famous eldest daughter

Chapter 354 Stupid

Chapter 354 Stupid
Gou Shengde avoided answering.

I don't know if it's wolfish hair or what, but when I heard this, I just twitched my eyelids, and the long and hideous scar on my face trembled twice, and in a blink of an eye, I was walking straight in front of her, only a hair's length away, with a pair of rough hands He grabbed her waist and threw her onto the bed.

Suppressing the panic in her chest, she flew onto the bed and fell heavily. Gu Yuqing quickly found the best place to take out the dagger from under the pillow.

His eyes flashed across the pillow, pretending to be trembling and frightened.

But... it's not all pretense. She is also a normal person, but she has experienced more things than others. When encountering such a situation, the panic and fear in her heart is no less than others, but it is just the meager amount of effort she can squeeze out. Calmly, she tried her best to think of a way out.

She was like a little white rabbit waiting to be killed. She was frightened and restless, which completely aroused the wolf nature in Gou Shengde's heart. She swallowed her saliva and rushed forward. She saw the centipede-like scar approaching towards him. In the flash of lightning, she stretched out her hand to the pillow. under.

Gou Shengde used all his strength when he pounced on her, and the dagger in her hand was as sharp as iron and was extremely sharp. In addition, she used all her strength to stab him in the heart.

Immediately, the stench of the sky, accompanied by the strong smell of blood, assaulted his nostrils. Gu Yuqing almost gritted his teeth and clutched the dagger in his hand tightly.

After this sudden change, Gou Shengde, who was still a little drunk, suddenly froze, like a lightning strike. His eyes were cloudy and shocked, and he looked down at his bleeding chest. He was startled, and raised his eyes to look at Gu Yuqing. Bloody blood burst out of his eyes. murderous look.

The surrounding air suddenly condensed into ice because of his hostility.

Almost without hesitation, Gou Shengde raised his hand and struck at Gu Yuqing, raising his palm with a cold killing move.

He was a murderous secret guard with superb martial arts skills and a calm mind. If he hadn't taken advantage of his emotional state and was unprepared, Gu Yuqing would never have been able to successfully attack him even though he was extremely capable.

Knowing that such a good opportunity would never come again, even though the wind from Gou Shengde's palm was already coming towards him, Gu Yuqing firmly held the sharp blade in his hand and began to stir and spin it vigorously.

No matter how inhuman a killer is, he cannot withstand the pain of having his chest cut with a knife, and Gou Shengde is no exception.

Heartbreaking pain hit her, and his hand that was intended to hit Gu Yuqing Tianling Gai missed his target, and it was only a "slap", hitting her hard on the face.

Immediately, Gu Yuqing flew towards the wall where the bed was leaning, her body was heavily loaded on the wall, and she was bounced back to the bed. With such a heavy impact, she almost heard the sound of her ribs breaking behind her.

But she knew that if there was any pause at this time, she would definitely die.

She didn't know whether it was due to the fear of death or something else, but she gritted her teeth and endured the severe pain. The moment her body fell on the bed, Gou Shengde struck her with another palm, cursing, and her eyes were already bloodshot. And flushed.

Gu Yuqing turned aside, turned over and sat up, and stabbed Gou Shengde in the chest again.

However, how could Gu Yuqing be given a second chance if her martial arts skills were as high as his? He immediately sneered and kicked her to the ground.

Just when Gu Yuqing thought she was going to die, Nanny Huang suddenly appeared.

With Gou Shengde's skill, Nanny Huang was no match for him. Unfortunately, Gu Yuqing poked a big black hole in his chest. Hot blood kept pouring out. In addition, he had just tried so hard to kill him. Gu Yuqing used both his Qi and his muscles, so the wound was stretched even wider.

Aunt Huang could only make a few moves, but Gou Shengde was like a mountain collapsing. He fell straight to the ground and never got up again. Until his body was hard and his eyes were wide open, with the unwillingness, despair and despair before death. Pain and... and a hint of sorrow that Gu Yuqing couldn't understand.

Gu Yuqing was seriously injured and naturally had to stay in bed for a long time to recuperate.

Gou Shengde was originally Xiao Duo's subordinate. If something like this happened, she should have sent the body back to Xiao Duo. But for some reason, she couldn't remember what she was thinking at that time, so she had him buried in the mountains behind the suburbs. .

For a long time after that, Xiao Duo kept silent about Gou Shengde's disappearance, as if this person had never appeared in his world at all, and as if he just went to perform his mission and had not returned. In short, everything was calm.

But the calmer the surface, the more festering, filthy and filthy it is covered inside.

Gu Yuqing had doubts that Gou Shengde's move was instigated by Xiao Duo, but at that time, she had assisted Xiao Duo for more than five years. The dedication and hard work in the past five years had made her blind and unwilling to believe what was before her. fact.

With this thought in mind, Gu Yuqing clenched her fists tightly and gradually loosened them. Thinking of the cup of Hedinghong in her previous life, a self-deprecating sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth.

It really deserves it!
At that time, as long as I had some sense and sobriety now, I wouldn't have ended up like that.

She always prides herself on being smart.

clever?There really is no one more stupid than her. She is just making plans for others under the guise of being smart, but she... She has long been without herself in her heart.

In that life, what she cared about was her fake sister Gu Yuhe, and what she was plotting in her mind was the country that Xiao Duo dreamed about day and night. As for herself... her heart was too small to hold so many things, and she had no place to put herself. up.

I don't know when, she lost herself, but put two ungrateful things in it.

Is she smart?It's obviously stupid!

What seems like a long memory is just a blink of an eye.The blur in front of his eyes became clear again, and his eyes were illuminated by the smoky fire outside. In the reflected shadows, people kept falling down after being hit by rockets.

Such a big commotion was naturally heard by the servants in the mansion, but who dared to poke their heads out to see a row of gray brick houses where the servants lived in the northwest corner. The lights in them were always dark, from beginning to end, No one stuck their head out, let alone rushed to the main room to see if she was okay.

After all, these people in the ancestral home were not trained by her, and their relationship with her was really weak.

Suddenly, there was a sound in the quiet room. The sound was so sudden that it really startled Gu Yuqing. .

The noise came from above the head. Gu Yuqing, the master and the servant, immediately raised their heads and looked towards the roof. Although they couldn't see anything through the beams and tiles, they could see dust from the roof falling continuously amid the fierce movement.

"God! Minglu and the others fought on the roof." Gu Yuqing blurted out, with nervousness and anxiety in his tone.

There were only ten secret guards brought by Ming Lu. Once there was a firefight on the roof, the intensity of blocking the courtyard would inevitably be reduced.Gu Yuqing turned her head and looked outside, and sure enough she saw a dense group of people in black, headed by Gou Shengde, slowly moving towards the main room.

How come there are so many dead and so many more!
(End of this chapter)

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