Chapter 140

In the past in Gaia, Yan Zhou had participated in similar meetings, and he knew most of the basics of dressing.

For her, a dark gray suit that doesn't stand out or look ordinary is the first choice.

But she forgot that sometimes it is not only people who depend on their clothes, but also clothes who depend on people.

When Aqil learned that Yan Zhou was also going to attend the banquet of the Star Territory Chief, he directly proposed to go there together by car.

When he saw Yan Zhou dressed up so formally, his eyes widened.

Yan Zhou's daily attire was very simple, all casual clothes. Suddenly seeing such an exquisite outfit, even after looking at his classmates for almost a semester, he couldn't relax.

I saw a tall young man with black hair tied back smoothly. The high crown of his head and fluffy hair highlighted the young man's perfect facial features. A pair of transparent and light pupils like topaz mines suppressed the squinting of the eyebrows. Beautiful and coquettish, it adds a bit of coldness.

The two contradictory temperaments are intertwined. Even though Yan Zhou's clothes are not very gorgeous compared to others, he can't take his eyes away at a glance.

It was rare for Aqil to say no adjectives of praise.

He felt that... Yan Zhou was becoming more and more evil.

It has been developing in a direction that goes against heaven's will.

"Alas...I suddenly noticed that you seem to have grown taller."

Yan Zhou was stunned when he heard these familiar words, it seemed a bit familiar... Dongguan Liao also said the same.

Yan Zhou's face didn't change: "Isn't it normal to grow taller during the growth period?"

Aqil was speechless and choked: "...that makes sense."

But is it growing too fast? It looks like it has grown by at least five centimeters!

He moved to the side sadly.

Yan Zhou was obviously shorter than him when he first entered school, but now he is almost half a head taller.


On the way, Yan Zhou learned something about the banquet from Aqil.

As usual, every year on the eve of the New Year, the Star Territory Chief gathers people from the Four Silver Family and its affiliated families, and this time is no exception.

The specific content is actually nothing special. In name, it is just a banquet for making friends and getting together. As for the words behind depends on the individual's performance.

It is said that every time there will be people from outside the realm coming to do business or negotiate with friends... Aqil's meaning is obvious.

He felt a little bored.

If it weren't for her sister's recent military affairs, Campbell, a younger generation, would have reason for her to attend.

Speaking of this, Aqil sighed quietly and said in a meaningful tone: "Actually, the most important thing is this... This kind of banquet is still a venue for various aristocratic families to show off their children. Hesha is born with golden blood. In our generation of aristocratic families, I am considered the best among my children, but I am still far behind..."

He slapped his face irritably: "I feel uncomfortable when I think of having to talk to those colorful aunts again, and they are so weird... and at this banquet, that woman is also here!"

Those last few gritted words.

Yan Zhou had some personal grudges from Zhongpin, so he joked:
"Your enemy?"

Aqil twitched his eyes: "How dare you? She is such a genius, and only my sister can compete with her..."

"I can't say I have any grudges. It's just that I was often teased by my sister when I was a child. I later found out that those ideas were all her ideas. From the day I found out...all the filters I had for her were broken."


Yan Zhou was a little curious. It was the first time he heard such a title, so he asked:
"She's great?"

Aqil: "Although I don't have any filters for her now, it's undeniable...she's really amazing."

He paused and continued: "Speaking of which, she attended Dorian Affiliated School and was the first member of that class. Later, she transferred to Feiqi to go to school. Later, she was admitted to the Imperial Royal Military Academy and became a great master. Master..." "Anyway, among the young generation in the world, she is definitely a figure at the top."

Yan Zhou raised his eyebrows: "The introduction is so detailed, it seems that you admire her very much."

"By the way, what's her name?"

"Who worships her!"

Aqil quickly retorted, his eyes red with embarrassment.

After taking a moment to breathe out, he said:
"Her name is Qin Zhanxi...Okay, I admit it. When she was playing with my sister when she was a child, I did admire her. After all, it's not surprising that she is very powerful...but-"

Aqil gritted his teeth: "When I found out that it was her who took the lead in teasing me with my sister, these admirations became a thing of the past! It is a thing of the past!"

He thought of all the bad things in the kindergarten, such as the missing toy car, the half-eaten Roujiamo, the scooter that was broken for no reason, the homework book that was taken away by the dog...

Which one of them had wronged her?

Aqil was instantly sad and angry.

Yan Zhou felt the strong low pressure next to him:...

This low pressure lasted until the banquet entrance.

Aqil quickly adjusted his condition and got out of the car.

The banquet was held in Chengyuan, where Xingyu Changtong lived.

This is a landscape garden with shady trees, blooming flowers, mountains and rocks, and clear springs flowing upstream.

It is said that this garden has a long history. It was built by the first generation Xingyu Chang with huge investment. It can be regarded as a landmark that represents the world.

The breeze in the garden blows on your face, feeling comfortable and peaceful.

Yan Zhou squinted his eyes in contentment and said to Aqil: "The first-generation Star Territory Chief was a man who enjoyed himself. He actually thought of building a garden in the middle of the city."

The corner of Aqil's mouth raised, and he said proudly: "The first generation of Star Territory Chief in the world of mortals is the ancestor of my Campbell family, and his taste is certainly not ordinary! Although this garden has been confiscated now, because it is the builder, my sister and I can enjoy it when we were young. Free to come and play.”

Yan Zhou:......

Thinking of the dazzling amethyst stone dome of the China World Trade Center Building, she instantly understood.

The Campbell family is indeed extremely wealthy from top to bottom.

This heaven-shattering wealth.

Feeling Yan Zhou's fiery gaze, Aqil turned his eyes uncomfortably:

"...What's wrong?"

Yan Zhou patted him on the shoulder, his expression was thought-provoking, and he didn't say anything.

Aqil looked at each other and trembled subconsciously.

This should I put it?

It was very similar to the oily butcher who had been raising pigs for many years in the village and finally saw the fat and huge pigs dragged to the slaughterhouse. The golden light bursting out of his eyes made the pigs tremble all over.

Ah no, how could he be a pig?Yan Zhou is not like a butcher...

Yan Zhou, who didn't know what was going on in Aqil's heart, walked along the stone bridge on the river and watched the various koi carp swimming flexibly in the water. The occasional splash wetted the rockery rocks nearby.

Not many people came to the banquet. It is said that the current Star Territory Chief was not happy with the large number of people. Only a few leading families and a few affiliated families were invited to the banquet.

As if to match the elegant atmosphere of the garden, most of the female guests with oriental faces wore plain long skirts or cheongsams, adding a different style to the elegant garden.

(End of this chapter)

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