And they have promised investors to complete the three 2020-minute commitments before 10.

Deutsche has always been known for its rigor, and the data they can publish are more likely to be within the time they feel they can achieve.At present, internationally, in this section, there is not much experience for them to learn from.

In this section, China has been lagging behind for a long time, but Wu Tong is still confident in herself. She feels that given some time, she should be able to close the gap.

Since Germany has this ambition, her goal should be to be earlier and longer than the other party!Wu Tong secretly set a big goal for himself.Only when you have goals can you have motivation, and only when you have motivation can you have direction and output for your efforts!

You can't reach a thousand miles without taking small steps, and a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Once you set a big goal, start from the progress of each step to improve the overall device.

A large project like controllable nuclear fusion covers all aspects, and involves technical difficulties, from plasma physics to materials research and even information technology research... This is a very large project. Wu Tong planned carefully and determined that they would gradually overcome it. pace arrangement.

She currently has two major material issues that need to be solved. The first one is superconducting materials, which are infinitely close to room temperature, or materials that can superconduct at room temperature. The installation project must be simple and no special settings are required. Conditional superconducting materials are used to form superconducting coils that provide a huge magnetic field to confine the elusive plasma.

The second item is undoubtedly the reactor wall, that is, the material of the first wall. No matter how the plasma is restrained, there will always be some that cannot be restrained, which will bring neutron impact to the first wall. This requires that the first wall Materials must withstand the light and heat that start at hundreds of millions of temperatures in the fusion reaction, as well as block the impact of plasma that escapes the magnetic field. This requires that they need a material that is extremely resistant to high temperatures and can withstand the penetration of neutrons.

To put it bluntly, Wu Tong is quite familiar with high-temperature-resistant materials. After all, Wu Tong has accumulated a lot of experience in heat-resistant materials for fighter planes and missiles. It can be said that Wu Tong is good at high-temperature-resistant materials. Above and within the world, they can all be counted.Wu Tong still has a lot of confidence in the development of materials in this sector.

Both of these are material issues that must be overcome.

Materials that exhibit superconductivity under certain conditions are called superconducting materials.Superconducting materials are a popular field of physics. Because of their important application value, 5 Nobel Prizes are related to it.

According to the material's response to superconductivity, it can be divided into Type I superconductors and Type II superconductors.

According to the critical temperature, they can be divided into high-temperature superconductors and low-temperature superconductors.High-temperature superconductors usually refer to superconductors with a critical temperature higher than the liquid nitrogen temperature (greater than 77K), and low-temperature superconductors usually refer to superconductors with a critical temperature lower than the liquid nitrogen temperature (less than 77K).According to the type of material, it can be divided into elemental superconductors (such as lead and mercury), alloy superconductors (such as niobium titanium alloy), oxide superconductors (such as yttrium barium copper oxide), and organic superconductors (such as carbon nanotubes).

In recent years, on the basis that traditional element and alloy superconductors have been unable to break through the constraints, organic superconductors have begun to become a world-class hot research topic.Research on the superconductivity of graphene materials has become a very promising research topic with the gradual rise of graphene.

Wu Tong has recently focused on this aspect of information. He has seen that as early as 2007, there were scientific researchers in this field who published a paper on "Bipolar Supercurrent in Graphene" in "Nature" , Wu Tong checked the author's literature and past information and found that this research group has been continuously researching and developing this topic. They are working on the superconducting properties of graphene materials under low temperature conditions.

This is a relatively new research idea, which has opened up the development and research of organic superconductors and the study of superconducting properties such as carbon nanotubes, which has begun to become the focus of scientific researchers in this sector.

Wu Tong wrote down a title record on the research on the superconducting properties of carbon nanomaterials. This was a good research and development idea. Wu Tong began to collect information in this area with great interest and conduct research and development.

In fact, the current popular direction of superconductivity in China is still dominated by traditional superconductors, mostly elemental superconductors, oxide superconductors, and alloys. In the field of organic superconductivity, there is a blank, and Wu Tong is unable to collect a lot of data.But this point is not difficult for Wu Tong. It is very simple. If there are no conditions, then create conditions.
Lu Xun once said that there is no road in the world. When more people walk, it becomes a road!Her predecessors had not left enough foundation to give her the opportunity to stand on the shoulders of her predecessors and jump higher.Then, it is up to her to be the pioneer, to cross the river by feeling the stones, and to accumulate experience and lay the foundation for future generations.

Design different simulation experiments to select the right direction. In many experiments, Wu Tong can actually simulate deductions out of thin air in the derivation space. However, this would consume too much energy and the power of the Enlightenment Monument, and secondly, Wu Tong wanted to leave enough experimental data, so Wu Tong chose to design experiments and operate them in the institute's laboratory, which was a little more troublesome.

The third update is that Wu Tong actually does not want to rely too much on the deduction space under certain conditions. This is not because she is worried that one day she will lose the monument of enlightenment.Rather, everything in the derivation space is based on the perfect state in Wu Tong's cognition, which can be achieved with a wave of his hand, but in reality, he can actually master more.

You must know that many major achievements often come from accidental operations and derivation spaces. It is very likely that such accidental miracles are blocked from happening.
Repeating the research and development experiments on organic superconductors in the literature and top academic journals, designing experimental models and experimental procedures step by step, trying step by step, accumulating various data step by step, and filtering and improving step by step, Wu Tong is in the field of organic superconductors. The accumulation in the field of superconductors has also grown step by step with time, growing like a snowball.

When she was conducting research and development, she collected information without hiding too much from the people in the institute. Therefore, the core members of the research team naturally knew that Wu Tong's next topic was superconducting materials.

This is a very important and popular topic. Wu Tong pays attention to this topic. In fact, they are not surprised. They remember that Wu Tong said that after New Year's Day, they will start a major topic, which is the field of superconductivity?But regardless of whether it was true or not, Wu Tong began to study and research in this area, and even experimented!

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