"Where there's a will, there's a way. Come on, brother, I'm optimistic about you!" Wu Tong smiled and narrowed his eyes. He has the attitude of a researcher. She respects his choice and looks forward to his success.

"Brother, if you are fast enough, maybe we can work on new research and development together!" Wu Tong smiled softly and threw an extended gimmick to Jin Xin. Controlled nuclear fusion was completely ignited successfully. When the final breakthrough in controllable nuclear fusion technology was completed, Wu Tong was already thinking about what topic she would like to work on for the next project?

Wu Tong did not have the habit of leaving her research projects idle for long periods of time, although, in the eyes of those present, she was very busy working on one project after another, and she was never-endingly tired. However, for Wu Tong, every new topic he studies is a new investment and a sublimation of himself. With her enthusiasm for scientific research and the excitement of exploring the future, she has the joy of harvesting results and gaining knowledge.

The next topic hardly required her to think about it. It was better to be experienced than to be experienced. Wu Tong chose to expand on the controllable nuclear fusion project. Controlled nuclear fusion for large-scale energy supply has been developed. Wu Tong thought of the business he started in. Can controllable nuclear fusion be miniaturized and used as an energy supply for aerospace, aviation and navigation?

This must be an interesting topic, and Wu Tong was instantly interested. If she makes results this year on this basis, in addition to having the best supply of aircraft carrier power sources as previously envisioned, aerospace fighters can also be put into large-scale planning, and she can even touch the space shuttle!

Current rocket launches and spacecraft launches are all one-way and one-time use. After launch, they fall back to the ground or burn up in the atmosphere, often leaving only some metal fragments. After a vertical take-off and landing launch vehicle falls back to the ground, it can be launched again with a little repair and refueling, which greatly reduces launch costs.

Compared with recyclable rockets, Wu Tong's goal is even bigger. What she wants to develop is to integrate the technical characteristics of rockets, satellites and aircrafts. It can be launched vertically into space orbit like a rocket, and can be launched into space like a satellite. The space shuttle is a multifunctional space vehicle that can orbit space and can re-enter the atmosphere and glide to land like an airplane.

"My next topic, if nothing else goes wrong, should be space shuttles and aerospace fighters!" After having new ideas about this big topic, Wu Tong was determined to check out the records in this area to prepare himself for knowledge .

In fact, it is not that the space shuttle has not been recorded around the world. As early as the 1980s, the opposite side of the sea had already taken the lead. As the earliest developed region, the economy there puts them more than one step ahead.

The existing space shuttle record is also the Columbia across the sea. The Columbia space shuttle has a total length of about 56 meters, a wingspan of about 24 meters, a take-off weight of about 2040 tons, a total take-off thrust of 2800 tons, and a maximum payload of 29.5 tons.

Its core orbiter is 37.2 meters long, roughly the size of a DC-9 airliner. There is a huge propellant external tank attached to the belly of the fuselage, which contains hundreds of tons of liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen fuel to supply the space shuttle with fuel into space orbit. There is a solid fuel booster rocket on each side of the external tank. There are three main engines at the tail, and the entire assembly weighs about 2000 tons.

"A space shuttle? An aerospace fighter? Like a future starship, or a spaceship?" When this topic was mentioned, Jin Xin was really interested. This was the ultimate extension of what he had learned, and every boy The ultimate fantasy, as a passionate man, who can't love future science fiction!

In the school's database, Jin Xin also checked the information on the aerospace fighters that he was most interested in. "I have read simple information. Air and space fighters are required to take off like ordinary aircraft, but they also have to fly and fight in outer space. Because air and space fighters need to maintain long-term operations, they will inevitably use nuclear reactors or solar energy as power and controllable nuclear fusion. , is the best power source choice for aerospace fighter aircraft.

According to predictions, the speed of aerospace fighters must reach at least Mach 25-30, and the self-sustainability must be at least 72 hours. They must be able to maintain seamless communication capabilities with the earth. Encrypted beam quantum communication systems can be used to meet the requirements. They must be able to Mount at least twelve laser-guided Type 2 neutron bombs...

The aircraft weapons are usually two laser aerial cannons, and the reconnaissance tools are generally high-power microwave radar robots + neutron beam omnidirectional radar + visual sights, which can be destroyed upon discovery! "

When it comes to other areas of interest, Jin Xin can say that he is full of treasures and full of energy! If he could participate in such a large research project and personally witness the success of such a large project, this must be one of the things he is most proud of in his life.

"This topic is really cool, Tongtong, you must wait for me, I will risk my life this year to finish all my homework in advance!" Jin Xin's eyes were shining, he was so interested! If he misses such an interesting project, he will regret it for the rest of his life!

Even if, with his level, he enters the project and is nothing special but just an ordinary screw, he is willing to go. For such a futuristic large-scale project, if he and Tongtong were not brother and sister, he, an ordinary student who could only be considered an outstanding student in the school, would not even be able to enter the project. Even if you invite the mentor into the project for the sake of the mentor, and if you are lucky enough to bring him along, you can only do something

"Brother, don't be anxious. This is just a plan. The prerequisite for completing this big project is that I have to miniaturize controllable nuclear fusion. It's still early!" Wu Tong couldn't help but smile and reassured, "It's not yet." For the sake of my little brother working hard. The little brother has put enough pressure on himself and has enough motivation to learn. There is no need to put too much pressure on him.

Wu Tong now feels that the purpose of learning should be to master knowledge happily, rather than learning for the sake of learning. Interest is always the best teacher! "Brother, you just need to be mentally prepared in advance. This is not something that can be oriented in a short while! You still have to stick to your own plan and follow the steps step by step."

I don’t want to bite off more than I can chew. The drone loyal wingman project I currently have is also a very interesting area. It will be enough for me to research and develop for a period of time and lay a solid foundation of aviation knowledge before I can further contact with higher fields. R&D. Whether it is for students or for the only brother, Wu Tong will never encourage others.

She is honored to use her own influence to bring some benefits to her little brother by using appropriate leverage to provide him with a better environment for growth. However, he still has to move forward in this transformation of growth by himself! (End of chapter)

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