Compared with Nuoda's Jinwu Project, Wu Tong has to keep an eye on the progress and overcome the difficulties. They are only doing magnetic fluid power generation. This is something they are familiar with, and it is easy enough to make breakthroughs with a certain foundation.

After sending Yi Lao away, Wu Tong spent three days working with Lu Xiao to complete the mathematical model she established and successfully embedded it into the research and development of the motion laws of the plasma stellarator device designed and developed by Lu Xiao. Waiting for He finally passed the test and turned this promising design idea into a real control plan.

"For the next part, it's up to Brother Lu. If I need assistance with programming talents, Brother Lu told me that I would come to the superiors for secondment!" Wu Tong spread her hands. This was an unshirkable choice for her as the general person in charge. people.

"I still have some basic knowledge of the procedure, so I shouldn't need to ask for help from outside!" The process was basically completed, and Lu Xiao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Finally, he had caught up with Wu Tong's progress in this part. Although he is a front-runner, Lu Xiao does not want to be photographed dead on the beach. Keeping up with Wu Tong's progress is his basic requirement for himself.

In other words, he should be lucky that at that time, he was quite comfortable in the field of physics. With his spare energy, he did not waste his relatively good talent and mathematical skills, and he was very interested in Sung-wook and artificial intelligence... All involved in research!

At this time, it can be put to use, or it has always been useful. For example, the previous simulation test system was developed by him...

Entrusting the design of the constraint control scheme to Lu Xiao, Wu Tong certainly did not stop there. After doing this, she immediately opened up the experimental materials she had brought back from her trip to the southwest. She found them and took them with her. After the experiment, she began to carefully review and deduce the lithium plate scanning test data.

She brought over a batch of lithium tablets, which were placed at different locations on the first wall. However, there were very few samples that had actually been bombarded by the neutron beam. Fortunately, they found such samples in that experiment. No. The experiment needs to be repeated.

The cost of an experiment is a bottomless pit, and there are not enough equipment in the country to allow her to experiment endlessly! Thanks for taking care of me!

The lithium flakes that had undergone the fusion reaction could be said to be in their twilight years at that time. They were radiated by powerful neutrons, destroying most of the metal bonds and becoming derivatives that were almost breakable by bombs. Lithium itself is not a strong and durable metal material.

However, this batch of specially prepared lithium tablets also completed their mission. Wu Tong was used to test the rate of lithium recovery of neutrons. On it, she observed traces of recycling belonging to the reactants.

This trace also proves that Wu Tong's sandwich design idea is indeed feasible.

Although, this design idea still has many problems that need to be solved. For example, how much liquid lithium is appropriate for the liquid lithium recovery layer to achieve a delicate balance of treatment?

For example, if the energy carried by neutrons is too high, how can the liquid lithium layer be stably recycled and the absorbed elements released? How can the neutron beam be stably equipped with the collection of liquid lithium layer, and cooperate obediently, instead of messing up in this program and causing damaging impact on the entire recovery system...

The thickness of the liquid lithium layer is the most fundamental and important difficulty to be deduced. If it is too thick, it will not work, and if it is too thin, it will be useless. Whether it is too thick or too thin, it is not good.

The more liquid lithium layers, the better. At this time, we cannot talk about more power. If it is too thick, a large amount of tritium will be retained inside the liquid lithium, which will drag down the recovery efficiency. The thickness of the liquid lithium layer is also directly proportional to the difficulty of the project. Every additional layer will be greatly improved. Difficulty of preparation····

If one thing is not good, it is likely to affect the safety of the entire reactor, making it a shortcoming in the barrel principle of the entire reactor and causing a safety accident! Of course it won't work if it's too thin. Too thin a liquid lithium layer directly affects the proliferation rate of tritium.

Just like fertilizing, if the fertility is not enough, the crops will not grow, and the liquid lithium layer is too thin, naturally there will be no work efficiency. After all, the half-life of free neutrons is only about 10.6 minutes, which means that they have to combine neutrons with other elements. While transmutation occurs, the decay of the neutron itself must also be considered.

The most ideal situation is definitely to use liquid lithium to recover neutrons before they undergo secondary reflection at the reflective metal interface. However, it is not easy to do this!

This moderate amount requires Wu Tong to build a model based on scanning data and data on the efficiency of energy recovery carried by lithium to neutrons, and to evolve and deduce it step by step.

Details determine success or failure. Without design ideas, this plan will be fine. It can only be said that design ideas are just the first step before departure. For the rest, she still has a long way to go. Each of the above questions , all should be taken into consideration.

She has the general direction, but she still needs to continue to enrich, refine and perfect the details.

This is also the core design idea and solution of the entire project, and one of the most core problems. It must be overcome before their entire first wall can be considered stable and perfect.

The material of the first wall is mainly radiation-resistant. The uncontrolled neutron beam can pass through. The HC-1 material of the first wall is used to penetrate and decelerate the unbalanced neutron beam. The heat-resistant coating reinforcement coating is further enhanced. Due to the high temperature resistance, the subsequent liquid lithium recovery system absorbs neutrons and releases tritium, using the outermost special metal reflective layer outside the liquid lithium layer to bounce back the incompletely reacted neutrons.

At this time, Wu Tongshen made a move and exerted an upward force on the recycling system, pulling the recycled materials upward, entering the fuel chamber and putting them back into the fusion cycle.

The principle of this is mainly based on the fact that at the working temperature of liquid lithium, both tritium and helium exist in gaseous form, and they do not mix with liquid lithium.

At this time, the recovered tritium exists in the form of gas, giving it an upward force, allowing it to be recovered at the top of the device, and re-injected into the reaction chamber to participate in the reaction, achieving a cycle of virtuous use. In the same way, it solves the problem of shackles of the world. Controlled nuclear fusion formation,

Thanks to the persistent research and development experience of our predecessors and the solid foundation laid by them, these previously fragmented experience data were connected by Wu Tonghe and deduced into the sandwich snack design ideas that are now amazing for the entire project.


The meticulous direction, under Wu Tong's continuous deduction, tends to be perfected. Wu Tong conducted a running simulation in the derivation space. The tritium remaining in the liquid lithium was successfully separated under the solution derived by Wu Tong and entered the cycle, becoming a good substrate for the next fusion reaction.

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