Chapter 464 Rules

Chu Hengyuan smiled. Mr. Wu’s character has always been humble, but there are many people who can do the work together. However, no one can deny that the core miracle is still created by Mr. Wu. No one can ignore Mr. Wu’s importance!

Compared with the pressure of research and development, Wu Tong actually feels more pressure. Instead, it is the expectations accumulated on her from top to bottom, spurring her on and not daring to relax and continue to move forward. Fortunately, Wu Tong is no longer the young man he was when he was a fledgling, and has been able to handle it very well. This kind of state under pressure can regulate his emotions very well.

When she entered the research and development state, external influences no longer hindered her. She is honored to have seen the dawn of controllable nuclear fusion, turned it into a reality, succeeded in making it a technology that China can take the lead in mastering, and can benefit the world!

"The only thing I can do is to make technological breakthroughs. As for the contradictions that the country will face after the breakthrough, as well as the impact on the traditional energy industry, and the resistance to the transformation of new social productivity... these all need you to think about. The solution is the right solution!" The leap-forward technological progress not only brings transcendent ecstasy, but behind the joy, there is a lot of pressure to bear!

"Don't worry, Mr. Wu, the superiors are well prepared to deal with all storms! We have gone through ups and downs and are never afraid of wind and rain and challenges in various situations!" It is their tradition to face difficulties and take charge. ! Even under such difficult circumstances before, they were able to stand tall and verify their attitudes and beliefs. Not to mention, they are now confident and full of wings!

If Mr. Wu has to worry about these things, then there is no point in their existence! Fortunately, they are quite good at this aspect. China has never lacked its attitude towards itself and does not accept coercion in any sense. The attitude of the diplomatic corps is clear!

"Compared to overseas, the domestic pressure for change is not that great. We have never had a so-called energy giant from the beginning to the end!" Important strategic resources have always been in the hands of the state. Whether it is domestic oil, gas or electric power resources, although they are enterprises, they are all state-owned enterprises. The controllers of the groups are never capitalists.

Wu Tong nodded with confidence, how to balance the practical problems in all aspects of society, how to properly arrange practitioners in the traditional energy industry, how to deal with various problems from all sides, these complex social and economic problems, professional It's better to leave it to the professionals. Wu Tong has always believed that there are specialties in the art industry.

What she is interested in and responsible for is the research and development section that she is better at! And, her research and development can be properly utilized and bring useful help to the country!

Although Mr. Wu did not comment on this aspect, the superiors paid great attention to Mr. Wu's attitude. Chu Hengyuan remembered the earnest explanations and instructions from above before he came, and he explained clearly to Wu Tong:

"The country is already preparing to form a new power group to gather strength, firstly, to cope with the comprehensive domestic energy structure reform, and secondly, to cope with the demand for engineering orders in surrounding areas!" Friendship allies who are friendly to China and have the same position as them can enjoy the The delivery of projects under the spare capacity of domestic order reform is not only an alliance of allies, but also a blood transfusion for domestic project reconstruction.

People's livelihood projects are all funded by the state, and the pressure lies on state supply. In order to achieve better comprehensive domestic resource reform, the funding gap they need is very considerable, and the infusion of fresh capital and blood revenue is a must.

At present, they have contacted and inquired about project orders from many parties in the desert and surrounding parties. The specific situation needs to be fully settled before the in-house demonstration project can be fully settled. Only then will there be a professional evaluation team to determine the cost of external project orders before selecting the best. Partners.

"In addition, the above has established the 686 High School Institute for you and for future cutting-edge scientific research. Please serve as the top person in charge of 686! Considering your habits, the 686 High School Institute is temporarily supplemented by the so-called basic upgrade of your cross-research, mainly for Under your name, you can have a more mature team to assist your research and development work. At the same time, the general person in charge of the grid connection project would like to invite you to take up a temporary position!"

Research on controllable fusion has never been an easy task. Not only are there difficulties in several key areas, but just coordinating the work of various departments is already particularly difficult. However, Mr. Wu shouldered such a heavy burden, and several key problems were solved by Mr. Wu himself. It can be said that the success of the entire controllable nuclear fusion was solely supported by Mr. Wu.

With such a glorious record, whoever is the general person in charge of the grid connection project would be more convinced than Mr. Wu.

"I took over the responsibility of being the person in charge of the research institute and the general person in charge of the grid connection project. It is best to have more professional people take charge of this responsibility. My focus is usually more on projects, so I definitely don't have much energy. You can free up your time to keep an eye on the operation of the entire grid connection project!

In the past few days, we have tried three more ignitions. From the information we have collected so far, we can basically confirm that the Jinwu Demonstration Reactor is in perfect operation and can be promoted in practice. The core technology is already being organized and can be handed over in the near future. It needs to be used I guess there won’t be many more at my place! "So, there is no need to waste resources and let her work on the grid connection project.

"Actual affairs will be handled by different deputies. You are only responsible for sitting in charge and giving us a backbone!" Considering the above, firstly, it is appropriate for Mr. Wu to be in charge, and secondly, any opportunity that can lay the foundation for Mr. Wu's qualifications should not be missed. !

"That still doesn't work. There is no need to use a false name. Compared to me, you can coordinate operations better and play a greater role than me!" She didn't care too much about false names. She had the time to pursue fame, so she might as well tackle one more problem.

"We respect your opinions. Regarding your opinions, I will give feedback to the superiors! You can't shirk the next authorization! As long as you need it, you will be able to cooperate with domestic research units and institutions. Scheduling!" This gives Mr. Wu the absolute right to schedule and cooperate with research and development.

Wu Tong was moved by the trust from her superiors, but she set a rule for herself that she should report to her superiors if necessary. People's boundaries are always infinitely enlarged through indulgence. She doesn't want to unknowingly become the kind of person she once hated! Human nature is the last thing that can be challenged!

Therefore, Wu Tong would rather follow the established rules from the beginning and not go overboard.


(End of this chapter)

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