"Okay, Academician Wan, we'll make arrangements now!" Tao Ran glanced at Wu Tong, and she nodded in affirmation, and immediately agreed without any shirk. It was all for the Golden Crow project to be finalized as soon as possible. They squeezed time and could still prepare a large batch for them. According to the laboratory's maximum preparation, it only took a few days to accumulate.

"Xiao Tao, you have worked hard. When our Jinwu project is completed, I, Lao Wan, will treat you to a good meal!" Academician Wan made a bold promise with a bright face. With such progress, hehe... Let him thank you out of his own pocket. Everyone on Mr. Wu’s team is fine. Of course, the biggest contributor is Mr. Wu.

However, thanking Mr. Wu for his achievements over a meal is too shallow. He will truthfully submit Mr. Wu's contribution to the higher-ups, who will eventually give him a reward. No one can erase Mr. Wu's contribution.

The divertor was completed, the stellarator device, and other components were being built in an orderly manner. Wu Tong followed up the speed. It is estimated that the main body should be able to be finally assembled within two to three months. This speed is already achieved by the full efforts of all engineering research and development personnel. Although the time seems to be long, the stellarator device and controllable nuclear fusion are never small projects.

At this time, there is no need to rush. Striving for excellence is their best achievement. By then, assembly, inspection, and final ignition, if everything goes well, they should be able to catch up with the National Day gift, this year's birthday of the motherland, controllable nuclear fusion, stellarator device, successful ignition, and continue It operates stably and can build piles, so it should be a good gift!

With the big plan and timeline in his mind clear, Wu Tong is now more focused and more at ease. Several major difficulties have been overcome. Wu Tong is now working on only two things, the layout, research and development of coils, and supercomputing. of additions.

These two items, the arrangement of superconducting coils, are related to the power of the magnetic field. On this basis, Wu Tong already had some preliminary ideas when he and Lu Xiao were discussing the plasma confinement plan. Now he is sorting it out carefully and digging deeper. Before each unit and team completes the tasks they are responsible for, Wu Tong is not too worried about solving this problem by himself!

As for the acquisition of supercomputing, Wu Tong personally communicated and reported to the higher-ups on this topic.

"Bu Chu, I'm going to cause you trouble again!" Wu Tong dialed the number directly connected to Chu Hengyuan. This is the authority given to her by the above. If Wu Tong needs assistance with anything, she does not need to go through the step-by-step process. She can directly connect with her and arrange it as quickly as possible.

"Mr. Wu, you said that the things you told us and your needs are never a problem for us!" On behalf of the higher authorities, Chu Hengyuan conveyed this central idea established early on. They must take Mr. Wu's affairs seriously. Never treat it as a problem.

The progress of the Jinwu Project was constantly observed by him and his superiors. Mr. Wu's speed and the progress in overcoming the difficulties of the entire project were beyond the expectations of the superiors, which also made the superiors even more grateful to Mr. Wu for his all-out effort.

The full support from above has never been a slogan. The hope of controllable nuclear fusion has gone from being slim and invisible to now, and now it seems that we can achieve such a leap. The above has issued instructions, and everything must be done for it. The Jinwu Project has the green light! No matter what request Mr. Wu makes, the superiors will find a way to do it for Mr. Wu. It is even said that now, Mr. Wu is still proposing project requirements.

"I need a supercomputer to control the stellarator device and the operation of the system. I need your help in arranging it. What specifications are needed? I can connect with Mr. Lu Xiaolu, but I think, in order to achieve the best results , it should be as good as possible!" Wu Tong softly stated her current needs. This is essential infrastructure.

"Super computing, right? We will try our best to coordinate for you and arrange it for you according to the configuration of Tiangong super computing!" China's super computing has now caught up with the international pace and is equipped with super computing. It is not difficult for the country to accomplish things. Since Mr. Wu needed it and it still needed to be used in the Golden Crow Project, they communicated and arranged it immediately. Assist Mr. Wu to set up a supercomputing center.

Tiangong Supercomputer has been rated as the fastest computer in the world in 10 and 13. This specification should be able to support the operation of the Jinwu Engineering Control System! If it still doesn't work, then you can only look at Sunway Taihu Light, but it will take more time to set up!

"That's enough, Chu Bu. A supercomputer will do!" She did not have too many requirements for the placement of supercomputers. However, ordinary computers could not afford the computing power to control the system, so they had to ask for supercomputer assistance. Considering that the existing supercomputers in the country required too many units and she could not put them online at any time, Wu Tong thought that they would squeeze out funds and install one from scratch.

"Okay, I'll make the arrangements now, please wait for my news!" Chu Hengyuan understood Wu Tong's intention, agreed immediately, and then started making arrangements without stopping, making plans in his mind at the same time.

He thought that the supercomputing center should be established in Mr. Wu's R&D area. At that time, the port would be authorized to the stellarator device so that their Golden Crow stellarator could use the supercomputer's computing power.

Chu Hengyuan is even considering that if Mr. Wu succeeds in the later period, supercomputer control will definitely be needed to build the reactor. So, can they carry out directional simplification of the supercomputer, enhance the computing power of the supercomputer, and remove some unnecessary functions at the same time? In this case, can they also solve some of the reactor construction costs at the same time?

This is not Chu Hengyuan's imagination. Mr. Wu has laid enough foundations. Whether it is him, his superiors, or the R&D personnel of the overall Jinwu Project, they are very confident. On the basis of this confidence, they make some arrangements in advance to avoid being caught off guard when the time comes. Isn't that more forward-looking!

Solving things as they arise has never been their principle. Thoughtful filing and meticulous advance arrangements are their intentions and full cooperation. It is not just a simple four-word statement. Thinking about what Mr. Wu thinks, or even thinking about what Mr. Wu cannot think about, they can do these marginal auxiliary things. , the core research still depends on Mr. Wu!

Mr. Wu is already planning the supercomputer. Isn’t it also a side effect of the steady progress of the Golden Crow Project? The plasma control plan has been released and the control system is probably not far away. Mr. Lu Xiao’s ability in this area is as follows. We are very clear and confident with him!

Thanks to luck, after they have a genius like Lu Xiao, they have to meet an unparalleled talent like Mr. Wu!

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