Chapter 446 Plunge

Demonstration reactor, is China going to build a demonstration reactor?

On a day that was unremarkable at home and was about to celebrate Thanksgiving for people overseas, China suddenly announced that the Jinwu Demonstration Reactor project would enter the next and final stage.

Starting today, construction of the demonstration reactor will begin!

Once this news was published, it immediately spread rapidly. It was no longer limited to the international plasma physics community and the controllable nuclear fusion industry, but directly set off a revolution no less than level 16 all over the world. The sensation of typhoon!

Demonstration pile!

ITER and NAA have been arguing for years, but they still haven't gained a foothold on the matter. Now, China is allowed to overtake in a corner and directly pull it into the construction range! It is a real construction, rather than just a pre-planned drawing.

How can this be? Their memories of that country are still stuck in the image of backward technology and poor economy. How could they surpass them in building a demonstration reactor? How is it possible to have the ability to build?

They could never imagine how the other party overtook the car in a curve? Is it really because of that great mathematician who amazes the world? Damn it, they have known for a long time that they should not be so relaxed. When it comes to applications, top mathematicians like that can basically make a splash. If they have a little talent, they might be able to make a big splash!

Their investigation news and relevant information have been studied over and over again. Although China has made some achievements in Tokamak research, in the end it has not deviated from the current international scope. For many people, it is far from a threat. Even before this, China's research on stellarator devices was equivalent to a blank.

However, it has only been less than a year since that person took over, and it has been less than a year since the last superconducting research paper he published in Nature and Science, but he has allowed China to develop in the field of controllable nuclear fusion. Almost multi-level jumps to hit the finish line.

If everything is true, then they really have cultivated a super talent there, and such a super talent does not belong to them, and they really want to destroy them humanely. It's just that they were too deceitful, and they should have lost the opportunity to strike a humanitarian blow immediately!

China is about to become the first country to commercialize controllable nuclear fusion technology. Its economic, geopolitical and political advantages will become more obvious, and its presence and influence in the Asia-Pacific region will also reach a speed that the world cannot imagine.

As everyone knows, mastering controllable nuclear fusion technology is the key to mankind's realization of "infinite energy" and the advancement of science and technology. The energy that controllable nuclear fusion can convert is huge, enough to solve energy problems and inject new vitality into technological innovation and improvement of quality of life.

By mastering controllable nuclear fusion, China can enjoy lower-cost and longer-term power supply, solve food and medical care problems around the world, use more efficient and durable equipment, and enjoy unlimited business opportunities...

This is definitely not alarmist. The changes brought about by new technologies are just like the Industrial Revolution back then. They are truly revolutionary changes! In particular, controllable nuclear fusion is different from any invention that people have seen before. To put it in an easy-to-understand phrase, China’s ability to harness the energy of stars will be inexhaustible.

Go to Beijing. In the solemn conference room, at this moment, because of the good news just announced, there was a feeling of relief, joy and excitement, which was very different from the serious atmosphere at that time when the controllable nuclear fusion Jinwu project was established.

"Our Golden Crow is really going to light up the world!" They chose to support Mr. Wu at that time, which was a very wise move!

"Haha...Although this competition has just begun, compared with China, which has already taken the lead, it will be extremely difficult to surpass China in other aspects, unless they also have a super talent like Mr. Wu. And we must immediately develop research and development that can break our records!”

Six hours. But according to the news they released, the Golden Crow device has actually achieved continuous operation for twenty-four hours, forty-eight hours, or longer, and the advancements end with active shutdown. It has truly solidified the true mastery of controllable nuclear fusion technology. "Of course, this is not because I'm laughing at them! Hehe... It's just how could a person like Mr. Wu appear so easily?"

"Ahem... Just say this here. You still have to leave a pair of underwear for others when you go out. Don't peel off too cleanly, otherwise the arrogant ones will die. We still need some time to continue to accumulate!" However, at the same time, they also have to show off their powerful muscles to the outside world, so that some people dare not act rashly!

"Lao Dong is right. Don't chase after poor people. We are all civilized people, so we won't beat up the drowned dogs! We, the great China, need to be more majestic!"


The comfortable smile is flying, which is more confidence and brings powerful self-confidence!


Compared with the domestic stability, around the world, the tsunami caused by China’s announcement of the establishment of the controllable nuclear fusion Jinwu Project Demonstration Reactor has a concrete reaction in the market in an instant.

Nowadays, the international situation can be reversed in an instant because of this factor. Crude oil, coal...the previous traditional energy sectors have made drastic changes. He fell down an unknown amount in an instant.

Almost a few hours after the news of the launch of the demonstration reactor project was released, and Wall Street across the sea had just opened, the global thermal coal futures market was like a frightened bird, with panic selling.

Whether China's demonstration reactor project can be successful or not, based on the news released so far, if everything is comfortable, it will really be a countdown to the finale of traditional energy!

It’s not to blame that big money suddenly cut off its resources and panic spread, but that China has always been a major consumer of crude oil imports and a major consumer of coal in the world, consuming almost more than 50% of the world’s coal.

If we say that crude oil has almost stopped plummeting due to China's new energy breakthrough, and even now, it has not yet recovered to its peak.

So the domestic breakthrough in controllable nuclear fusion technology and the completion of the demonstration reactor means that they will not necessarily no longer need so much coal, crude oil and other traditional energy sources, which means that there is no such a superpower to control the power of those international oligarchs. Energy pays the bill, and snowball collapse is inevitable!

Even though everyone knows that the construction of domestic demonstration reactors has just begun, success will take time.

But when the news broke out, most investors around the world had confidence in the traditional energy market. Naturally, there was a massive sell-off. A large amount of money wanted to run faster and with less loss, and withdrew from the traditional energy sector!

The international energy sector is green from top to bottom.

(End of this chapter)

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