Chapter 146: Long thorn

"Actually...I came to you to ask for a guarantee."

Jing Li frowned and looked at the black box handed over.

As soon as I touched it, I found a mezzanine hidden at the bottom.

Morrigan smiled and said: "After all, it's rare to meet once, so it's not good to come empty-handed."

The final exams came as scheduled, with the political history exam starting at seven in the morning and the martial arts exam at two in the afternoon. First, there was the talent and ability assessment and then the fighting.

I entered the examination room at seven o'clock and entered my examination number. I was greeted by 1000 and [-] questions.

Most of the questions are multiple choice questions, and there are a few questions on formal theory and historical development and change.

The exam is five hours long.

The school did not forcefully require students not to leave the examination room after the exam, so Yan Zhou quickly rushed to the training room to warm up after handing in the papers.

The next exam will start soon.

This is Yan Zhou's first official competition after awakening his natural bloodline.

The red-gold dragon was larger than when he first saw it, entrenched on Yan Zhou's shoulders and neck, its eyes cold and ready to strike.

They were fighting against the data-simulated bloodline warriors developed by Nan Xun.

The system will then select a simulated talent that matches the candidate's level for a battle. The duration is three to 10 minutes. If the time is exceeded, the candidate will automatically be deemed to have failed the exam.

With the blessing of bloodline talent and Yan Zhou's own skillful use, the bloodline simulation warrior turned into fragmented data threads under Yan Zhou's hands in just one minute.

"it is good!"

The Tianzi class students who were watching couldn't help but applaud and praise.

After a semester of getting along with each other, Yan Zhou's identity as the first seat has become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has convinced the classmates.

Now seeing Yan Zhou's dragon-shaped spiritual body, everyone's blood boiled even more.

After all, most people who can possess such a domineering spiritual body have achieved extraordinary things.

Dongguan Liao also ended the battle quickly, taking two minutes and three seconds.

The talent and ability assessment is over, and it’s finally time to fight, which is turn-based like the midterm exam.

After several rounds of elimination, Yan Zhou and Dong Guan Liao were left in the end.

After this semester, the two have almost established a rivalry relationship. Every time it is their turn to play against each other, the students in Tianzi class are extremely excited.

Some people even placed bets behind their backs.

In the beginning, it was basically a bet on winning or losing, but after discovering that Dongguan Liao had never won, it was changed to "Can Dongguan Liao escape the title of second best in ten thousand years?"

Dongguan Liao once encountered their humiliating way of betting, and immediately issued a battle invitation, dragging several of the culprits into the fighting arena to teach them a lesson, and this behavior of betting disappeared completely.

In this regard, the classmate who was severely beaten said.

They still place bets, but this time secretly.


Dongguan Liao couldn't control them, so he simply turned a blind eye.

After several rounds of fighting, Yan Zhou used both defense and offense to force Dongguan Liao to retreat step by step.

He frowned.

It feels like... After Yan Zhou awakened his bloodline talent, his physical fitness and strength improved dramatically.

Awakening the bloodline talent and improving physical fitness?
Dongguan Liao was a little confused.

He was awakened at birth and doesn't remember any changes at all.


Finally seizing the gap, Dongguan Liao struck Yan Zhou on the shoulder.

Before the light of joy burst out in his eyes, he felt himself being attracted by a strange force——

It bounced back!
Pain in the palm.

Dongguan Liao was startled and raised his hand.

The palm seemed to have been scratched by something sharp, and blood was flowing out.

Before Yan Zhou could react, another round of attacks came.

Another round passed and Dongguan Liao was defeated.

He stayed in place, then walked to the side and took out a bandage to tie his palm. The wound on his palm was a little deep and was bandaged.

"What's wrong?" After leaving the battle, Yan Zhou saw the bandage on Dongguan Liao's hand, frowned and walked over.

Dongguan Liao glanced at Yan Zhou in confusion: "...Yan Zhou, do you have thorns on your body?"

Yan Zhou: "???"

She was stunned and reached out to touch her shoulder...

It has normal human skin, without any spikes.

Dongguan Liao also reached out and wanted to poke Yan Zhou's shoulder, but before he could touch him, a familiar force blocked him again.

He only felt numbness on his fingertips, as if he had another cut.

Dongguan Liao's expression was complicated: "Yan Zhou, you are really not an ordinary evil sect after awakening your bloodline talent..."

Yan Zhou:......

Staring at Dong Guan Liao's confused back, she fell into deep thought.


She awakened not only her spiritual body?

Xiaolong stretched out his claws to hold Yan Zhou's braid hanging down his back, and rubbed it flatteringly.

Yan Zhou's eyelids twitched, he picked up Xiaolong and asked:
"What did you do?"


Xiaolong blinked his eyes, looked at Yan Zhou aggrievedly, and even sniffed.

Yan Zhou has a dark face.

Absolutely!Not her spiritual body!She doesn't like to act coquettishly!

After the exam, Yan Zhou returned to the dormitory to sort out the luggage to bring back to Gaia, from clothes, books, electronic products... They had already listed them the night before and put them all into the space bracelet.

Suddenly, she remembered the holographic warehouse placed in the corner at the beginning of school.

Just take them back together.

Mrs. Xi arranged for Xingzhou to come over early to meet her.

As soon as he got on the star boat, Yan Zhou received a voice call from Mrs. Xi.

"When you get to Gaia, go directly to the old house."

The woman's voice was low and cold, like fresh snow on the plum blossoms, clear and penetrating to the bones.

Yan Zhou responded, as if thinking of something and asked, "How are Chunhua and her grandma doing?"

Mrs. Xi: "The old man is in good health now. As for the girl..."

"I arranged some physical training for her. I originally planned to send her to college to study, but then I thought that you never trust me, so you should go back and handle it yourself."

Her tone was calm, without any trace of the attitude expected of a parent who feels irritable because of their children's distrust.

Although he has lived with her for a long time, Yan Zhou is still not used to the cold and casual style of his biological mother.

"it is good."

The other party cut off the call.


The last time Yan Zhou returned to the old house was six years ago. At that time, Mrs. Xi had already taken over all the core affairs of Gaia and started drastic reforms.

The attitude of preferring to kill by mistake rather than let go has frightened officials and businessmen who were previously corrupt.

The Li family where Qin Shu's follower Li Songyan was staying had received the news in advance and moved his family out of Gaia.

Wiping away the dirt up and down like cleaning the walls, Mrs. Xi held a business exhibition in the old house.

Committed to the revitalization of the sub-industry.

It also cost a lot of money.

This act of giving a red date in return made the other trembling merchants at a loss.

There are bold people who are ready to give it a try with the determination to die.

It turned out that the new Star Territory Chief was sincere in developing Gaia, and a good relationship between the top and bottom was initially established.

The closer those promoted officials and businessmen got to Mrs. Xi, the more they admired her.

(End of this chapter)

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