The actual measured data was released during the dinner. The driver took turns for twelve hours and ran a full mileage of more than 1000 kilometers on the highway, and the battery power showed that it was not more than half. Such data immediately made many new The participants and investors in the energy sector all had brighter eyes, chasing after Chu Hengyuan and several auxiliary leaders who hosted the meeting.

Waiting for them to announce the latest policies and plans, I also want to get more of a share of this big wave that is destined to rise. No one despises the size of their career, and they all want to go to the next level, or even several levels. Lou is not!

The east wind for the rise of new energy vehicles has arrived. If they continue to fail to seize the opportunity and keep pace with the times, they will really be fools pushing their profits and fame out of the door!
Now that the new energy summit has been held by the higher authorities, this is a signal to give them a chance. Even if the higher authorities want to nationalize the most important battery sector and hold it in their hands, the new energy vehicle market alone is enough for them to share the cake. Yes, there is also the charging pile market and the infrastructure market... There are many sectors that can be driven and invested, and the profits can be seen with the naked eye.

"Now, we have become the hot cakes!" Chu Hengyuan sighed softly to the people around him. The person next to him was the leader of the Industry and Information Technology Department, whose position was very different from his own.

"When did you, Lao Chu, become more attractive? It's just that this time, it's even more tempting!" Yang Si joked. This time, the actions taken by the above are not small. There has been a breakthrough in scientific research. They are really confident. They are working together. Yes, I am very happy with this progress.

For them, they are not afraid of trouble, as long as they do not have the opportunity to intervene!

Only when the country is strong can they have confidence and a future!

"You're so attractive!" If he hadn't considered the image, and at this moment, it was almost equivalent to being in front of everyone. He had to pay attention to the angle when speaking, and couldn't make people guess randomly based on the shape of his mouth. Chu Hengyuan would have wanted to be immoral at this moment. A kick in the face for colleagues who use random words.

Yang Si made a stop gesture. Now is not the place to talk. In the past two or three years, the scientific research department has been riding on the same trend, which is really impressive!Usually, they still have a department with good weight, but now they are being pulled over to help Lao Chu. Not every department has such a scenery!

Redefine industry rules, redefine development policies, draw boundaries and rules, and propose plans and goals... The entire summit is in full swing, with the carrot of a [-]-billion-yuan starting market cake hanging in front, and the promotion of policies In response to the planning goals, the implementation was extremely smooth.

While the new energy sector was in full swing, Wu Tong was not idle, and really began to prepare for pre-research work on controllable nuclear fusion.

Wu Tong has already been exposed to a lot of information in this area.Lithium battery anode materials and the optimal ratio of lithium-sulfur batteries actually do not take up too much of Wu Tong's energy, especially as the time front is stretched. While Wu Tong is guiding the team's research and development, he also has more time to control the On the big topic of nuclear fusion, we are making reserves.

The process of two lighter nuclei merging into a heavier nucleus and releasing energy is called nuclear fusion.

The easiest fusion reaction in nature is the fusion of deuterium and tritium, an isotope of hydrogen, which has been going on for 50 billion years in the sun.

Controlled nuclear fusion is naturally a technology that imitates this fusion reaction for diffraction. It is commonly known as artificial sun, because the principle of the sun is nuclear fusion reaction.With the help of hydrogen isotopes.Nuclear fusion does not produce the long-term and high-level nuclear radiation that occurs in nuclear fission, does not produce nuclear waste, and of course does not produce greenhouse gases. It basically does not pollute the environment. People's understanding of thermonuclear fusion began with the explosion of hydrogen bombs.

Scientific researchers hope to have a device that can effectively control the process of "hydrogen bomb explosion", allowing the energy to be continuously and stably output, and then derive two directions of fusion and fission.

Fission energy is the huge energy released by the fission of atoms of heavy metal elements, and has been commercialized.Because heavy metal elements such as uranium required for fission are scarce on the earth, and conventional fission reactors produce long-lived and highly radioactive nuclear waste, these factors limit the development of fission energy.

Another form of nuclear energy is fusion nuclear energy, which has not yet been commercialized. It is said to be controllable nuclear fusion that is still 50 years away. Wu Tong’s key goal is to achieve controllable, clean and pollution-free controllable nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion.

One fence has three stakes, and one hero has three gangs.

Wu Tong has no plans to handle such a big project by herself. That would be unrealistic. She needs strong partners. The institute, her research team and teachers are the scheduled assistance. In addition to In addition, Lu Xiao, who has an extraordinary accumulation of knowledge in physics, is also one of Wu Tong's invitation targets.

After the lithium anode material was finalized, at the same time, the J-35 project, the conventional take-off and landing version and the carrier-based version... also all made breakthroughs within this year. The test flights were a complete success, and they were gradually put into production and service. Lu Xiao's work at hand, On New Year's Eve, it can basically be handed over. This is the progress Wu Tong learned about the last time they contacted and docked the J-35 project.

Her key goal since the second half of the year has been on the aircraft carrier, and Lu Xiao, along with Gong Zhan and Professor Feng, will continue to follow up on the subsequent repetitive work of supervising and commissioning production. The J-35 entered service successfully. They are well-deserved heroes and great contributors!
It just so happened that, considering that Lu Xiao had not started a new project yet, Wu Tong took this opportunity to send him an invitation to assist. The previous cooperation had been happy and enjoyable.

"Controllable nuclear fusion? This is a big project, but it's very interesting, isn't it?" Lu Xiao was a little shocked by Wu Tong's step, but at the same time, he was eager to try it.

"No problem, Mr. Wu, I am a brick in the revolution. If controllable nuclear fusion needs me, I will automatically move to the project team!" This project was also a project that he had a high interest in. Plasma magnetic field confinement, this is a Huge subject.However, when he returned to China, everything was booming in the country. By chance, he first deployed radar, and then gradually entered into the design and development of fighter aircraft.

Now that there is an opportunity to participate in this project, Lu Xiao will certainly not miss it!

"There are currently three main methods of controllable nuclear fusion: gravitational confinement, inertial confinement and magnetic confinement. The current mainstream research on controllable nuclear fusion is still the tokamak device. This device is simpler in engineering!"

Since Wu Tong could bring up this invitation, he must have done enough research in the field of controllable nuclear fusion. Lu Xiao directly discussed it with Wu Tong with great interest.

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