had the proud look of a victor on her face, which fell into Xiao Yu's eyes and found it extremely ridiculous.

There are such stupid people in this world. It was in vain that Gu Yuqing took all the trouble to send Zhou Bingde to take the risk of arson. If he had known that she was so careless, why bother!

As soon as she walked away, Xiao Yu said: "Father, this person must be mentally ill!"


No matter how agitated the emotions in his heart are and how difficult it is to calm down, Xiao Yu always has a strange ability. With just one word, he can disperse half of the emotions in his heart. However, the price is to use another way to make him angry. Half dead!
At this moment, the emperor looked at Xiao Yu's handsome face and just wanted to say: Son, are you stupid?

Xiao Yi was imprisoned by me for colluding with Liaodong, and this stupid and brainless daughter-in-law of the deposed crown prince of Liaodong opened her mouth to complain for him. Instead of grasping the point, you yelled about someone condescending to be a concubine...

After all, you are a prince who has inherited the fine bloodline of me and Concubine Hui, but you talk like you are fighting with women!

I sighed helplessly in my heart, how could I and Concubine Hui give birth to a child like you... with a strange bloodline!

Xiao Yu trailed off, but the emperor didn't answer. He only saw the emperor staring at him intently. He immediately raised his hand to touch his face, and moved his big face closer to the emperor, and then he said, "Father, do you think your son is much more handsome these days?"

Your majesty..."Go to sleep, and return to the palace early tomorrow morning!"

Suddenly the emperor roared, Xiao Yu immediately jumped back, covered his ears, and said: "Father, I will be deafened by you!"

Your Majesty... I will be driven crazy by you!
After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he rubbed his ears with a look of reluctance, "You're going back tomorrow? I haven't taken a bath in the hot springs yet! I've been just messing around this night. If I had known that hunting could lead to such things, Erchen I won’t go hunting anymore. If I don’t go hunting, Ninth Brother will not accidentally hurt that Su Muqing. If he doesn’t accidentally hurt Su Muqing, Su Muqing won’t..."

As the emperor listened, he felt hundreds of bugs flapping in his ears, making his head hurt. God, is this child really his biological child?

"Get out of here quickly! If you don't rest, I will have to rest too!"

Xiao Yu raised his eyebrows, his eyes full of bewilderment, "Father, tonight, just before midnight, so many shocking things happened, can you really sleep? Tsk tsk, there is no one with such a good attitude like you!"


Can you go, don't you go... I go!
Seeing the emperor grabbing the teacup in his hand and throwing it at him, Xiao Yu walked away.

Xiao Yu left with his front legs, and the emperor let out a long sigh of relief. He suddenly felt that the whole world had become quiet. He turned his head with a wry smile and said to the chief chamberlain: "Do you think I owed him something in my previous life?"

The head chamberlain covered his mouth and smiled, "Your Majesty, can't you see that His Highness the Fourth Prince is deliberately trying to relieve your suffocation?"

Although the emperor was a fan of the authorities, how could he take it so seriously that he didn't expect it at all? He just couldn't laugh or cry and said: "I don't know if he is trying to calm me down, or he is going to make me angry to death!"

Even so, there was a smile in his eyes.

If it weren't for Xiao Yu's nonsense, any of the two incidents today would be enough to make him angry, especially the one involving the Queen...

"That person named Su Muqing, where is she now?"

The head chamberlain suddenly heard the emperor's question and immediately said: "After finishing the beating, I locked him up in the secret room of the palace."

The emperor was silent for a moment and said: "Go and ask her how much the Queen knows about the British Duke's plan back then. After asking her, no matter what the result is, we will leave tomorrow and let her go. After all, she is just a poor person eager for revenge, let alone What’s more, if it weren’t for her, I would still be kept in the dark.”

The chamberlain took the order and left as promised.

The cold wind howled at night, but the chamberlain's steps towards the secret room were unprecedentedly vigorous.

Since the emperor sent him to ask, no matter how the girl answered, he already had the answer in his heart. Son, your father will avenge you soon.

 Thanks for the tip, cute!Thanks to the cute little Mu Furong for the tip!Thanks to Zhao Yilin and Ziyan for the cute reward!Starting from today, we will update three times a day. Let Apple take a breath and save some articles. We will update it in the future!hug
(End of this chapter)

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